
Chapter One: College days

Krizle's POV

"Good morning world, good morning universe!!, It's time to spread love!!!" I shouted after l woke up from my bed.

I'm Krizle Mae Sanchez, 20 your future Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Yes ...no Yes!! I'm dreaming to be CPA but that's not just a dream cause lm on my last year in college. I'm fourth year collage of Accountancy Department in Reyes International University.

I'm full scholar, since we are not rich were just in the middle class. My mommy is a house wife and my daddy is a lawyer...I'm the only child but lm not spoiled brat and luckily my parents didn't treat me like a baby me instead they mold me to be strong and courageous women. They support me on what ever l want to do. Dad is working in Mercadejas Law firm, and speaking of the son of the owner of that law firm is my Schoolmate.

Wait don't think that lm so lucky by being schoolmate of my daddy's boss son cause lm not. That son of my daddy's boss is getting into my nerves since where in senior high school he always find a way to pissed me off until now he make my college life miserable as hell.

They says that there are two reason why a person or a man bully you. The first one is they are lack of attention and they seeking it/ they are KSP(kulàng sa Pansin) and the second one is they are attracted on you, like they have a crush or in love with you. But dude in his case maybe he's belong to the first category.

I didn't say that he's ugly but it looks like that...hahahahaha kidding aside. Actually he's handsome, smart and obviously rich. But always remember that not all beautiful outside is still beautiful inside some are not. He's so arrogant and bully.

He's spoiled brat, since like me he's the only heir of their assets and companies.

But still l don't care. Okey Krizle Calm down the sy is so beautiful to be upset. Ignore him... inhale...exhale ...inhale ...exhale.

I stand from ny bed and check my schedule for this day. It's Monday and l have a two major subject to attend for this morning.

I go to my bathroom and do my routines every morning.

After a one hour lm ready to go to school and I'm with my dad on his ford. He's going with me to drop me at my school.

"Dad, how's your work? " I suddenly ask him. He just smiled at me and go his sight in to the road.

"Darling don't worry about my work, l can handle those things and lm happy on my work and work place. My boss and workmates treat me well."

"Haist, dad..." He cut me off

" Darling l know your issue about the son of my boss that going to be our CEO after this year. L already meet him,"

"What?..." I shouted and he suddenly step the break.

"Aissh, Darling stop shouting"

"Sorry dad...but how and when? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Hahahaha, do you have crush on him?..."

"No way...stop it dad"

"Hahahaha..okey fine. Darling my boss is starting to train him as our next CEO and since I have a position on their company lm one of the head remember l, that's why l meet him during the meeting that's his first day as a trainee. I got shook when right after the meeting my boss called me on him office together with his son. I don't have any idea so l just go. Until my boss says that his son and you are school mate. Then suddenly the Son asked me what's your name then l gave your name. Then he talked with me and asked me more about you like... what's your favorite and the things that you hate the most. And starting on that day my boss excuses me and double my salary becaus of his son." my dad said.

I didn't know what to say..."really?, But why maybe he's going to use those information to embarrassed me and bully me again. Dad you know what that man is so childish and arrogant. He's getting into my nerves." I confess on my dad since we are all open to each other.

" Darling l think he's good..based on how he socialize and talk to me even without my boss. I think he's just lack in attention. Just don't pay attention. And one more think he's a man and he may have a crush on you....hahahahaha...just kidding. But seriously study first okey. Your already twenty years old and always remember that were just here at your back, we are supporting you in any decisions you made. Always remember what l though on you." my dad said while parking our car infront of the University gate.

"Yes ...dad, lm very thankful to have you and mommy as my parents, you and mom are the best. I love you dad, and as well mommy even though he's not here."

"We are more thankful for having a daughter like you. We love you too."

I gave my daddy a hug and kiss him on his cheeks. And he kiss me on my forehead while hugging me back.

We stay on that position for a minute. We cut our hug when man knock on my daddy's window.

My eyebrows automatically rise and frown on that man's Direction. That Cloud Xander Mercadejas. Pst...is he going to create a good image in the eyes of my daddy.