
Blessed Curse

In a world where ancient cultivation practices coexist with cutting-edge technology, Aurora Boralis, an ambitious 18-year-old, is thrust into a tantalizing journey of self-discovery and power. Chosen to join the enigmatic and elite Blossoming Rose sect, Aurora unravels the seductive secret behind their unparalleled success: the intoxicating union of sex and cultivation. Handpicked by a wise and influential elder, Aurora enters the ranks of the Blossoming Rose sect, soon discovering the unconventional methods that fuel their extraordinary power. As she embraces her newfound dual life as a cultivator and adult entertainer, Aurora forms unbreakable bonds with her housemates and mentors, who guide and support her through this exhilarating and sensual adventure. As a brewing war looms on the horizon, Aurora's journey becomes one of passion, desire, and self-discovery, leading her towards an unimaginable destiny. As secrets unravel and alliances form, Aurora must confront the staggering consequences of her newfound knowledge and the power it unlocks. Blessed Curse invites readers to embark on a captivating and electrifying journey, as Aurora navigates a world of cultivation, pleasure, and hidden power. This spellbinding tale of love, passion, and empowerment will leave you breathless, eager to uncover the secrets of the vast world alongside Aurora. Don't miss out on the adventure that awaits within these pages. Chapters release Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4:30 UTC! If you'd like to read the whole almost 60 chapter book 1 ahead of time, please check out my Patreon! Book 1 is on there, as well as several previous works, and lots of art from those works. Much of it is erotic in nature. All for $5! https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

LucyLynn · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 2

Aurora found herself sitting inside a luxurious vehicle; the elder who had recruited her sitting opposite her. Aurora was unsure how to act. This was the most expensive ride she had ever been inside. The elder suddenly handed Aurora a book.

"Read this. It's our sect's cultivation technique. You should be able to learn it by the time we arrive. Right, my name is Vara Kiera. You can call me elder Kiera. From today on, you're a disciple under my care," Vara Kiera said.

"Thank you, elder Kiera. My name is Aurora Boralis," Aurora bowed to her elder. "Elder Kiera, I know nothing about our sect. Would you mind telling me a bit about it?" Aurora asked.

"Yes, I probably should. We are the Blossoming Rose Sect, and we are rather unique compared to the others. We are usually referred to as sexual cultivators, as we use sex to increase our cultivation," Elder Kiera said as if it was the most ordinary thing she could ever speak of.

"Huh?" Was the only sound Aurora could manage to utter. Using sex to increase cultivation? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"We use a special technique to harness the energies having sex creates. This energy speeds up our cultivation and comprehension capabilities. But very few people are capable of practicing it. And most of us are women, too. As you saw, only two other girls were recruited by us this time, and not a single boy. At least not before the two of us left. But you are even more special. Of the crop this time, even in all the other sects, you'll be among the top few," Kiera said.

"Why is that? I'm finding this whole thing really hard to grasp. Am I really that compatible with this sex technique?" Aurora asked.

"There are mainly two reasons why we want you so badly. Indeed, your body is perfectly suited for sexual cultivation. You will gain as much benefit from it as possible. But in addition to this, you're also a virgin. If you practice our technique, losing your virginity will be extremely beneficial for you and your partner. The first time you have sex is when the sexual energies will be the strongest. That's why, when we arrive at our sect, one of our male elders will take your virginity. It will be great for him, but even better for you since the stronger your partner is, the stronger the effect is," Vara Kiera explained.

"Then… I'll need to have sex with him?" Aurora asked.

"Of course. Sex is something you will have at every opportune moment. Not just the elder, you'll be having sex with your fellow disciples, too," the elder replied.

"I'm not sure if that's something I want to do. I don't know if this is the sect for me," Aurora said, trying to sound as respectful as possible.

"Joining our sect is final. But not having sex, for you, is denying yourself something great. For someone with a body like ours, it's going to feel even better than for normal people. It won't hurt at all, not even the first time. And more importantly, sex is something your body craves. You masturbate a lot, don't you? And I bet you get stressed easily," elder Kiera said.

"How did you know that? I admit I masturbate a lot, but I'm discreet about it. How would you know about it? And yeah, I'm always stressed, but that's because I always have to fend off guys who want to touch or fuck me," Aurora said, feeling confused.

"Didn't you listen? Our bodies crave sex. It's a need of ours, similar to sleep. It won't affect our health, but it will make us moody if we don't have sex. And yes, harassment would stress out anyone, but I bet it's only worsened because it's sexual in nature. If you just let them touch you and were more promiscuous, I bet you'd be free of stress," Kiera said. Hearing that, Aurora remembered the incident with the guy at morning practice. For some reason, she had let him touch her, even going as far as letting him feel her bare breasts and ass. It had been strangely calming and pleasant. Something which she had been unable to explain at the time.

But hearing the elder, it made sense. She knew she masturbated way more than other girls. The internet had informed her of that. And just a moment of being fondled had relieved some of her long-standing stress.

"Alright then, I'll go through with it," Aurora said. She had never had sex with anyone in the past because they only wanted her for her body. There was no benefit in it for her. But this was completely different. They would be having sex for the sake of power. But not only that, but it would also solve problems Aurora had been having for years. It would get rid of her stress and was apparently something she needed to do. With all this in mind, it was worth it to Aurora.

She had no reason to think that elder Kiera was lying, either. This wasn't some backwater. The Blossoming Rose Sect was one of the top sects in the country, and even Aurora knew their name. However, she didn't know anything about them before this day. If Kiera said all those things, they were most probably true.

"Good. I can promise you that you're going to enjoy it. Few disciples get the opportunity to have sex with an elder. Only those that enter the sect as virgins and a few others get that opportunity. But with the nature of our bodies, most of our disciples have sex long before joining the sect. You're truly a rare flower. But let me explain a few more things before you read the book. As I told you earlier, most of those who can join our sect are women. The ability to practice sexual cultivation appears very rarely in men. That's why we currently have a gender ratio of four to one.

And we also have a shared living system. Groups of five live together in one house. Four women and one man. You'll all be living together, eating together, and sleeping together. The man in your home will be the one you'll have the most sex with. If you have children as a disciple, statistically speaking, he's most likely to be the father. This is also something the sect supports since the child of two sexual cultivators will also be able to practice sexual cultivation. Oh, and you should probably get dressed in your new sect uniform. Here," elder Kiera said as she handed Aurora a new set of clothes. She rapidly changed into them, giving her elder a brief glimpse of her bare chest.

"This is really revealing," she commented as she looked at herself. It was a cheongsam, which was typical attire in sects. But it left little to the imagination. It didn't cover her sides at all, only held together by a few strings above her breasts. Her thighs, waist, and sides of her belly were visible. Both the sides of her breasts and her cleavage were revealed to the world. Maybe a tiny third of her breasts were covered. Aurora's entire back was visible, besides a few straps and strings.

But looking at elder Kiera, Aurora shouldn't be too surprised. She was wearing a very revealing outfit, too. But it did suit her. And from what Aurora could see of her own body, she also looked damn good in the sect uniform.

"We, the women of the Blossoming Rose Sect, celebrate our bodies. You should show yourself off with pride. After all, we are the most beautiful women in the world. A happy side effect of being born with our unique constitution," Kiera explained.

"I've always been averse to wearing revealing clothes since it made the men's lust for me even worse. But I've never felt any shame about my body or looks. So if I'm to give in to sex, this might be good," Aurora said.

"That's the right attitude to have, Aurora. But let us stop chatting for now. You should focus on learning the technique behind sexual cultivation. It's not that difficult to get the hang of. We'll arrive at the sect in about two hours. That should be enough time," Kiera said. Aurora gave the elder a firm nod and started reading.

Close to two hours later, Aurora closed the book. The cultivation part was similar to her old technique, so it wasn't difficult to grasp. Only the harnessing of sexual energy was different. But she understood the concept pretty well, and it seemed natural to Aurora. She was meant to do this, so it wasn't difficult.

"You finished?" Elder Kiera asked, her eyes focusing on the book.

"Yes, elder. I think I understand it well enough," Aurora responded.

"Good. You'll have to focus on using the technique at first, but it'll become entirely natural soon. You won't even have to think about it. Just make sure to be diligent in having sex. Spend as much time with your housemate as possible. While having sex with normal cultivators works fine, doing it with fellow sexual cultivators is best. This is the reason we have our disciples live with each other. To us, sex is just as important as meditation." Kiera explained.

"I understand," Aurora said. But in reality, she was a bit conflicted. She had spent years guarding her virginity, but now she just had to give it away. Aurora believed Kiera when she said it wouldn't hurt, but she still couldn't help but be nervous. What girl wouldn't be anxious about her first time?

"Who is it that will take my first? Will he be nice to me? And handsome?" Aurora asked. Just like anyone else, Aurora would prefer someone attractive.

"Of course, he'll be handsome. Beauty is a fundamental trait of our people. And being skilled at sex is another one. The elders, especially. Naturally, he'll be nice to you, and treat you like the Blossoming Rose that you are, my dear," elder Kiera said, a rare smile appearing on her rosy lips. It was the first one Aurora had seen. Kiera even caressed Aurora's cheek with her fingers to accentuate the sudden show of affection.

Aurora had to touch the area the elder had touched. Her fingers had been so smooth, just like her voice.

"You're really beautiful, elder Kiera. Not just your looks, but your voice and even the touch of your fingers. Everyone always tells me how 'hot' I am, but honestly, I don't think I can hold a candle to you," Aurora suddenly said. Kiera chuckled at the compliment.

"This is just another effect of our cultivation method. We are meant to be sex objects. The most incredible beauties in the land, as they used to say. As we improve in cultivation realm, we also enhance our so-called beauty. This isn't because of sexual cultivation, really, but our constitution. If you look at yourself now, compared to when you were at the Body Tempering stage, you likely look even prettier. When you reach my level, you'll be even lovelier.

But this is as much a curse as a blessing. Beauty can be a beneficial thing. It can help us get what we want, and the price to lay with us is high. But many would take us by force. This was especially common in the old days. It doesn't happen as much now, with the rise of technology and slavery steadily becoming more shunned. But you must still be careful when outside the sect," elder Kiera said.

Vara Kiera told Aurora about various things for the next fifteen minutes until they arrived at their location. Aurora was more than happy to get out of the car and stretch her legs. The Blossoming Rose Sect was very different compared to the Mount Northpeak Sect. Mount Northpeak was a newer sect and had very modern architecture. Blossoming Rose, on the other hand, was much more traditional. It had wood buildings, statues, stone fountains, and more beautiful pieces of scenery. Aurora preferred it to the utilitarian style of her old home.

Elder Kiera took Aurora's hand in her own and led her away. This intimate act clearly showed anyone who saw Aurora as one of her own. Elder Kiera had taken Aurora under her wing, so Aurora could be said to be her personal disciple.

"Come, I'll help you get settled. First, we'll go to your new house," Vara said. It wasn't too far of a walk before they arrived. The Blossoming Rose Sect didn't have as many members as Mount Northpeak, so it didn't take up as much area. And they'd also arrived pretty near the residential area.

The level of their disciples allowed the Blossoming Rose Sect to be a top-tier sect in the nation. Being a sexual cultivator effectively made you a genius, so everyone was quite talented.

The house that would be Aurora's home in the future was large and highly luxurious. The Blossoming Rose sect clearly pampered their disciples regarding things like this.

"This is your home. Our sect doesn't differentiate between outer, inner, and core disciples concerning housing due to the low gender disparity. Eventually, you might live with outer, inner, and core disciples. But for now, you're the only resident of this house. That will only be lasting until your fellow disciples from your old sect arrive, though. Which won't be that long. Those two twins will be living with you, and the rest of your housemates will come from other batches. The man and remaining girl will probably be here within a week. Let's go inside," the elder said before leading Aurora into her new home.

Entering the building felt like she had returned home to her village. Only her parents had become super rich. The village Aurora had grown up in wasn't very advanced, so the buildings were old. The furnishings had been old too, with some exceptions, like TVs, computers, and phones.

This was similar. It had an old style to it, only extremely luxurious.

"The house has the master bedroom, where you're all supposed to sleep together. But you also have a private room where you can keep your things. Those rooms also have a toilet each, but the showers are shared. This brings me to the best part; there's an inner courtyard with a hot spring in it. It's a very nice place to relax and unwind. You're definitely going to spend many evenings there with your housemates. Other than that, you have a dining room, living room, training room, a few music rooms, what else… right, a few study rooms. Anyways, you can get acquainted with this place later. For now, I'll take you to the assignment hall. They'll give you your job, a few sets of clothing, and your sect insignia. Let's go," elder Kiera said, still holding Aurora's hand.

"Elder Kiera, what are the differences between the uniform colors here? I see black with red outlines, white with black outlines, pink, and blue uniforms. Why are there four kinds?" Aurora asked.

"The black uniforms, like yours, are for outer disciples. The white and black ones are for the inner disciples. The pink ones are for the female core disciples, while the blue ones are for the male core disciples. Not all men like wearing pink. But I'm surprised you even saw a blue one. There aren't that many around," Kiera said.

"I saw a pair of them walking in that direction," Aurora said as she pointed at two blue-dressed men.

"If there was only one of them, I'd probably mistake him as an elder or rule breaker," Aurora said.

"I hope to see you wearing one of those pink cheongsams in the future. But I believe the white one isn't far away. The standards are higher over here than in your old sect, but you'll catch up fast. You have a head start already, and you're a virgin, so that will give you a quick boost," the elder said. Aurora felt awkward talking about her virginity, which would soon be taken.

"Elder, what kinds of jobs are there here? You think I can get a good one?" Aurora asked. In the old sect, it was first come, first serve for the good jobs.

"That won't be up to either of us. Jobs are assigned to you here, and you only get paid in contribution points. You do get a monthly allowance, though, which is equal for all disciples of the same tier," elder Kiera explained.

"So if I get a crappy job, I just have to stick with it? At Mount Northpeak, you at least got the opportunity to choose a better job next year," Aurora said.

"No, you can use contribution points to get a better job. But it isn't cheap, and you have to stay at your job for a minimum of half a year. But there aren't any too horrible jobs here. We have servants for those things. We're here, let's go in," Kiera said. Aurora silently followed, preparing herself for her fate.

The elder walked up to a woman working behind a desk.

"This one is a new outer disciple. Her name is Aurora Boralis," elder Kiera said. The woman behind the desk looked at Aurora and smiled at her. She was beautiful but not quite at Vara Kiera's level.

"Well, let's get you registered, then. First is your insignia. Here. Always keep it on you. Right, now, we'll find a job for you, and then you can go in there to get your uniforms," the woman said, pointing towards a door on the other wall.

"Oh, there's a space in the public department. Seems like that will be your job. It is from ten in the morning to two in the afternoon every weekday for an outer disciple. Remember to show up every day," the woman said.

"Yes, senior," Aurora replied with a bow. Elder Kiera put her hand on Aurora's shoulder and showed her to the uniform storage.

"Elder Kiera, what is the public department?" Aurora asked.

"Its full name is the public sex department. You'll be selling sex to outside cultivators, filming porn, some modeling, that kind of stuff. It's a big earner for the sect and good for your cultivation. Definitely one of the best assignments," elder Kiera said.

"What? You're making me a prostitute and a porn actress? Really?" Aurora asked, entirely surprised. She knew she would be having regular sex from now on, but she never, ever expected to have to sell herself and make porn. That was a bit outside her comfort zone.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you're exempt for the first two weeks. As soon as you really get into sex, you'll be fine with it. I know because my situation was similar when I joined the sect. I was also a virgin and uncomfortable with sex. But within two weeks, I was just like everyone else. And I also worked at the public sex department for quite a while, and in my opinion, it's the best job," elder Kiera said while rubbing Aurora's shoulder with affection.

"Okay, elder Kiera. I believe you," Aurora said. Then, they grabbed several sets of clothing. The sports uniform was very similar to the one at the old sect but smaller and more revealing. She could tell that her lower butt cheeks would probably be visible in the shorts, and the sports bra had a hole in the cleavage.

With clothes in hand, the two returned to Aurora's new home. Now there was only one more task left for the day. It was time for Aurora to give away her virginity.

Thanks for reading! If you'd like to read the whole almost 60 chapter book 1 ahead of time, please check out my Patreon!

Book 1 is on there, as well as several previous works, and lots of art from those works. Much of it is erotic in nature. All for $5!


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