
Blessed By Mana (TBATE)

After having successfully defeated the demon Zarged, responsible for the tragedy of the Elf tribe 500 years ago with the aid of the Magic Knights of the present era, Licht went on to help them one last time by lifting off the reincarnation spell cast on them by the demon. He then felt his own soul departing the artificial body prepared for him and begin to fade away. He would finally be able to reunite with both Tetia and Lumiere in the afterlife. Or that's what he thought but not every wish is fulfilled and not all stories come to and end. Sometimes even the end marks a new beginning. (I don't own TBATE or Black Clover, nor their characters. Both of these works belong to their respected writers. All I own is the fanfiction. Enjoy reading!)

Duke_Aaron · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

26. Diviner's Secrets

Licht Eralith's POV

"So you are telling me that some so-called deities appeared out of nowhere and bestowed the forefathers of each royal family with two artifacts each?" I inquired once she finished speaking. "Why would they do that? Also what is the use of those artifacts?"

"This is from what all of the inner royal family members are told generation after generation. The artifacts aren't for the royal family or the king to use but rather to bestow them onto their two most powerful subjects under a soul oath through a sort of knighting ceremony." Grandma answered.

She further explained that besides the artifacts did not only bestow their wielders with immense power but also gave them insight on how to utilize the source of energy which makes up the world and is ever present around them.


"With this the users of the artifacts shared their knowledge to those whom they deemed capable, thus giving rise to the very first generation of mages." She further added. "The three pairs of artifacts distributed had different attributes and were divided between the humans, elves and dwarves, segregating us all even further."

"So the differences between the elements we are able and those we aren't able to, is because of the artifacts." I summarized to which Grandma gave a confirmative nod. 'Seems elves and dwarves got the shorter ends of the stick.'

"It seems you are onto something." Grandma spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Well I won't deny that. This tale helped me clear many of my doubts." I answered.

Firstly it solved the eternal mystery of mine as to why the denizens of this world are able to utilize only limited elements. Secondly, the answer to what Lances are. Lances are those people who are bestowed with the artifacts that upgrades them to the White Core stage, making them the swords and shields for their respective kingdoms.

This also enables the kings and queens of respective kingdoms to keep a leash on the Lances which means they aren't able to rebel against their respective rulers due to the binding vow that takes place in the knighting ceremony. Since there has been any records of a mage achieving White Core stage without the aid of artifacts till date, the rulers are pretty much confident about that not happening for another century or two.

After having driven out the Mana Beasts in the Beast Glades, the three races had divided themselves and the harmony between them had been lost. Establishing their own territories in the continent of Dicathen, they began ruling in their said kingdoms. The first war between the three races was the one that gave rise to the three kingdoms after having driven the Beasts into a corner and the second war in which Grandpa was involved was the war between Elves and Humans, with the reason for that being simply the greed of the human king at that time.

Staring at my empty palm, I wondered whether I should try 'it' out or not. There is no guarantee of it working out or not. I would have to test that out myself. I have already achieved Mana Skin here and also the advanced version of it which was exclusive to use elves. I also learn that without the deep insight and knowledge of mana and how it works, not many can utilize it.

This was something I learned from tutoring Joshua. It would be rude to say but he has been a good guinea pig when it comes to testing various theories of my own. The next step I am aiming for is Mana Zone and for that I would need to somehow influence the mana in my surroundings. That's one of the key elements of using Mana Zone.

"Let's talk about that later. How about telling me the reason for this story session." I reminded her, shifting my focus back to the topic at hand. "One could be that Arthur got his Beast Will from a deity and not any mere mana beast."

"And how did you arrive at that conclusion?" Grandma asked in a composed manner. That was more than enough to confirm that I was right on track.

"When you first laid eyes on him, you mentioned that the beast that gave their will to him shouldn't be classified into S or even SS-Class for that matter." I answered in a serious tone. "Even grandpa despite being a Beast Tamer couldn't figure that out in a single glance."

"You must have come across one to deduce that right away." I pressed on before Grandma Rinia could even respond. "Either that or you foresaw it happening. And that would mean you also knew about Tessia's kidnapping by the slave traders and Arthur saving her, didn't you?"

Grandmother blinked in surprise, not really having expected me to figure out that much. Her reaction once again proved that I was on the correct track. Right now, curiosity was eating my mind. There are still many things about this world that I am unaware about.

Who are these deities? What are their motives? Why did they hand out artifacts to the citizens of this continent and taught them the art of utilizing mana even though the knowledge is half-baked in my opinion. They simply could have let the citizens of Dicathen fend off the beasts for themselves. There was no need to interfere unless there is a certain motive behind their actions.

Nothing is for free no matter whatever world people end up in, there is always a motive or a purpose behind an action. If Grandma really knew about Tessia being kidnapped and Arthur rescuing her and yet didn't tell us anything about it then there must be a reason for that as well.

"All the points that you have put are correct." Grandma calmly responded, having regained her composure from the initial surprise. "I also knew about Tessia's kidnapping and there's a reason I did not tell anyone about that."

"I will not ask what the reason was for doing so. Rather, I think you should be aware of this..." I paused. The words she said about Arthur where she mentioned that there were parts of his life which even she couldn't see meant only one thing. "You know what we are.."

"So what? That does not change anything. To me you are still my grandson." Grandma Rinia responded with a warm smile. "You are Licht Eralith, eldest child of the Eralith Royal Family."

That was all the answer I needed. I never planned to tell anyone about my reincarnation but since Grandma has already figured that part out there was no reason to hide it from her. I have no plans of telling my family members or anyone else about this. 'Even though my name coincides with my old one..'

"Thank you grandma." I smiled in response.

"And as for the answers to the rest of your questions..." She started, pausing in between as in contemplating her decision. Ending her thinking process with a casual shrug, she resumed. "Get going for now and return here at midnight when everyone's asleep."

I raised an eyebrow at the odd timing. While I have no qualms in being awake late at night, why was there a need to wait for everyone to fall asleep and then make my move. Its as if she is telling me to do what Tessia did five days ago. Sneak out from the palace.

Once again, I didn't bother to question her about that. The topic seemed sensitive and sounded like something to be kept in secret so I chose to respect her wishes. Waiting for a few more hours won't hurt.


Just like Grandma had instructed, I waited for everyone to fall asleep after dinner before sneaking out of my room using the broom. Once again it proved to be the best mode of transportation at times like this. How unfortunate are the people of this continent who can't enjoy the feeling of flying in the skies.

Under the cover of the night sky, I soon made my way towards Grandma's cottage and descended in front of her household where she was already waiting for me. Storing the broom inside my dimension ring, I glanced up at her with a questioning gaze.

She said nothing and instead took out something akin to a medallion from her possessions before starting to walk deeper into the forested areas around her cottage. I wordlessly followed, keeping what all questions I had at the back of my mind.

We walked for almost an hour, neither of us speaking even a word. The surroundings were simply breathtaking. It was my first time venturing into this area and the nature here seemed more vibrant than anywhere else despite it being nighttime. Fireflies fluttered around, illuminating the forest with their light.

Taking a slight turn, we stepped into a small clearing and the sound of running water filled my ears. It was as if the trees surrounding this area acted as a barrier, blocked off all the sound.

"Your father used to come here when he was little." Grandma finally spoke.

In view I could see a wide waterfall cascading down a marble white cliff into a small pool of water about six meters in diameter. Neither sunlight nor moonlight was able to reach this small clearing, making this seem even more surreal. The thin rays of light that were able to peek through the thick tree tops created spotlights that made the moss, grass and all the plant life glimmer. The waterfall streamed down the white cliff without any intrusion, making a clear curtain of water.

Muttering a few audible chants she waved her hand, raising up roots from underneath the pond into a makeshift set of stairs that led to the base of the waterfall. Carefully stepping on the grimy roots, she took the lead with me following close behind. Reaching the base of the waterfall, she took out the medallion and took one glance to check whether someone was spying on us or not.

Confirming that there was no one else around, she pressed the medallion on the surface behind the waterfall which begin glowing with unrecognizable runes.

"Get ready and strengthen yourself with mana." Grandma spoke in a hushed tone, already having strengthened herself.

The waterfall seemed like opening up to something and Grandma stepped right in. Not thinking anything, I too stepped in. I expected to find my footing on a platform but rather found myself plummeting down a dark hole where visibility was next to nothing. I couldn't even see where Grandma vanished to. The darkness of this place was eerily similar to the Shadow Palace, a magical space connecting the realm of living with the realm of the dead.

The darkness wasn't long lived as light soon invaded my eyesight and I found myself in a clearing of sorts. Looking around I found Grandma standing right beside me, staring at a hilltop not too far from us. Quickly checking the magic around this place, I was pretty sure of the fact that we are in a separate dimension.

"This place is a completely diff--"

"For a mere lesser you are pretty sharp, I will give you that." A voice cut me off from my thoughts and monologue. "Then again given your lineage, it ain't surprising."

The voice took me by surprise. Despite having my senses on high alert, for a moment I couldn't even sense there was another presence beside us in this space. Following the direction of the voice, my gaze fixated on the hilltop where I could finally make out the features of a human sitting there. I swore I couldn't sense him seconds ago.

Did that human conceal their presence? Another fact to take not of was that, despite his human appearance, something about him felt off.

The human was a tall, lean, muscular man with orange, unruly hair. His yellow eyes stared down on me as if he were silently observing me and trying to find out my deepest secrets.

Sparing a sideways glance, I noticed Grandma walking ahead before slightly bowing down in front of the blond-haired man who wasn't even looking in her direction. The words that escaped from her lips, took me by surprise.

"Greetings Master."