
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Boredom, loneliness and sadness are only a few of the negative emotions that God himself could not solve. Wanting to create life yet unable to do so because of his overwhelming presence that threatened the very concept of time and space, God decided to abandon omnipotence and experience life.

"Just observing stories is so boring - I can't even interact with it," he said.

He then sealed his true powers - which could destroy stories and dimensions that could not be measured - in a vacant space devoid of everything.

After this, God chose to visit another deity in charge of creation.

"Uraiya, can you do me a favor?" God asked.

"I'm busy here. Can't you see?" the God of Creation replied.

"Just this once, please," God persisted.

"Xyno, stop bothering me," Uraiya said with irritation.

"Pretty please?" God asked, gazing upon Uraiya's magnificent work. She was at the time weaving together vast multiverses with an infinite expansion, and Uraiya could not help but sigh in defeat. God had an overwhelming presence that rendered her nearly defenseless against his will.

"Just one favor," God continued.

Uraiya, being powerless, had no choice but to submit. "You will need to tear apart your presence and distribute fragments of your powers across all dimensions and realities. Are you okay with this?"

"Of course, I don't mind," God replied. "Even if I had to shed my powers and forget my godly status just to enjoy experiencing stories that are really entertaining."

With that decision, God left divinehood and began distributing fragments of his presence across all realities. One fragment, fleeing from one another, fell into a world that was quite ordinary.

The fragment chose one individual to represent God's presence and that individual was me

I'm Kouta Fujiro, 17 Years old, I'm your regular student with no particular exciting events in life, I'm currently Living my life alone Because of a reason

I always wanted to have a Girlfriend but I guess that's out of reach for me

Well I always say to myself that I'm content with my life but in reality I was really missing something. Something that was really thrilling And Had more excitement that can Lift my Boring and Uncontended life

The person beside me,this is my childhood friend.Misaki Ishida,a beautiful and smart yet senseless person. Even though I am really lonely, she always supported me.

"Ah, what a peaceful day it is," Kouta said, "There's nothing that can go wrong here, right?"

"Stop tempting fate!" Misaki replied,

"This is why you don't have a girlfriend."

"My luck may be bad, but not today,"Kouta shrugged. "I prayed at the shrine last night for good luck."

"I do pray that nothing bad happens today "

Misaki whispered to herself and looks outside the window

Suddenly an announcement over the speakers broke what little calm remained. Not too long after, a group of terrorists marched through a set of front doors that should have been locked tight. The chaos erupted with the speed of a match to kindling.

"Can't this day get worse than it is?,"

My friend Misaki protested to me.

"There's no way they're going to let us go after they find who they came for."

"Then what do we do?"

Before I could respond, one of the terrorists addressed the crowd.

"We're not here for you," he announced,

"We're here for someone we think is in this school."A hush fell as he continued,

"But if you bring out our target, we'll let you all go."

My eyes landed on my friend Misaki, who was standing next to me. She wasn't just standing, either; she was heading for the terrorists.

"No, Misaki!"

I hissed, attempting to grab her arm.Misaki was undeterred, though, and kept moving forward. Despite my pleas to stop, she went directly up to the lead terrorist.

"I'm here,"

she said, her voice somehow even and steady despite what was happening all around us.

"I'm Misaki, and I'm who you're here for."

Silence met her announcement. It felt strange in the middle of all the commotion, but it was welcome all the same. Finally, one of the terrorists stepped forward.It was the same one who'd made the announcement at the beginning of this. He gave Misaki a quick once-over, before saying something that made all of my hair stand on end.

"We're surprised you turned yourself in so easily," he finally spoke. "Your reputation must be worse than we expected."

Misaki was visibly shaken by this, though she tried to cover it with resolve. She didn't say anything when the terrorist continued.

"You'll do nicely," he said, gesturing to his accomplices.

Another wave of chaos erupted as the terrorists began herding the rest of us out of the room. Despite a few attempts from the teachers and students, we were quickly corralled into a hallway. I could feel the panic rising.

"We're going to die," my friend whispered to me.

"We don't know that yet," I whispered back, forcing myself to believe my own words.

"They came for Misaki, not us."

"If she's the target, why take us?"

"If they wanted to kill us, they already would've," I replied.

"Besides, we heard them right? They said they'll let us go if Misaki goes with them. We can't die here."

My friend was silent, obviously not fully convinced, but she went along with my words. She was always good at following the lead, even now.

"Why are they after you anyway?" I asked, just to keep her mind on something else.

My friend was quiet for a moment, considering my words as she took in the surreal reality of our situation.

"I think it has something to do with my father," she finally said.

"He was involved in something… Illegal, I don't know, before he passed away. He was pretty secretive about it."

"Why does everyone close to me have to be involved in something illegal?" I sighed.

"Is this what I get for hanging out with the pretty, popular girls in school?"

Misaki looked at me as if she were about to say something, but kept quiet anyway. We both sat in silence as I heard a new announcement over the speakers.

"Attention, teachers and students of this institution," a new voice spoke.

"Due to reasons beyond our control, school activities will be canceled."

"How strange," I whispered to Misaki.

"I wonder why they said 'reasons beyond our control' instead of explaining what's really happening?"

"It's not exactly common for a group of terrorists to enter a school, you know," Misaki whispered back. I could see her point.

"True, I just wonder why they're here?"

"They said that they were here for me," Misaki said.

"Maybe they have the wrong girl?"

"That seems pretty unlikely," I responded.

"Who else has the name of 'Misaki Ishida'?"

"That's true," Misaki said with a sigh,

"but they said I was involved in something illegal, right?"

I shook my head once more.

"I'm certain it's a mistake," I said, "they must have been led here by bad information."

"I hope so," my friend said. "If someone is looking for me for something bad…"

We were interrupted by another announcement from the speakers.

"Attention," it began, "all students are to proceed to the gymnasium for an assembly."

Misaki and I looked at each other, both of us feeling uneasy about the order. Something in our gut told us that something was off here, that this wasn't as innocent as it appeared.

"They want all of us in the same room?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"Doesn't that seem weird to you?"

I had to admit, it did seem strange to me.

"Why would they want to gather us together in one place?" I whispered.

"I don't know," Misaki responded

"But we have to find out what's going on."I nodded in agreement.

"I'm with you," I said,

"if we're going koto the gym, we're going together."

It seemed as though most of

the students, and even some of the teachers, had been thinking along the same lines. No one moved toward the gym, despite the announcement.

Misaki and I looked at each other, then walked towards the rest of the crowd. It felt better to stick together when the school was clearly in danger, and we kept close to each other as we approached the others.It quickly became apparent that no one was going to the gym anytime soon. The teachers and students alike had a look of defiance on their faces, none of them willing to walk towards their potential slaughter. The terrorists didn't take kindly to this turn of events.

"Attention, all members of this institution," the same voice from before announced, "we have changed the order."

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, as I suspected this next announcement wouldn't be a good one.

"You all will be escorted to the gym, one-by-one," the voice continued. "We assure you that you'll be let go after we get what we came for."

I looked at Misaki, who had an equally worried look on her face. I looked around the room to find that everyone else was similarly anxious. The terrorists were obviously not kidding around. Before anyone could protest further, a wave of terrorists entered the school, taking charge of each individual present. One by one, they herded them out of the room, forcing them to walk towards the gym.

Misaki and I looked at each other, both of us knowing damn well that we were next on the list. With no other choice, I silently cursed at whoever the hell came up with this plan, and walked out in the direction of the gym with my friend next to me.The crowd was visibly nervous as they walked through the halls, each one wondering what was waiting for them when they arrived.

When we finally reached the gym, we were directed inside. Misaki was right behind me as we walked through the doors, keeping her head down.

As soon as she and I entered, the doors were shut behind us, locking us inside. Something told me to run, but before I could act on my instincts, I was surrounded on all sides by armed terrorists.

"Alrighty, now that all of you are in one place," one of them said smugly, "who's Misaki Ishida?"

"I am," Misaki said, raising her hand.

"If you're here for me, just take me and let everyone else go."

The terrorist seemed surprised by her declaration. He looked at his compatriots, and then back at her.

"You seem awfully calm for someone who's getting kidnapped," he finally said.

"What can I say?" Misaki said, putting on her best confident face.

"I've been through worse over the weekend, this is just another day in the life."

The terrorist laughed darkly at her statement.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said,

"but that attitude of yours won't help you at all."

"We'll see who's laughing in the end." Misaki replied coolly.

The terrorist seemed even more irritated by her calm demeanor.

"You're a cocky one, aren't you?" he said. "Fine with me, at least it'll be easier to break you."

"What could you possibly do to me?" she replied.

"You can't touch me without touching everyone else here."

"Well," the terrorist replied, "I'm sure all of these people won't be a problem for us."

The terrorist was clearly trying to antagonize my friend, but Misaki wasn't having it. She kept her composure as she looked at him with an almost mocking look on her face.

"Really?" she asked.

"And what makes you so sure? Do you really think your small group can handle a fight against the rest of us?"

I didn't know what to think. I hoped Misaki was right, that there was some chance of survival for us. But as I looked at her, I started to wonder just how confident she truly was.The terrorist had no response to that. He just glared at Misaki as he considered her reply.

"Okay," he finally said, "you've got some spirit in you, I'll give you that. But that's about where all your useful traits end, Miss Ishida."He stepped forward.

"Time to come with us," he demanded.

Misaki didn't say a word. She let out a small sigh as she turned around and began walking towards the terrorists. I couldn't believe it. Misaki was just going to go with them? I was about to say something when one of the terrorists turned to look at me. For what little I saw of his face, I could tell he was grinning savagely.

"What do you think, boy?" he chimed in. "Why don't you come with us too?"

I froze. The thought of me joining Misaki made me nervous, but it was an order from a terrorist of all people.

What else was I supposed to do? I had no idea what to do, but I knew that I couldn't leave Misaki alone with the terrorists, either. Maybe if I accompanied her, I could help her somehow.

I put on a small, nervous, smile

"I guess I will then."

The terrorist nodded, turning back to look at Misaki.

"Now that we've got you two," he said, "no reason not to make good on my word."

He signaled to his compatriots, who quickly began herding the rest of the crowd towards the gym's exit. Misaki and I both looked at the terrorists as they began herding the rest of the crowd and felt a tiny pang of guilt. It was quickly quashed, however, as one of the terrorists suddenly grabbed my friend's arm.

"No chance of you two changing your minds?" the terrorist asked.

Misaki just shook her head. "Of course not."

"Then if you'll follow me," the terrorist said, "we can end this without anybody else getting hurt."

My heart sank when the terrorist started leading Misaki towards one of the hallway's exits.

"Wait," I called out after them, "why are you bringing her with you?"

The terrorist just gave me a sarcastic scoff as he turned towards me. "Because we want to," he answered, before turning back towards Misaki.

"Come on, let's get this over with."

The other two terrorists, who were still keeping the rest of the crowd in place, looked on with smirks.

I was at a loss. The terrorists were taking Misaki away, and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

I felt a pit of guilt and anxiety in my stomach as I stood there with the rest of the crowd while the terrorists escorted my friend away.

"There has to be something I can do," I whispered to myself.

"There has to be a way I can save her."

But I couldn't think of anything, I wasn't even sure where they were taking Misaki in the first place.

I Felt frustrated as I turned to look at those still stuck with me.

"What are we going to do?" one of them asked.

"Just wait," another responded.

"The police are going to arrive soon, and then things will be taken care of."

Everyone looked around nervously as we waited for the sound of sirens or gunshots. As the seconds ticked by with nothing more than the terrorists occasionally glancing back in our direction, the tension and panic continued to grow.

"What the hell are they doing?" someone else whispered.

We waited in silence as the clock ticked by. The minutes felt like hours as the tensions rose.

Finally, a sound came from outside, signaling that something had changed.

"What's that!?" someone whispered.

"It's gunshots!" another voice yelled.

A moment later, the terrorists started pushing us towards the door.

"Police are here," one of them said, "everyone needs to vacate the gym immediately.

"But what about Misaki?" I asked. "What about us?"

The terrorists didn't bother waiting for an answer. Instead, they pushed us out of the gym, where police were already waiting for us.

I looked around at the law enforcement, trying to ignore the chaos. They were all fully armed, clearly ready to take charge of the situation.

I felt my breath hitched in my chest as I considered their next move.

"Hey!" I yelled to one of the police officers. "You gotta find Misaki. Her life is in danger!"

The officer didn't even bother looking up from his radio.I looked back into the gym, trying to see if there was any hint as to what had become of Misaki. It was pointless, however, as the terrorists were nowhere to be found.

I took a deep breath, trying to push down the anxiety and frustration that was building up inside of me.

Was this my fault? Was my desire to help Misaki the reason she was taken in the first place? I didn't want to believe it was, but a horrible thought began to creep into my mind.I watched from the sidelines as the police moved into the gym, beginning a sweep of the area.

Despite their best efforts, they found nothing. The terrorists were gone, and so was Misaki.

I felt horrible. Even if I didn't get her into this mess, I still couldn't save her from it.

My mind went to the worst-case scenario, imagining Misaki hurt or even dead. The thought alone was enough to tear me apart from the inside out.

Misaki and I were escorted by the terrorists to the gym's exit, where we found a few armed police officers waiting. They were all on high alert, ready to respond if something went wrong.

The terrorists seemed to be in a good mood, however, as they led us out to the parking lot.

As we were led to a van that the terrorists had set up for us, I shot a nervous glance at Misaki.

"I just gotta keep it together," I whispered, "until the police handle this."

The terrorists didn't seem to notice or care about my words. They just pushed us into the back of the van, locking the door behind us once we were inside.

Misaki was quiet, staring at the floor of the van with a look of hopelessness. I couldn't blame her, either.

"What the hell are they doing with us?" I eventually asked, unable to hold back.

"I don't know," Misaki said, her tone defeated. "But it can't be anything good."

I couldn't deny it, either. The terrorists had made their intentions clear from the get-go. Still, part of me hoped that they were just trying to get something out of this.

"We'll get out of here," I said, trying to reassure myself as much as I was Misaki, "this won't last forever."

Misaki just nodded, keeping quiet as the sound of the vehicle starting filled the air.The terrorist van began driving down the road. I looked around, trying to figure out where we were headed next.

My eyes immediately fell on Misaki, who sat next to me. She looked defeated, like her optimism was fading.

"Misaki," I whispered. "Do you think everything is going to be okay?"

She didn't bother looking at me, just shaking her head. The look she gave me spoke volumes about her lack of optimism.

"I... I don't know," she finally said with a sigh.I felt a wave of hopelessness hit me. Misaki had been the optimistic one, keeping me going during these trying times. If even she lost hope, I couldn't help but think that we were truly stuck.

I wanted to believe we could survive this. I wanted to believe that we'd make it out of this mess unscathed.

But what if that was just a pipe dream? What if we were about to go through the worst day of our lives?

The sound of sirens filled the air outside, and I took a sharp breath as I realized what we both desperately needed.

Police vehicles began zooming past, heading in our direction.

Misaki and I both exchanged a glance, our hopes lifted by the very sight of the vehicles.

I felt a small spark of hope ignite, pushing down the hopelessness that had been plaguing my mind.

If nothing else, at least we didn't have to face this alone.

I couldn't help but grin as I watched the police vehicles pass, their lights shining in the windows of our van. It felt like salvation itself had come for us, and I couldn't help but feel optimistic.

"The police," Misaki whispered. "They're here to help us."

I nodded, looking out the window at the police cars passing us.

"They've got this," I told her. "They're going to deal with these terrorists."

"I hope you're right," Misaki said, putting on the best hopeful tone she could manage.

"Because I don't know how much longer I can deal with this."

I couldn't blame her, the experience was overwhelming and frightening. I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay, but after what we had just been through, I couldn't make any promises.

I looked at the terrorists in the front of the van, who didn't even bother acknowledging my words.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," I continued. "Just wait a bit longer."

We waited quietly as the police vehicles continued to pass. It was tense, especially with the terrorists sitting next to us, but we couldn't deny the hope we both felt.

We watched in silence as the police vehicles finally stopped, blocking the road off.

"Looks like we're going to be safe," I whispered to Misaki.

Before she could answer, the terrorists began yelling at us.

"Alright, we're here now, you can give us what we want!"I could make out a few police officers at the vehicles, getting ready to deal with these terrorists. Misaki was still quiet, but I could see her looking out the front windscreen with a worried expression.

The terrorists were still yelling, demanding something from us.

"What do they want?" I asked quietly, not wanting to antagonize them.

"They want what's inside the gym." Misaki responded, "I guess I was right to be worried after all."

I frowned, not liking what I was hearing.

I could see more officers getting out of their cars as the situation continued. There were quite a few police vehicles at this point, and I was beginning to get a little anxious.I leaned in towards Misaki, keeping my voice down.

"You're telling me these terrorists wanted something from the gym? What is it that they want?"

Misaki didn't bother looking at me, speaking as though she had just come to a realisation herself.

"Money," she answered quietly, "or at least that's what I'm guessing."

"Money?" I whispered in disbelief, "this is about money? But why, they could get money anywhere else."

"Maybe they want money from the government," Misaki suggested.

I shook my head. "Why would they bother robbing a gym, then?"

Misaki shrugged, remaining quiet as the terrorists began yelling again.

"I hope they do find a way to deal with them," she said quietly.

I couldn't help but nod in agreement.Suddenly, I was startled by a loud shattering of glass nearby. I looked up to see one of the terrorists breaking the back window of our van, the sound of gunshots not far behind.

I could see the muzzle flashes lighting up the police officers and the terrorists, firing quickly at each other.

"Keep down!" Misaki yelled, pulling me to the floor of the van as chaos broke out around us.I didn't have time to think, as I immediately crouched down and tried to avoid any potential threat.

The gunshots continued, with the officer's shots quickly being met with return fire from the other side.My heart sank, as I remembered what this meant for Misaki and me.

"What are we going to do!?" I yelled frantically, desperate to stay calm myself. "What's going to happen!?"

Misaki just looked at me, her eyes wide with fear.

"I don't know," she said shakily. "Just stay quiet."

I nodded quickly, knowing that I couldn't argue with her. As far as I knew, keeping quiet was our only option.

I kept my head low, watching as the firefight continued outside of the vehicle.The muzzle flashes provided a little bit of light, allowing me to take a quick look at Misaki.

She still looked terrified, but she was trying to maintain her composure.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, hoping to ease some of her worries. "This isn't your fault."

I could see a flash of movement outside, as a police officer fell to the ground, having taken a shot to the midsection.

The other officers quickly opened fire in retaliation, the terrorists responding in kind.

Misaki was still watching me, her eyes filled with worry as she remained crouching next to me.

"Misaki?" I whispered, my body shaking from the gunfire outside. "Are you okay?"

Misaki and I were hiding beneath the seats in the van, watching in horror as the firefight unfolded outside.

I turned to Misaki, who had her eyes glued to the scene playing out in the street.

"Misaki," I whispered. "We have to do something, we can't just hide here."

She didn't bother answering me, continuing to watch the gunfight play out.

I felt my temper flare, not knowing what to do.

"Misaki!" I yelled, "we have to do something!"

Suddenly, I felt a tug on my sleeve, followed by a soft whisper.

"I have an idea," Misaki said in my ear. "If we wait until everything calms down, we can at least try to escape this situation."

I turned to look at her, my eyes wide with disbelief.

"Really?" I whispered back, trying to keep my voice down so the terrorists wouldn't hear us.

Misaki nodded, her face filled with hope.

"Let's hope it works."

I was about to say something in response, when a gunshot rang out close to our van.

Sudden gunfire burst to life outside, with bullets piercing through several of the police vehicles.

Both Misaki and I immediately ducked, trying to avoid any potential threat.

A soft curse slipped out of my mouth, as I realized that this plan wasn't going to be as simple as either of us had hoped.

"We might have to think of something else,"

I said quietly, unable to keep the concern out of my voice.Suddenly, one of the back doors of the van opened, with a terrorist stepping inside.

"There you two are,"

the terrorist said in a deep, gravelly voice.

"Come on out."

I tensed up, looking at Misaki with a face full of fear.

"It'll be okay," she whispered back, trying to reassure me. "Just stay cool."

I felt my heart pounding in my chest, as I tried my hardest not to lose hope.The terrorist approached us, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out of our hidden spot.

"I said come on," the terrorist said with a harsh tone, "don't keep me waiting."

Misaki slowly shuffled out of the hiding spot, putting on a brave face as she stepped out of our spot.

The terrorist's face was filled with contempt, as he took a step back and examined me.

"Well, well," he said softly, "what do we have here? A young boy, and a pretty girl."

"What do you want from us?" Misaki asked softly, her voice full of fear and apprehension.

The terrorist chuckled, his harsh look giving way to a sly grin.

"I'm sure you can take a guess," he said with an evil tone.

"We don't have anything of value," I protested, my voice cracking a bit in the process.

"Just let us go."

The terrorist's eyes narrowed, a dark look on his face. "You don't get to make demands here. Now, where's the money?" The terrorist put his hand around my neck, holding me in his grasp as he lifted me off the ground.

I couldn't help but let out a soft yelp or shock and fear, Misaki glancing up at me with a look of horror.

"We don't have any money," Misaki said


"Why don't you just take what you want and leave us alone?"

The terrorist's eyes widened with laughter, shaking his head as he put me down.

"Oh no, I don't want your measly scraps," he said.

"I want something more valuable."

I could feel my heart racing as I looked up at the terrorist, the fear growing by the second as I imagined the worst possible outcome.

Misaki stood next to me, doing her best to remain strong.

"What do you mean by 'more valuable'?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Your life," the terrorist replied.

Misaki and I both froze, our faces filled with fear as we watched the terrorist's sly grin grow even larger.

"There's nothing valuable about my life,"

Misaki protested, her voice shaking slightly.The terrorist ignored her, his eyes glued onto mine.

"Your life is valuable," he said with a cold tone,

"don't think I don't see it. But I don't care about your life, I care about your friend's life instead."

Misaki's eyes widened, as she realized just what the terrorist meant.

"Wait, no, don't-" She began, but was quickly cut off.

"That's right," the terrorist said. "Your life, or her life.

Your move, boy."

My heart was racing, my mind filled with fear and confusion as I had to make a life or death choice.

I looked over at Misaki, who was standing beside me with a look of disbelief on her face.

She gave me a pleading look, as if begging me to make the right choice.

But I didn't know what that choice was, torn between trying to save myself or trying to save Misaki.

"I... I..." I began, my voice trailing off as I tried to figure out what to do.

"I'm going to count to five," the terrorist began, starting to count off on his fingers.


"I... I don't-" I begin, but am quickly cut off.


I tried to speak again, but panic set in as the reality of the situation began to sink in.

I had to choose, and quickly.

I could either choose to save myself, or save Misaki.


My stomach dropped as the terrorist reached three, the reality of the situation hitting me with full force.

I had to make a choice, and my head was spinning as I tried to figure out what to do.


the terrorist continued, his face showing no sign of emotion.

I could see Misaki looking at me with a face full of fear, her eyes wet with tears as a look of despair crossed her face.

Why did I have to choose?


the terrorist said, his voice calm and cold.I didn't even hesitate, as there wasn't enough time.

"Take me," I said quickly, "please, take me."

Misaki was shocked by my words, her eyes filled with tears as she looked at me.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as the terrorist approached me, a smirk on his face.

I was ready to accept my fate, whatever it may be.Misaki looked back at me desperately, her eyes full of fear as tears filled them.

I couldn't help but feel the same way, as I watched the terrorist reach for something in his pocket.

The sudden movement drew my attention, not knowing what he was going to pull out.

My mind filled with the worst possible thoughts, as I wondered if this would be it.

"Do you have any last words?" The terrorist asked, his voice filled with arrogance.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly, my voice almost too soft to be heard.

"Sorry for what?" The terrorist asked, his voice dripping with contempt and sarcasm.

I hesitated, trying to find the right words to say.

"Just make it quick," I said quietly, my eyes still glued to Misaki.

Misaki was watching the terrorist with a look of helplessness, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Your friend is quite the hopeless romantic," the terrorist said, his voice filled with mirth.

Misaki gave out a soft gasp as the terrorist pulled out a small handgun, pointing it in her direction.

I could hear my heart beating out of my chest, my mind filled with both fear and confusion.

And just like that, I decided her life was more important than my own.

In one swift motion, the terrorist pulled the trigger, a loud bang echoing through the air.

I felt my heart stop, as everything went slow motion.

Time seemed to pause as I felt something hit me, and pain erupted around my body.

I could feel myself falling to the ground, watching as Misaki looked at me in shock and horror.


Misaki's voice was barely a whisper, her eyes glued open in shock as tears poured out of them.

I could feel my body go limp, everything around me fading away.I lay motionless on the van, my wounds slowly taking their toll.

I could see Misaki crying above me, her face filled with disbelief and horror.

She kept her eyes glued to my body, unable to look away.

I didn't feel any pain, as my mind went numb to the world around me.

The terror and fear I felt were now replaced with a calm, accepting feeling.

I could feel myself starting to slip away, the cold embrace of death beckoning to me.

And just like that my Life came to an end.

Still,one question remains.Is this really the end for me?

The evil deity stood over Kouta's unconscious body, ready to perform the soul swap.

"What a Cruel World you lived in" The deity uttered in a sinister tone.

"I shall take you to a new one and have you possess my blessing" Sounding pitiful

"I will have you destroy my enemies that has lead to injustice"

The deity's smile was twisted and sinister.

"Your soul will not be missed,"

He whispered, before beginning the process of swapping their souls.Having this as the mark of the devil's contract.