
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Elliot teleported back to Earth and arrived at the mansion where he saw Ces and Lia defending the mansion from the demonic and angelic clash.

"I'm here!"

Elliot screamed as he appeared in front of the two girls, with Claire's lifeless body still in his arms. He was filled with sorrow and grief, and his heart was shattered.

However, Elliot did not have time to mourn Claire's death, for the clash between the demonic and angelic beings was still raging on and threatened to destroy the entire mansion. He quickly handed Claire's body off to Ces and Lia and then charged back into the fray to lend his power and help the two girls. With Elliot's immense strength and magical prowess, he was able to make a significant difference in the tide of the battle and help the two girls fend off the demonic and heavenly host.

"<Cosmos Armageddon>"

Elliot uttered the name of a powerful spell he was able to utilize thanks to the skill [Stellar Ark]. An apocalyptic spell that would obliterate everything and everyone within the radius of its casting. The sky turned a deep crimson red and dark clouds covered the entire landscape, casting a shadow of dread and terror upon the battlefield. The air became thick with negative energy, permeating every inch and corner of existence. All life was in peril as destruction was imminent.

In that moment, the demonic and angelic beings realized that further resistance was futile and they retreated. The tide of battle had turned in Elliot's favor and with a single spell he was able to annihilate an entire army of cosmic beings. His strength and power were undeniable and the two girls were awestruck by his might. Elliot stood proudly atop the battlefield, his feet planted firmly on the ground. He had successfully defended the mansion in the face of unimaginable odds and had emerged victorious.

The surviving angels and demons went to the mansion, but they were in a sorry and pitiful state. Their bodies were heavily injured from Elliot's spells and they were barely able to stand upright. As Elliot saw their sorry and pitiful state, he felt guilty and remorseful for inflicting such pain and suffering on them. However, he still remained vigilant because while their injuries were severe, they still retained their strength and power and could still pose a threat to him and his loved ones.

The surviving angels and demons bowed down to Elliot and pleaded for mercy. They were aware of his tremendous power and authority, and they were willing to become his lowly servants.

"We surrender to you, mighty lord. Please take us in as your lowliest servants."

Elliot was surprised by the sudden surrender of the demonic and angelic beings. Even though they were severely injured from his spell, they were willing to swear allegiance to him. He considered their request for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of accepting or rejecting their offer.

Elliot mulled over the decision for a moment, but ultimately decided to accept the offer. He saw no harm in having the demonic and angelic beings as his lowly servants and it could come in handy in the future if he needed manpower or assistance.

"Very well, I suppose I could take you in as my servants. I'm not sure how useful you guys would be given your wounds and weakness, but we shall see how it goes."

As Elliot surveyed the group of wounded demonic and angelic beings, he was interrupted by a familiar presence. Lilith, a busty demon with blonde hair, had set his gaze on her. She was a powerful and seductive demon whom Elliot had encountered before, and she had a mischievous aura about her that exuded a dangerous and captivating charm.


Elliot Tapped the demon's shoulder to have her verify her identity.

"Indeed, it is I," Lilith replied as she turned around to face Elliot. She had a mischievous smile on her face and her eyes twinkled with amusement. She stood before him in a seductive and alluring manner, her curves and figure accentuating her seductive charms. Lilith was indeed the same demon whom Elliot had met before and he could feel her dark aura radiating off her.

"Can I ask you a favor,if you still remember?"

"Hm, what favor is that?" Lilith responded as she tilted her head to one side, curious to hear what favor Elliot had in mind. The demon was well aware of Elliot's powerful status and authority, so she was willing to at least hear Elliot out.

"Can you revive Claire?"

Ces Handed Claire's corpse to Elliot and Lilith starts to examine its body and soul.

Lilith examined Claire's corpse and her soul, and she eventually arrived at a disappointing and sobering conclusion. It seems that Claire's soul had indeed slipped away and she had been reincarnated into another world. Lilith was unable to revive the deceased and resurrect her into her original form. She then passed the bad news to Elliot, which caused his heart to sink with grief and sorrow.

"I'm sorry, my liege. But it appears that her soul has slipped away. There is no way she can be revived. It seems like she has been reincarnated into another world."

"I understand...."

Elliot's face fell as he received the news that Claire had indeed been reincarnated into another world and he had no means of bringing her back. He felt devastated and helpless as he accepted the fact that he had lost the love of his life. He was filled with sadness and grief, and he was not willing to accept this outcome. As Lilith explained, it was evident that Claire's soul had slipped away and was unable to return. The demon was merely a messenger of the bad news and there was nothing she could do to change the outcome.

As a few days passed,Elliot couldn't do anything as Claire's soul already has been reincarnated to another world,he only accepted what happened and prepared a grave for her. He set the grave to be in the open forest near the mansion where he could visit it every day.

    As he mourned on Claire's grave,one angel suddenly approached him. It looked like a seraphim that was ready to be commanded any time

  "Can we do something for you my liege?" the angel asked

  "Just please let me have some alone time"

   The angel didn't reply and simply nodded as it quietly hid in the bush near the grave to observe its master mourn over a lost love. The angel saw how sad its master was and wanted to comfort him but couldn't do anything to ease his pain.

   Another angel tried to approach Elliot but failed as the other grabbed them.

   "Huh ah-..Ariel? what are you doing here?"

   "Shh! don't you see that the master is sad"

  The angel looked at its master as Elliot silently knelt down at Claire's tombstone while crying. As the angel watched from a distance, the angel felt a pang of sadness and pity in its heart at witnessing Elliot in such a melancholy and sorrowful state of grief and despair.

    "I feel sorry for him,we should comfort him at least, don't you think?"

    "I agree with you Uriel but I'm afraid there's nothing much that we can do.. we can only leave him alone for now..."

    Uriel nodded as the two angels headed back to the mansion where the other angels and demons were.

   "How is the master doing?" one of the demons asked

   Ariel shook her head despondently, indicating that they should leave Elliot alone for the time being. The demon looked away in disappointment.

   Hours later that day,Elliot returned to the mansion,Ariel who was patiently waiting in front of the gate welcomed Elliot warmly as the angel hugged him despite its appearance.

   "I'm sorry master for I,Ariel wants to be at your side all the time"

   "Thank you....Ariel"

   Elliot thanked Ariel for her thoughtfulness, appreciation and understanding. Ariel then went with Elliot back to the mansion, where the other angels and demons were waiting for him.

   They bowed down their heads to Elliot as he entered the mansion,the living room was filled with his dread, No one dared to speak to him except for Ariel.

   Elliot stood in front of them and spoke. "From now on,You lot will be known as the Nihilus Brigade,You will serve me as subordinates"

   Elliot bestowed them with a small and equal amount of catastrophic energy that could boost their potential using [Stellar Ark]. After they had received this,their appearances changed to their human form. Their mana drastically increased ten fold of their original strength.

   They started to take the form of a human,the demons and angels were amazed by their new looks as they observed Elliot's superiority over them.

   ".....Thank you,oh mighty one....." All of them thanked and bowed down to Elliot

  "Cut with the 'Mighty one', Just call me Elliot"

   With that,the night went on as Elliot went to his room where Alicia slept and saw her still unconscious. He smiled as he remembered that he still has a friend who'll support him whatever he'll do.

   Elliot sat down at the bed beside Alicia and patted her head. He headed towards the seat near the view from the window as he thought of a way to bring Claire back. Then it hit him,finding the reincarnation of Claire.

  <<Answer:Finding reincarnation of Claire in this universe is possible with an Interdimensional space vehicle>>

  'Is it doable with the current technology of this world?'

  <<It is not but due to your infinite amount of dark matter,it possible make fuel for this>>

   'So the fuel is doable but the vehicle,no?'Elliot sighed in disappointment.

   'By the way Ces ... .Do you happen to be imitating a skill from another world?'

   Ces didn't reply,It simply nodded as Elliot's assumptions were right on the nail. Looking back at the development of his skills,all of it rapidly developed unlike other people that needed to nurture their skills and abilities to meet a certain requirement to evolve their skills.

  'Was it possible that I'm the only abnormal in this universe? I've only reincarnated but I'm stronger than most of the gods here'

  The night has passed away and another dawn broke as Elliot's curiosity was piqued by his own strength. In a way,Elliot thought of a way to build a spaceship.

  'Ces,[White Void] does something about traveling between dimensions right?'

    <<You're certainly right>>

     'Is it possible to rip out its space and turn it into a wormhole?'

  Wormholes were usually impossible to do even in my previous life because the technology wasn't fit for a wormhole to be proven and exist. In sci-fi movies they used worm holes as a bridge between space to connect one place to another.

   <<It is possible to destroy the building blocks of Space-Time one that can lead destruction many multiverses>>

   'So it's a no for an answer huh? I could travel to outer space to find Claire but I'll need as many people to gather information throughout this big universe'

    <<I can make blueprints for the spaceship so please stand by>>

    It was unexpected from Ces that she could create a blueprint for an Interdimensional spaceship casually. Hearing this,Elliot was caught off guard.

  'So you could've done that all this time!?'

  Elliot was taken aback by the revelation that Ces could create a blueprint for an Interdimensional spaceship so casually. This revelation suggested that Ces was a far more capable entity than he had originally thought and the fact that she was holding back on her true potential.

  Despite this surprising revelation, Elliot realized that her ability to create blueprints for spaceship designs was a valuable asset that could help him achieve his goals of finding the reincarnation of Claire. With Ces' assistance, Elliot was determined to find a way to make an Interdimensional spaceship a reality.

  <<I suggest that you find an Underground Place to build the Spaceship>>

  Elliot agreed with the suggestion that Ces made to find an underground place to build the spaceship. Such an underground place would provide an ideal environment for building a spaceship without risk of damage or obstruction.

   It would also allow Elliot to hide his spaceship in an inconspicuous place and avoid detection from others. Therefore, finding a suitable underground location would be a priority in the plan to construct the Interdimensional spaceship.

 With the suggestion of seeking out an underground location for building the spaceship being accepted, Elliot began the process of searching for an ideal place to hide the spaceship and to ensure that the plans would not be interfered with. The underground location should have sufficient space to build and store the spaceship without the risk of being found by anyone.

Elliot knew that finding such an underground location would be no easy task however he was determined to succeed in his search. He spent days scouting and searching for places that could potentially fulfill the necessary requirements for the spaceship.

He soon discovered a hidden cavern under his mansion that contained the perfect conditions to build and store the spaceship. The cavern was large, hidden, and secluded, with no one able to find it unless they were aware of its existence. It was a perfect solution to conceal the spaceship and to ensure its safety while it was in the process of being constructed.

With the underground cavern secured as the location for building the spaceship, Elliot began the process of creating the blueprints and plans for the spaceship. Using his knowledge and expertise as a genius inventor, he created a complex blueprint that would serve as the guidelines for the construction of the spaceship.

The blueprint contained detailed design specifics,such as dimensions,materials,and components. Elliot paid close attention to the design of the spaceship to ensure that it would be capable of withstanding the immense stresses of traveling through the dimensions.

After a month of stress and misunderstanding,The spaceship had been completed in only a short time frame, thanks to Elliot's engineering and Ces's assistance with the blueprint. The spaceship was a monumental achievement and a testament to the abilities of Elliot and Ces.

With its construction being completed, it was time for Elliot to set out on the next step in his quest: finding the reincarnation of Claire.
