
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Birth of a deity?

Elliot and Calia had made some progress in exploring the dungeon, having already covered 10 floors.

As they navigated the maze-like passages, they noticed that the flow of time appeared to be distorted. Time seemed to be moving strangely and there was no consistency with how fast or slow it ticked by.

This phenomenon caused Elliot and Calia to be even more careful and wary as they proceeded into the unknown depths of the dungeon.

Elliot and Calia became increasingly alert and attentive to any potential dangers or setbacks during their exploration session.

They were especially cautious because of the strange phenomenon of the non-consecutive and disjointed flow of time in the dungeon.

Calia's presence was also a comforting one for Elliot, who felt somewhat reassured by her presence and the support she offered.

As they traversed the endless passageways, the two remained alert and watchful.

"Say Calia, you said that you were twenty thousand years old right"


"What was this world before?"

Calia stopped walking and paused to think.Elliot has an inquisitive mind and asked Calia about what the world had been like before.

Calia was quite old and had lived for many years, so she had a lot of knowledge and experiences.

"Before...yes, let's see..."

Calia took a moment to pause and carefully consider Elliot's question.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to retrieve information from distant memories.

Calia seemed to take some time and effort in recalling exactly how things had been in the previous millennia.

"The world has seen many changes during my time..." She began to speak.

"There have been countless wars and calamities that have reshaped the world in the past. I've witnessed many civilizations rise and fall over the years, as everything in life is quite transient."

"But,one being changed that,a god,or maybe it's more than a god.He descended in this world and made a contract with the humans"

"I used to serve that deity but everything changed when he left,the calamities started to rise again and chaos started to spread around the world"

Calia went on to describe how the deity's departure had coincided with the resurgence of conflicts and catastrophes globally.

"When the deity left, chaos and calamity started to rise once again, causing untold destruction and suffering. The world became increasingly fraught with violence and conflict, and the delicate balance of peace and harmony that the deity had achieved was disrupted."

"The humans called him the evil deity for bringing them the results of their foolishness,even If I wanted to destroy the world,the deity forbidden me from doing anything to the humans"

"In the beginning, the deity attempted to guide the humans towards a better path, using their advanced knowledge and wisdom to steer and protect them."

Calia went on to say that the deity had initially wanted to help the humans and lead them to a better way of life and greater understanding of the world.

"But the humans did not always listen to the deity and sometimes went against its guidance and wisdom. This resulted in the deity becoming increasingly frustrated and frustrated with the humans' stubborn and rebellious nature.

"I see.."

They continued on to explore the lower dungeon levels.

Elliot and Calia continued to venture deeper into the depths of the dungeon, moving with caution and wariness.

The further they went down, the more eerie and unsettling the environment became.

As they delved deeper into the unknown and unexplored caverns, Elliot and Calia remained alert and observant of their surroundings.

The atmosphere was thick with a strange and eerie presence, and it appeared to get darker and more desolate as they went on, sending shivers down their spines.

Elliot saw a floating book appearing in front of him as he was navigating the dimly lit passageway.

He was instantly intrigued and approached the book cautiously.

As he got closer, he could see that the book was pulsing with a mysterious and otherworldly aura.

The book hovered in the air, seemingly defying the laws of gravity and reason. It was an odd and uncanny sight, eliciting a feeling of unease and hesitation in Elliot.

The book floated in the air without any support, its pages gently moving as if being blown by a slight breeze.

Elliot saw that the book was glowing faintly, emitting a faint blue light that illuminated the surrounding area.

The book seemed to be calling to him, its presence captivating and drawing him in.

Calia's tap on his shoulder reminded Elliot to exercise caution as they explored the lower levels of the endless dungeon.

Calia was right, as they were in such an unknown territory, which meant anything could happen.

Though Elliot's curiosity was piqued and he was attracted to the floating book, he was still wary of its true nature and potential dangers it may hide.

Elliot took into consideration Calia's advice as he approached the floating book.

He was cautious and observant, but also intrigued by the mysterious and otherworldly aura the book was exuding.

Calia was close behind, ready to intervene if anything were to happen.

Elliot's initial curiosity soon turned to caution as the strange and eerie atmosphere took over him.

Even with Calia behind him, he still felt a sense of uneasiness and hesitation to proceed.

The book's odd and unsettling presence was quite intimidating and daunting, making Elliot reluctant to make any sudden movements.

As soon as Elliot touched the book, he was engulfed in an eerie glow.

His senses were overwhelmed as he was transported to a blank space containing nothing but the book.

There was no floor in this space, no walls or roof, and nothing but the book.

Calia had also been transported alongside Elliot to the blank space and was left standing silently close by in amazement and fear.

As they stood in the empty and spacious void, a voice echoed in the distance, seeming to come from nowhere.

"So you have come already,what a pleasant surprise"

Elliot and Calia were both surprised to hear the echoing voice coming from all around them.

The voice was strangely familiar and sounded much like the deity that Calia had mentioned.

Calia suddenly seemed taken aback and somewhat awestruck at the sound of the voice and asked:

"That voice! Could it be you, my liege?"

The voice laughed with a sinister and unnerving tone, giving Elliot and Calia the impression that they had entered into an extremely dangerous situation.

"Indeed, it is I, the deity whom you have come to seek. And you have arrived in just the right place."

The deity's voice echoed around them, sounding somewhat mocking and patronizing.

"I have a favor for you to ask Elliot or should I say Kouta Fujiro"

Elliot was taken back by what he said, Never in his new life told anyone about his past life.

Elliot was stunned and taken aback by the deity's sudden revelation of his past identity.

He was caught off guard and taken back by the deity's knowledge of his previous life, which he had never disclosed to anyone in this new life.

Elliot suddenly realized that he was in the presence of the very deity that he had caught a mere glimpse of in his last life and was left speechless.


Elliot gasped when he realized it was the same deity that he caught of a glimpse in his verge of consciousness

"You are correct. I am the deity from your other life, the one that you caught a glimpse of in your death."

The deity said in a mysterious and ominous tone, as if he was quite pleased with himself for this discovery.

"I have brought you here for a reason. I have a proposition for you."

"I have been in this weakened state for a long time, and I am starting to fade due to my inability to achieve complete awakening as a fragment of a greater being."

The deity revealed the state of his being, which seemed precarious and fragile due to his incomplete awakening.

While he was quite formidable and powerful, the deity's incomplete awakening had left him vulnerable and weak.

"I am passing the fragments of my power onto you, Elliot. Be a better fragment than me and use these fragments to their fullest potential.

Your presence alone already seems to make the heavens tremble, and you may even be able to surpass my power in time."

"Wait, before you go,what happened to Misaki after I died? did she also got killed by those ruthless terrorists?'

The deity paused for a moment as he was about to pass on his power to Elliot.

He considered the question about Misaki and what may have become of her after Elliot had died.

"Ah, yes. I'm afraid that those ruthless terrorists did indeed cause the death of your beloved Misaki."

"I see, but did you also reincarnate her?"

"Indeed, I did. I reincarnated her so that she could get a second chance at life. She is likely somewhere in this reality, living as a human just like you."

"And do you have any idea where she is right now?"

"Her precise location is not known to me. With reincarnation, the location that a person is reborn in can be quite random and unexpected. However, I can assure you that she is still within this realm. She is out there, living freely as a human."

"I see..... thanks"

The deity showed a hint of understanding and empathy for the situation. It was clear that Elliot was still quite attached to his former life and to the idea of being reunited with those from that life.

"Let these fragments serve you well. Make the heavens tremble and create a legacy greater than myself."

The deity's voice faded away into the nothingness, leaving only Elliot and Calia in the empty blank space.