
Blemished Love

when love seems like a bed of rose until the past hits you so hard that your vows are the only thing you could hold on to

Loving_Randy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 5

'Grissel please wait. I said I'm sorry.' Tom said rushing down the stairs to meet her up.

She was already late for work and doesn't need another plea from her husband who came home last night drunk.

'I know you are sorry but I'm late now and do not want another argument. Breakfast is in the microwave.' She announced walking towards the door.

'Thanks, but can we do lunch later.' He managed to say.

'Sure we can do lunch when I'm free.'

'That's my girl.' He smiled walking to her when she suddenly closed the door behind her.

Tom only heard the gate open and her car horn blaring loudly. That's a signal for him to get the gate closed.

'Gosh, I need a damn security.' He told himself heading to the kitchen for his breakfast.

He was expecting Grissel to wake him up when she was doing her rounds but it appears she was still angry hence he would be late for work. Tom hissed and picked up his Oat bowl from the microwave and luckily it was still warm. He checked the covered saucer and realized it was sausage which he dislikes and Grissel knew that.

He fished out his phone and dialed her number which she picked up on the first ring.

'Tom I'm driving, let me call you back once i….' She was saying when he cut her off.

'You know I don't like sausages.'

'Oops sorry. Kindly get an egg boiled or fried.' She was saying again when he hanged up.

He shook his head and walked away with his Oat. Tom is too lazy that he couldn't even boil water to talk of frying an egg.

Today is the first Monday they were both reporting to work after their honeymoon leave. Even when they had added a week of their previous years piled up off days to their mandatory leave period, it was still not enough as they wished it never came to an end.


'Mr. Addison, a word in my office.' The new CEO Stella Medt called Tom over the intercom into her office.

'On my way.' He responded and hanged up.

Mr. Medt who entrusted the managing of the company to Tom for a whole year while he recuperate decided to let her daughter handle things with the help of Tom.

Tom hates to be called by his father's name. He had a chance to change it but his aunt wouldn't agree.

He quickly dropped his file and walked out. That was the second time he's being summoned into the CEO's office since he reopened that morning but couldn't meet her the first time.

Tom knocked lightly and entered as the label on the door indicated knock and enter. His face lit up when he entered. Stella was seated in her swivel chair with her black shades.

He walked to her table and stood in front of her. Stella's gaze was still on what she was doing on her laptop hence ignoring him.

'Hello, you asked to see me.' He waved his hands to grab her attention.

'You can have a seat.' Stella announced after a few minutes still with her attention fixated on her laptop.

'Thank you and you are officially welcome to the company.'

'My dad left you in charge right?' She asked dismissing Tom's welcome address with her face up now. She adjusted herself and took off her shades.

Tom smiled and was just staring at her.

'You are charming.' He said quietly instead of answering her question.

'What did you say?' Stella asked when she saw his lips went apart quickly.

'You called for me?' He asked to cover up the foolish grin on his face when he realized he hasn't heard her question.

'Are you the man to see regarding management?'

'Yes, I'm the Managing Dir….'

'So why were you not here to help when I sent a notice I would be taking over.'

'I apologize but I was on leave for my wedding and I just resumed today.'

'So? How is that supposed to be my problem when you have the information's I need.' She sternly queried. 'I expect you to be around when I got here.'

Tom frowned. 'My leave was approved by HR and they haven't complained I did anything wrong so I d….'

'Do you still love your Job?' She interrupted.

'Of course, I have sacrificed myself for this job since I turned twenty-four.' The smile on his face disappeared as he doesn't like her earlier question.

'So you've been working for six years, if what I read on your file was correct.'

'Yes.' He focused on her face as she didn't budge earlier when asking the question.

'I don't think you are qualified for this job.' She took off her gaze. 'So from now on you would handle what I tell you to.'

'I beg your pardon.' His forehead drew a contour line as he fumed. 'To the best of my knowledge I get my job done perfectly and cover all my hours so why I'm I being stripped of my role.'

'Oh you still got your Job title, office and whatever you are entitled to at the end of the month.' She grabbed her shades and put it back on.

'I just don't understand how you could just walk in here and change things, no offence by the way.'

'Watch how you talk to me in here Mr. Addison.'

'The name is Tom. Just Tom,' he managed to say with a confused state.

'Well, we are done here. You can go now.' She announced while focusing on the laptop.

Tom just relaxed on the chair staring at her as if he was waiting for another explanation.

'I said you can go.' She thundered with her face up from where she kept it earlier.

Tom stood up almost near tears and walked out fuming. He met his P.A on the way who run after him to inform him about Grissel but he waved his hands in the air indicating he doesn't want to hear any of it.

He banged the door after he walked in and didn't recognize Grissel sitting on the couch at the far right corner while he faced the door fuming.

'Who does she think she is? Is it because I'm black?' He kept fuming while hitting his leg on the door.

'Tom are you okay.' He heard the next voice and turned around.

'I thought I said I don't want to see anyone.' He yelled out before facing her.

Grissel who was walking over paused in the middle of the room still holding the lunch box she brought.

'What's going on? You just yelled at me.' She asked with a confused stare.

'Can you leave Grissel? I don't have the patience to argue with you now.'

'Okay but I brought Lunch.'

'I lost my appetite. Take it along with you.'

'But why are you askin….'

'I said not now Grissel.' He yelled.

'Alright.' She said when she felt the bitterness in his voice.

Grissel held on tightly to the lunch box and walked out. She got to her car and shed a tear.

'Is this about this morning and the sausage instead of egg?' She asked herself when her phone rang.

'Just in my desk. I'm on my way back now.' It appeared she was talking to her colleague. She dropped the phone and drove away.


'I don't want to do this again. That wasn't fair and you know it.' Stella said from her end to the caller uncomfortably.

'I'm sorry but I will make it up to you.' A voice answered from the other end.

'I know that but why are you even doing this in the first place.' She asked regrettably.

'I already told you Stella, he stole my dad's money and I want him to pay.'

'Yeah you told me but the Tom I met this afternoon doesn't seem to me like a swindler.'

'You met him for how many hours and you know him already.'

'Just briefly but I could tell he is genuine and can't he pay you back.' She tried to reason with her friend over the call.

'I don't want payment, I just want to hurt him where it hurts.' The voice replied yet again.

'This is petty.' Stella muttered.

'I know but you owe me so just hang in there for me.'

'Alright, see you later' Stella said and hanged up.

She hissed and called out to Tom's P.A.


Tom was pacing around in his office when his phone rang. He ignored and decided to pick up on the second ring.

'Aunty can I call you back.'

'Okay but I just wanted to know if you are enjoying your lunch.'

'What lunch?'

'Aren't you at your wife's office canteen?'

'OMG,' he exclaimed and hanged up.

Grissel who agreed on lunch that morning actually got a surprise delivery from Tom's aunty. That was the main reason why she came over to his office instead of calling her husband to meet him at their lunch center.

Tom suddenly remembered his behavior earlier towards his wife and picked up his suit and car keys. He rushed out of his office while dialing her number without success.

Grissel on the other hand parked at a restaurant just five minutes' drive away from her work place and got herself some pastries and drink. She sat in her car while eating in tears. Earlier she lied to her mother in-law about the lunch.

'Is marriage this difficult?' She asked herself with her mouth full of pastries and her eyes filled with tears.

'Maybe he has a problem at work.' She encouraged herself. 'But that doesn't explain why I should be the one to bear his anger.'

She continued to talk to herself until she finished her snacks and drove away.

Tom kept violating traffic rules in order to catch up with Grissel as she already called her office and learnt she wasn't yet back. Lunch time was probably already over but he had to make it somehow.

He was still on top speed veering off the road and careful not to get caught as was a forty-five minutes' drive to her office.


Grissel realizing she had no work left at the office when she went in decided to get her lunch heated in the canteen.

With all smiles she was enjoying her meal and reading a magazine when she felt a tap on her shoulders.

'Hey, you startled me.' She said struggling to swallow the food and reaching out for the water in front of her.

Henry quickly got the water and opened it for her.

She hurriedly gulped it and smiled. 'What are you doing here Henry?'

'How are you?' He asked smiling.

'Forgive my manners, I'm okay.' She replied dropping the water bottle.

'That's good to hear.'

She focused on her meal while Henry stared. Grissel wasn't that close to Henry because Melisa was always giving her attitude. It was always greetings among them but Melisa and Julia knew Henry was in love with Grissel.

Melisa always thought Grissel was too naïve to notice someone in love with her but Julia thought she was just so much in love with Tom that she couldn't see another man all over her.

'You must really be enjoying that a lot.' He said to her breaking the silence.

'You can say that again. This is exactly how my husband loves his chicken and fries.'

'Then it's a shame he's missing it.' Henry replied.

'I know right. His aunty actually made this for us but he ...' She was saying and paused feigning a smile.

'He what?' Henry sensed some hesitation in her voice and the glow she always had on her face wasn't there anymore.

'Nothing, it's all good. The two shall become one so I'm eating on his behalf.' She answered sadly.

'Are you sure you are okay,' He asked reaching out for her hand unconsciously but quickly pulled it back before Grissel could raise her head from staring at her plate.

'Yeah but you still haven't told me why you are at our firm today. Do you and Melisa need a court wedding?' She asked smiling.

'That's not possible and for the record Mel and I are just friends.'

'Friends with benefit.' She concluded for him.

'That's fine if you put it that way but I'm in need of a divorce lawyer.' He blurted out.

'Divorce lawyer?' She asked confused while taking a bite on her last piece of chicken.

'Not for me though.'

'Okay because I know you are not married.'

'Yeah but a friend is in love with a married woman.'

'Oh really and she's agreed to get that divorce to be with your friend?'

'No but I'm sure once he assures her of his love for her she would.' Henry muttered staring at her naïve face.

'That's weird but I can recommend a good one for you.' She dropped the chicken bone and switched to the hand cream by the table napkin.

'I was hoping you could because I heard you worked some years back on such cases.'

'Yeah I did but not anymore, it was just a few cases I handled. Now I handle custody cases.'

'Alright I will take your recommendation then.' He smiled.

'First floor, room ten. Just ask of Mrs. Edwards.'

'Thank you, do you want another meal because you keep staring back at the empty plate.'

'Only if it's this good like my mother-in laws.' She joked.

'I'm sure the food here is okay, fries again or salad.'

'You are not serious right?'

'I am Grissel. You look unsatisfied.'

'Thanks but seriously I'm okay. I'm just sad Tom isn't here to enjoy with me today.'

He feigned a smile and tried to adjust himself on the chair when his eyes fell on Tom lurking around. He wasn't sure if he had seen him with his wife but he knew he had to thread carefully as to win Grissel.

Tom arrived about ten minutes earlier and was told from her office, she was still at lunch so he quickly came to the canteen and has been wondering how long Henry and his wife has been chatting. He decided to wait around.

'Grissel I think I should go talk to that lawyer now.' He said standing up.

'Alright, thanks for keeping me company. I actually don't have much left so I would stay around for a while.' She chipped in smiling.

'All the best for the day.' He waved and left using the other exit.

Grissel packed up the lunch box and picked up her water gulping it when Tom sat in front of her.