
bleeding hands #marks

Silver_Reg · History
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I stood shouting at her, at all of them. whatever I am now, they started it, they created it; they made me this way, so how dare them call me wicked, evil, selfish when I was their creation. I was a replica of their expectations, I was the the worlds expectations or rather my family's own.

I wasn't always, didn't also choose to be this way, I was made; was forced.


I was just eight and I could remember everything, I live with my parents at the ends of the country in one of the unknown villages, I lived with my mom, but also visit my dad since he lived close.

my parents separated a few years back and I could never forget the incident, mom was being beaten my dad all the time and even though that wasn't the first time it was happening I was afraid mommy wasn't going to make because she just gave birth to my baby brother and I know she was still really weak.

It was definitely going to be the last time because after that mom left and her brothers had to beat up daddy because of the injuries mommy received.

~so basically that was my first lesson. NEVER GET MARRIED. It was torture. so at age 8, I understood domestic violence and u could never trust ur anyone even ur husbands

living alone with mom wasn't really bad I was still my dads favorite, I still to ask him for anything and I will get it without hesitation . for some reason he saw something in me that wasn't in my 3 other siblings, I was called my father's pride because I looked like him in every way and mom was afraid that if I stayed longer with dad, I was going to become like him, heartless and bitter. she was too late l, for somehow I already has his blood and his heart.

later that year, something bad happened. something I really couldn't say though but that wasn't what made me worried. My moms sister came from the city to take me with her, but I really didn't want to go . I wanted to stay here in the village where I lead my life, I was an adult on the street and a child in my moms house. I could fight anybody out there, whatever money I got I spent it anyway I wanted and whatever I wanted I ate. But with my mom, whatever I was given I ate, didn't have a choice.

so I hated the idea of living home, what about grandma, I was suppose to learn some things from her that grandma said I wasn't ready to an even though I loved dad, mom said I couldn't tell him anything and I agreed and mommy said it was only for a short time and I wasn't going to stay for long and I would come back. I just couldn't sleep anymore, it was going to be far away and I didn't want to and for some reason I felt mommy lied, something wasn't right but I couldn't say no.

It was time to go, I packed a few clothes and I was ready to go after promising mom that whatever happened I was only going to say no whenever am asked if I wanted to come back and to never say I wanted to. LESSON TWO : NEVER MAKE A PROMISE U ARE NOT SURE U CAN KEEP, PROMISES ARE TRAPS. I left with my aunt amidst tears and goodbyes, my aunt had a baby that wasn't up to one year and he was adorable.

we travelled on a car for house and I was tired, I ate on the road and I saw a lot of places and I thought the leaves and grasses follows us along.

it was incredible, and I knew I would never forget it, we came to a city where we were going to sleep over and there I made my three city friends

the house was big and different from the ones in the village, I was given food, was chased by their dog who just wanted to lick me not hurt me and was entertained by the three children . my favorite was the first boy, we became friends immediately. His name was Dexter, the second who was a girl was called Elnora and the last a boy was called David. I liked them a lot and I was sad when after two nights it was finally time to go, I bade them goodbye and the promised to visit.

we traveled for hours and finally got to my aunts place , I met my cousins, shalom and tamson, they were nice and I carried my bags inside. I met their helper we called her aunty faith, she w Nice, didn't meet their dad yet, he was at work.

shortening the story , everything went well and I saw a lot of beautiful places , had nice clothes , slept and ate good food. I was pretty much excited but I longed for home .

it was almost getting to long for my liking . After a while, I started thinking about that I might never go home.

kept my hope crossed and after a while, he came, their father and my aunt husband.

my journey began here✌

so guys this book is more of a narration, am basically telling a story of someone

might just be 20 chapters but is going to be interesting

it will be just me telling the story

no much conversations in it.


have fun

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