
Bleach-The Sword God's Wives and Concubines

Genryujin, the Grandson of Yamamoto Genryusai, is the renown Sword God, a powerful Shinigami that has one major trait; His Lust. Despite this, he is allowed to do as he please, considering he never hurts anyone. [Slow Updates and Short Chapters] [A/N: This is a Smut, written for fun, do not take every detail seriously.]

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Prodigy

(Genryujin's POV)

"Who's this kid again?" I asked Shunsui as we sat on a cliff overlooking a clearing

Down below, a young shinigami kid with white hair was training, in total focus. He hadn't noticed us at all and we've been looking at him for the past hour. 

"Toshiro Hitsugaya." Shunsui said, "A Prodigy. He's in the 10th Division, currently and has climbed the ranks quite fast. He's the 4th seat." 

"10th Division?" I asked, "Isshin's Squad? Ain't the Vice-Captain a hot babe?" 

"Ah, you mean Rangiku." He said, "I'm surprised you haven't met her." 

"Katori and Retsu don't let me interact with women much these days." I said, "Especially with the whole thing with Soi Fon." 

"Not my business, but thread carefully." Shunsui said, "Yama-ji might actually blow a gasket and punish Captain Soi Fon." 

"You're right." I said, "It's not your business." 

"Hehe." He said as he looked down, "This kid, he might actually become a Captain." 

"What? Take Isshin's spot?" I said, "Doubt it." 

"Isshin is strong." Shunsui said, "He might nurture this young man in his own way to become a powerful leader."

"More like show him an example he shouldn't follow. That way, he'll succeed." I snorted, "Isshin is wacky." 

"Who's what?" A voice behind us said

I turned to see Isshin Shiba, Captain of the 10th Division walking up to us. 

"Oh, Captain Shiba!" Shunsui said, "What brings you here?" 

Isshin reached us, "Checking on my student." He said, "You?" 

"The same." Shunsui said

Isshin looked at me, "Fancy seeing you here, Ryujin-san." He said

I nodded, "Sup." I said, "What're you up to? Besides checking on your kid." 

"Not my kid..." He muttered as he narrowed his eyes

"Well considering the state your Division is at, you might as well be dealing with Kids, Isshin." i said while shrugging

"Well, you wanna take the reigns again?" He asked, "Former Captain Yamamoto, my predecessor." 

"Ah, that was a long time ago." I waved him off, "I quit being your Division's Captain way before your time." 

"Those were good times." Shunsui said with a chuckle, "You've had things locked down under control. Nothing got past you." 

"You gotta learn to soften up sometimes." I said, "Although, you've always been lax, Shunsui." 

Isshin sat down next to me, "So." He said, "All that aside, your thoughts on Toshiro?" 

I shrugged, "He's alright, I guess." I said, "I want to see his Zanpakuto to see what he's truly about." 

"Okay, got ya." Isshin said, "Heyyyy Toshiro!!!" 

The kid stopped swinging his sword and looked up. He then widened his eyes in surprise. 

"Captain! And....Captain Kyoraku...." He said, "And is that....Lord Genryujin?" 

I nodded, "Sup kid." I said

"Hey, Toshiro!" Isshin called, "Release your Zanpakuto! Show Ryujin-san what you're about." 

"R-Really...?" He said, "Are you sure?" 

I nodded, "Go ahead." I said

"Alright...." He said

"Go, Toshiro, Go!" Isshin cheered

I watched as the kid readied a stance and began to release his Reiatsu. 

"Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens....." 

I then noticed as the sky above began to darken and storm clouds gathered, they were more like snowstorm clouds. 

"Hm...." I said

"Watch, Watch!!" Isshin said excitedly


Suddenly, a massive dragon made out of pure ice appeared and connected to the kid's Zanpakuto, releasing a massive wave of cold. The aura it exuded was made of pure reaitsu and cold, it was impressive to say the least. 

"Whoa..." Shunsui said, "That's something...." 

I stood up, "Heh." He said, "An ice-type, huh?" 

The Dragon began to float above the kid and was in front of us, where we sat at the cliff. 

I tilted my head, "Hm...." I said, "How about...." 

In an instant, I lunged at the dragon and drew my blade, cutting the Dragon in multiple pieces. I had swung so fast that nobody was able to tell what had happened. 

I landed in front of the kid as the pieces of his frozen dragon fell all around us. 

He had a shocked look on his face, "W-What?" 

"Ah, here we go." I heard Isshin say

I smirked at the kid, "Not bad, kid." I said, "A living Zanpakuto...you got a bright future ahead of you....But one thing I, The Sword God, would give to you as advice." 

I pointed my sword at him. 

"Don't overly rely on your Zanpakuto's abilities."