
Bleach-The Sword God's Wives and Concubines

Genryujin, the Grandson of Yamamoto Genryusai, is the renown Sword God, a powerful Shinigami that has one major trait; His Lust. Despite this, he is allowed to do as he please, considering he never hurts anyone. [Slow Updates and Short Chapters] [A/N: This is a Smut, written for fun, do not take every detail seriously.]

Yuri_Lover23 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Fast Forward: The Third

[85 Years Later, 25 Years Before The Start of The Canon Story]

(Genryujin's POV)

"Ah~" Retsu let out a soft moan as she lay on the bed, "Oh~" 

I smiled as I pressed against her, moving my hips and feeling her pussy tighten on my cock, "You look beautiful when you moan like that..." I said as I groped her breasts, "So beautiful, my dear Retsu...." 

She closed her eyes and covered her mouth with her forearm as she blushed, "Mm~" She let out as I fucked her in a missionary position, "Ah~" 

We were in my estate, having a night to ourselves since Katori had decided to stay in Rukongai to deal with some personal matters she has. I had Retsu lying in bed, naked as I thrust my cock inside her in a casual and slow manner. 

It felt amazing, her pussy coiling on my cock as I slowly thrust inside her, rubbing the shaft against the wrinkles of her pussy walls. 

"You want me to go faster?" I said as I fucked her pussy, "I could go faster...." 

"N-No..." She said, "Keep it in this pace, I....ahh~ I am enjoying it...." 

I smiled as I leaned in and kissed her neck, "As you wish." I said as I moved my hips

I felt as she wrapped her legs around my waist and hugged me with her arms, feeling her pussy tighten up even more. I could feel out bodies' body heat rise as we pressed against each other, being taking in a moment of bliss and pleasure. 

"Ah~" Retsu moaned, "Genryujin~ Mmm~" 

"My Queen..." I whispered to her ear, "I know you've needed this. You've been awfully busy these past few months...." 

She embraced me tighter, "Quiet..." She said, "Keep going...." 

I chuckled, "Of course..." I said as I continued to my hips, "Whatever you say." 

I kept moving my hips, thrusting my cock inside her wet pussy, feeling it drench completely. It was like her to occasionally want a soft and easy fucking, unlike Katori, who mostly wants a fast and hard fucking. Which is quite the contrast from their old selves; Retsu used to always want to be pounded and Katori would like it gentle. 

"Release your seed inside me...." Retsu softly said as she tightened her pussy more, "I am ready..." 

"Is that so?" I said, "As you wish..." 

I then gave her a final thrust as I felt a load releasing into her. 

"Ahhh~" She moaned as she hugged me tightly, "Yes~" 

I felt her pussy being filled with my semen, even feeling it drench out. 

"Oh...." I said as I stayed still, "Yea...." 

I felt her pussy tighten even more, molding itself to my cock's shape as it was being completely filled up. 

"Ah~" Retsu said as she patted my cheek, "Thank you....I needed this....." 

I pulled out my cock and plopped down next to Retsu as she turned to face me, placing her hand on my chest. 

"Wish Katori was here tonight." I said as Retsu ran her hand down to my crotch, "Would've been much better." 

"Hm...." Retsu said as she began to stroke my cock, "It cannot be helped. She got herself in a compromise, she must see through it." 

I felt as she stroked my semen-covered cock, drenching her hand in the process. This is something she never minded doing, getting her hand dirty. Habits from her old self stayed, I suppose. She always does this and licks my cum off her hands after. 

"I have something to discuss with you...." She said as she leaned in to kiss my pectorals, "Your Grandfather has discovered of your trips to the Human World." 

I sighed, "Fuck." I said

"You ought to be careful, the two of you." She told me, "Otherwise, he'll put you under a Captain's supervision. One that isn't me." 

I nodded, "I'll keep it mind." I said

"Another thing, my love." She continued

I looked at her, her fair and beautiful face aroused me even more than her stroking of my cock. 

"What is it?" I asked

"Please consider your decision." She said, 

"Of taking another Wife..." 


"How many times have I told you not to go to the Human World without permission, Genryujin!!!!" Gramps yelled at me as he sat at his desk, "This is unacceptable!!! What do you think will happen if your reiatsu affects the fabric of that reality?! Chaos!!!" 

I was in the 1st Division Barracks, receiving a scolding from the old man because someone decided to snitch on me. I had been taking trips to the Human World for decades at this point and nobody found out until recently. 

I rubbed my neck, "Chill the fuck out, man..." I said, "You're taking it out of proportion." 

"I've had it with you." He said with anger in his voice, "Normally, I'd have a non-Gotei shinigami imprisoned!!! But because of your history of being a Gotei 13 Vice-Captain and Captain, I have been lenient. Not just that, You are my blood. I feel ashamed of having such an unruly bastard as a Grandson!!" 

I narrowed my eyes, "Easy there, Gramps." I said seriously, "We're going into a territory nobody but us wants to know about." 

I was referring to Sasakibe, Soi Fon, and Kurotsuchi who were behind me. 

They didn't say anything, only kept quiet. 

"This is the last straw, Genryujin." Gramps continued, "I've allowed you and your wife to live without bother for the past few centuries. And don't forget what I've done for that woman, sparing her of execution. But for you to do this? It is unacceptable." 

I scowled, "Again." I said, "Choose your words carefully, old man." 

He slammed his cane down on the floor, "Silence!" He shouted, "I will have a punishment ready for you by this afternoon. Until then, Captain Soi Fon!! Have your Stealth Corps constantly monitor him. Captain Kurotsuchi, place a tracker on him and on his Wife, Katori. At once!! If you go to the Human World, Genryujin, I will have a Captain hunt you down!!!" 

I rolled my eyes, "Yea yea, whatever." I said turning around, "We're done." 

"We're done when we say we are-" He started

I waved him off, "Shut up." I said as I walked away and looked at the two captains, 

"Let's get this over with."


"Never seen the Captain-Commander that angry before." Soi Fon said as we walked together, "You really ticked him off this time." 

I shrugged, "This is nothing." I said, "850 years ago, a group of Vasto Lord Hollows snuck into the Soul Society and I let them kill a group of his 1st Division shinigami. He was fucking pissed." 

Soi Fon stopped, "You did what?!" She exclaimed

"Yea." I said, "Those guys were corrupt, though. They were planning a Coup. He didn't know that, though. So he really went in on me, even released his Zanpakuto. Our fight ended up killing the Hollows in the process." 

"You...." She said

I smiled, "This is nothing, just a scolding." I said as I crossed my arms, "Besides, this is for the best. The Stealth Corps constantly monitoring me? With their Leader potentially being by my side at all times? Didn't you used to wish for things like these?" 

I reached over and put my hand on her chin. 

She blushed fiercely, "S-Shut up." She said slapping my hand away, "Idiot....I must stay loyal to my Captain-Commander's wishes." 

She began to walk away. 

"Well don't forget who'll be loyal to you when the time comes." I told her, "Soi Fon, You will be mine, woman." 

"Don't you forget that."