
Bleach: The One Who Wonders

When he appeared they called him the bringer of live. When he gained form they called him silhouette of death. When he walked the lands they called him the wander. Then the world tried splitting him in three, that upset him a great deal and he'd pout and grumble about how uncool and unfair the world is. *Important* This novel had no real 'plan,' I have a outline I want to follow but everything else it just seeing what I could come up with on the spot or through out the day. this is just for fun and seeing if I enjoy (or are any good at) writing as much as reading novels and fan-fics *Disclaimer* I don't own bleach or any other anime that might get referenced in this fan-fic

TheWalkingFog · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


He could 'feel' it more then he could 'see' it

He could 'feel' energy similar to the second source of energy, it was dark like a dimming sky and full of intent but it also seemed to be fading ever so slowly.

He could 'see' what looked like a blurry stick with five twigs protruding from one end and he couldn't see the other end as it just was like looking into a fog, he couldn't look past the 'fog.' It was every underwhelming

'A hand?' he thought 'what is going on?' he was curious. Deciding to do something stupid pushed his second source of energy -which was most like the energy in the what he assumed hand- into the hand. if he had a face you would be able to see the flabbergasted express plastered on his face. he was 'seeing' and 'feeling' his energy doing was incredible and looked extremely painful, his energy was going through the arm -and likely the rest of the body- and destroying it and recreating it, he could feel the energy that was in the arm getting a little bit brighter and the small amount that was fading from the arms system stop, then most of his energy returned to him and again he was astounded as wealth of knowledge about the thing that was attached to the hand.

Gender: Male

Age: ~158

Height: 5'11

weight: 156 lbs (71 kg)



he also got things like genetic coding ( since during this time matter didn't exist think of a genetic code as signature of their energy) brain activity and other such things. he was greatly... perturbed about the information and the realisation he got once his energy returned. His power was ripping the body apart and studying it, the healing was just a side effect of his energy having nothing other to do, he literally ripped this mans individual cells (think of cells as the stuff that makes up the body of a soul) apart and finding out everything it could about it and only after that his energy would us that knowledge to recreate the cell because it had nothing else to do. But also now that the man had his energy in side of him he could track that man, it was like a dot on a radar, it 'beeped' in his mind every now and then. Terrifying.

Some amount of time later





He felt dirty.

For some reason more and more people came to get violated by his energy.

He felt dirty.

He had 'healed' these people -most were sick or injured- but he had also torn them down and rebuilt them, his energy explored every EVERY part of their body and destroyed it, studied it then rebuilt it.

He felt dirty.