
Bleach: Supreme Soul System

Su Hao who had just gotten back from a gate exploration suddenly awoke within a damp cave surrounded by strange corpses and cointainers just to find out that he had transmigrated into the world of bleach and was bound to a system that may or may not wish to kill him.

fishcourtsdeath · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

hypocritical bastard

Quickly turning around, a tall and handsome white-haired figure with pitch-black eyes wearing reddish-purple robes appeared within Yuu's line of sight.

Contradictory to his disheveled waist-length hair, tired eyes and overall carefree demeanor, he had an imposing air of elegance surrounding him.

Yuu however, remained unimpressed and carefully analyzed his movements, unsure of why the person in front of him had decided to reveal himself.

"So im guessing you're the source of that gaze from before?" Yuu asked.

"You actually caught that? I figured you'd be too distracted to notice" the white-haired man replied somewhat incredulously, while still maintaining a look as if he would drop over and fall asleep at any point in time.

"Then lets see, whether or not, your prowess can hold up with your senses." A smirk formed on the man's face.

'I have a bad feeling about this..' Yuu thought, frowning.

The sound of the wind being torn echoed throughout the meadow as the man disappeared from sight.

'Damn it, I knew this would happen!' Yuu cursed inwardly.

'And he told me not to overdo things... hypocritical bastard' The black-haired girl snorted in indignation.

Yuu suddenly jumped toward the side as a deep ridge formed at his original position.

Barely having avoided the first slash, he suddenly moved his left palm in a spiral motion as a dull yellow light shone and a spinning energy shield appeared in front of it.

"Bakudō #39 Enkōsen!" He lightly exclaimed.

Just as he had finished his casting, the white-haired man appeared in front of him once more, his formerly tired eyes having been replaced by a sharp glint and his carefree smirk now an arrogant grin.

"That's pretty impressive given your age but, Is that it?"

Without even drawing his blade, he threw his hand forward, imitating a beast's claw, instantly tearing through the kidō-shield Yuu had created.

"Are you serious? That was a Bakudō bordering on level 40, do you know how much effort i put into learning that?"

'Well it wasn't exactly a lot, but still..'

Yuu side-stepped once more as a light smirk could be seen adorning his face, his palms quickly meeting with the pale crimson ground.

"Bakudō #21 Sekienton!"

Red smoke abruptly engulfed the two; both of them quickly sprang upwards and landed on air as the smoke continued to spread.

Yuu turned his back toward the man and ran, seemingly trying to reach the back of the meadow.

"Hey Hey, are you seriously turning your back on me?" The white-haired man laughed as he drew his blade and gave chase.

"That worthless battle maniac, always being stuck on either side of the extreme, never knowing true balance." The black-haired girl scoffed in her heart while watching the two; her gaze lingering on with a mocking light quickly flashing within her eyes.

The white haired man continued his chase and casually swung his blade leaving a white crescent shaped slash of energy to fly through the forest. Strangely enough, none of the trees showed any signs of being damaged. Even the flow of the wind didn't change.

"Was I wrong? but I clearly saw a ridge appearing back then.." Yuu thought while slightly turning back his head and squinting.

He put back his Zanpakutō, turning his body and getting into a stance.

Seeing this, the white-haired man's eyes flashed with a competitive light as he loudly exclaimed:

"Hakuda is it? fine by me, come!" He sped up and quickly arrived in front of Yuu, immediately throwing a punch toward his abdomen.

Yet before his punch had arrived he noticed something off about Yuu's smile, but it was far too late.

A small ball of light blue color appeared in front of Yuu's abdomen and he said: "Bakudō #8 Seki!"

"Heh, guess you've got me" The white-haired man exclaimed with a bitter smile as he was pushed back by the repulsion of Seki.

'Was it intenional? Whatever I don't have time for this against someone like him, I'm almost out of energy, even taking into account the nature of my surroundings being part of my mind..'

Yuu quickly took hold of this opportunity; while the white-haired man flew back toward the red smoke. Yuu quickly followed behind while a bright red light enveloped his body. He put his all into a single punch directed at the man's chest.

Bakudō #9 Geki in combination with all of Yuu's strength, gave birth to a powerful punch carrying a paralyzing effect.

"I wish I had learned something like fushibi to go along with this, Haah no use complaining about it now.." Yuu sighed innerly, moving back his hair and squinting towards the distance.

The white-haired man flew out and crashed into a tree causing some of its eye-patterned leafs to fall.

Sorry about the delay, had some irl issues going on.

Thanks for reading!

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