
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


With that time flew by, and many things happened, some were because of Shin, and others not so much.

During the three months that followed Aizen's departure, Shin got a better hand around his ability, he could now use it with even more ease than before. That's how he was able to seamlessly transfer knowledge from the Akashic record directly to the LOHP in the form of books, of course, he didn't just transfer anything and everything, that would take an infinite amount of years with his current abilities.

Instead, what he did was transfer all knowledge related to a specifically chosen topic, to the LOHP, thus he didn't need to look through it himself, he had his system, Lune, automatize the process. It still takes a fair bit of time though. But the good side is, contrary to the Akashic Record, the LOHP would automatically organize everything for him, so he can have easier access. And he just needed to will it for the corresponding books to come to him.

Though he didn't form a Heaven path book yet, he planned to do it soon enough.

Aside from that, he dedicated a large amount of his time to review all information concerning his brother, the fact that Ichigo was so weak bothered him, and after getting all those information he finally understood what was going on. Thus he convinced Ichigo to have a chat with Zangetsu... and it didn't work. So Shin had to do it the hard way...

How? Simple, the Evolution Cube, since Zangetsu didn't want to do it, with the help of Evolution cube, Shin forced out most of Ichigo's latent potential, and tada! the result was magnificent...

Now the Kurosaki Family had two transcendental beings... and that wasn't all, since he thought that it would be a waste to not let his sisters make use of their potential, he convinced his father to let them know of their background once they were old enough... they could already see ghost and shit anyway. Even though he was not planning to let them fight or anything, it would be better for them to be able to defend themself after all.

Question why would he do that?

Well, apart from the fact that he won't have to babysit them anymore and the fact that he wanted his people to be strong and safe. There was the fact that Shin wasn't planning on being in this world H24, and since he didn't know when the final boss and his people will be attacking, he thought that it would be better to get Ichigo at the peak as a precaution.

Speaking of the Evolution cube... hehe, he of course got the most out of it, he created an organization, and although he didn't decide its objective, for now, he decided to do it all the same. Why? It wouldn't hurt to have powerful subordinates at your beck and call after all.

The members of the said organization were... Hollows, Arrancars to be more precise, yes he pulled an Aizen but why not? Considering he was planning to make the multiverse his playing field, powerful, loyal and reliable subordinates were always welcome.

Hollows were simple beings, you could get their loyalty as long as you showed them how stronger you were to them and how much they could gain by following you, and taking advantage of that Shin accomplished his objectives.

He didn't have as enormous of an army as Aizen though, what he wanted were the elite, those above all others, and those able to understand and accomplish the task given to them nearly perfectly... Of course, some exceptions were made because of his personal bias.

His current organization was comprised of Tier Harribel, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, Baraggan, Starrk & Lilynette, Nelliel, and Zommari. Well, he also made an exception to accept Harribel's sister... Told you he was biased.

Anyway, He announced that from that moment on, Hueco Mundo would be his territory, and it was not for others to intrude without consequences. Except for his people of course.

That summed up, everything that happened during these past three months, sadly he got no mission from the system.

"Ho yes, there is also the fact, that Ichigo grew some balls or more like realized Orihime's feelings for him and decided to ask her out." He said as he drank the cup of tea served to him by the one he appointed as his secretary.

"Shin-same, you are speaking to yourself... again." Nelliel spoke from the side as she chuckled a little. Shin revealed himself way more different than how she first thought he would be, and that eased her mind a fair bit, to be honest.

It has already been a month since she became an Arrancar, and she had been his "assistant/secretary" for two weeks already.

Considering how domineering he was when he first approached her, she thought he would be somewhat of a power-hungry tyrant, but turn out he was rather easygoing and understanding.

Well, as long as you don't go overboard... Grimmjow could tell you some more about it. But now even he was rather respectful toward Shin-sama... Well, as respectful as Grimmjow could be.

"Oh... Yeah, it's becoming more and more frequent for some reason." Shin answered though he couldn't help but remark how flagrant was the difference between this version of Nelliel and the version after her injury to the head.

Not that he didn't like this version of her or anything, quite the opposite actually, this version was perfect for her to be his secretary. As to why he would need one, which Selfrespected and powerful leader of an organization doesn't have a beautiful secretary? He at least wanted one, and most of the time than not, he always end up doing what he want. He was really a helpless hedonist.

"Anyway, it seems like your tea-making skill has really improved." He complimented as he took another sip. Strangely enough, he started liking tea after his meeting with Zangetsuha. Now he was as much a tea person as he is a coffee person.

"Thank you, it's because of your help." She bowed a little, it was because he used an illusion spell to make her seem human that she was able to take some tea-making courses in the human world and improve so much.

That was also something she liked about Shin, he didn't restrict anyone, giving them the freedom to do whatever they wanted and even go to the human world as long as they didn't cause any trouble.

That's the reason why, currently there was only Four people in Las Noches, Shin, Baraggan, Zommari, and herself. The others were out about their business.

Fun fact, Grimmjow and Ichigo ended up getting along quite well in this timeline, though their relationship dynamic was kinda strange... It was like seeing Zoro and Sanji interact.

"Well, that's not wrong." He shamelessly acquiesced before continuing. "Isn't Yoruichi back yet?" he asked as she left a while ago to visit Urahara.

Speaking of which, the man ended up not giving him back the Hogyoku, perhaps he assumed that it was no longer necessary since the threat has passed? Shin didn't know, what's sure however is that he wouldn't lift a finger if a problem occurred because of it.

Also, the man was so damn shocked seeing that I have been able to accomplish what I did without the Hogyoku, it was so damn funny. Should have seen his face.

"No, she told me that she wouldn't be back before nighttime." Nelliel was a good friend of Yoruichi so she end up telling her things like that.

"I see... Then it will wait till tomorrow." Of course, he had something in mind, but it was not that urgent so it could be put off by that much without any problem. With that in mind, he connected to all his people, going from his father and brother to Yoruichi, and the Arrancars as he passed a single message.

"I am going to train for a while, do not reach out to me if it's not important."

With that, he posed his cup of tea and his shadow formed a gate before him which he started walking in.

"May your training session be worthwhile." He heard Nelliel from behind, and as an answer, he waved his hand before disappearing.

"I wonder, what he is going to do this time?" Nelliel unconsciously spoke out loud before catching herself doing exactly what he reproached Shin of doing earlier.

But she couldn't be blamed, the last time he did something like that he came back with a depressed Ichigo...

While Nelliel was a little lost in her thought, trying to guess what would happen this time, Shin found himself in a corridor-like place, a place between dimensions, separated from the regular world space-time.

"So this is the Dangai huh?" He once again spoke out loud as he looked around, but there was not much to be seen anyway.

He quickly inserted four small forked blades into various locations along the Dangai's wall to stop the current of time that was constantly flowing in the Dangai. Imitating what Isshin did for Ichigo in the Original so he could train and learn the Final Getsuga Tensho.

If an upper captain level like Isshin could do it for 2000 hours, Shin by himself could do it for way longer. He wasn't worried about the Kototsu either.

This time his goal was to use the time dilatation, to transfer the maximum amount of information from the Akashic record to the Library of heaven path, while at the same time mastering his already existing ability to the limit. Perhaps also unlock either a Bankai or a Volstandig...

Basically, he was gonna use the Dangai as a pseudo-hyperbolic time chamber to train. What is sure is that when he comes out, he would certainly become even stronger than he currently was.

"Worthwhile training session...? ho my sweet Nelliel, for being worthwhile it sure will be worthwhile."