
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Good mood and Test.

"Oni-san... what are you going to make this morning?" Yuzu finally asked as she finished taking care of the initial preparation needed to start the cooking process.

It was nothing much, just rinsing the different cooking materials and installing them but she was curious as to what Shin was going to cook since he didn't tell her anything until now.

"Just watch, it will be a surprise." Shin said with a smile as he patted the head of his cute little sister, the little girl in question although septical didn't say anything and just enjoyed the feeling of being patted with a smile. She loved when he did that, it was warm and felt good.

After that Shin thoroughly washed his hand clean, nobody wants to eat a meal cooked with dirty hands after all. Hygiene is always a priority.

"Then Yuzu, enjoy the show" He announced as he dramatically tied an unnecessarily long black headband around his head.

As his face became one of indifference and his mind focused, he took action.

He first placed a large stainless steel pot over medium-high heat, then poured 700 milliliters of water into it. Soon enough the water was simmering.

Next, he added 30 grams of bonito flakes, 2 minutes later, he took the pot off the heat and let it sit aside for the flavor to infuse.

Then reaching for the frying pan, he heats up some sesame oil to fry up some chicken wings which still have the wingtips attached.

While those were fryings, he strained the bonito broth he put aside earlier into a metering cup and separated it from the juice.

Now, the chicken wings were already golden brown, he directly transferred them from the frying pan to a pot, where he also dump in the bonito juice along with some soy sauce.

He then also added some sugar, sake, mirin, and grated ginger and gave a stir with some chopsticks until things started smelling absolutely delicious.

Yuzu who was attentively observing her older brother who was masterfully and smoothly cooking with admiration from the side couldn't help her mouth-watering in expectation.

Shin however was still focused on cooking, now that this was ready, he once again separated the juice from the chicken wings and put the said juice in a large glass bowl.

With some masterful movements and precision, he skims the scum off the top of the broth, and once again poured that into three large square molds and up them to chill in the fridge.

"Next!" He muttered and took some eggs that he cracked in a bowl with added white sugar and whisked them with his chopsticks. Then he poured it into a nonstick pan over medium-high heat with no oil or fat just whisking them vigorously until little curds form.

Washing some white rice and putting them in a rice cooker along with some water he skipped to the next step and took hold of some scallion that he cut into very thin slices.

Putting them aside in a bowl, he retrieved the stock that was chilling earlier and carefully took the jiggly chicken soup off the molds and knifed them into little cubs.

At this stage, he was basically done so he placed five serving bowls before him and spooned in some freshly steamed fluffy white rice.

And finally, he poured over the jelly cubes mixed with the eggs, and delicately placed some chicken wings on the sides and some of the sliced scallions from before right on top.

"Done." He said as he breathed a huge mouthful of air.

"Yuzu, please be an angel and call everyone, breakfast is ready." He said as he took off his headband, but to his surprise, he was met with nothing but silence.

So turning around he called again. "Yuzu?"

'"huh... what? Ha! Okay, right now!" She seemed to have come out of her trance as she headed straight toward the nearest room.

Not knowing what to say, Shin proceeded to present the dishes on the eating table along with some sticks.

As to why he decided to recreate a dish from food wars today? It was simply because he was in a good mood. A really good mood.

And the cause of his current mood was none other than the system, turned out that after yesterday's event with Yoruichi, he later received a situational quest from the system.


Quest: More than a white paper

Information: You have recently met a potential mate but she is the kind to tease you because you are a virgin although she herself he very much so. Don't be the one on the receiving end and turn it around.

Objective: Lose your virginity to a woman.

secondary objective: Lose your virginity to a woman with a score of at least 70/100.

secondary objective: Lose your virginity to a virgin woman.

Rewards: 1 Gacha Gacha ticket.

Time Limit: 3 months.

Notice: With every secondary objective accomplished another Gacha ticket will be added to the reward.


That was it, he didn't think much as to with whom he will be doing it but what was sure was that he sure as hell will lose his v- card before the time limit.

He was not even worried about it, although he was a virgin in this life, in his past one, he for sure was not so if everything he at least got games.

"Woah, that smell amazing." He heard the voice of Ichigo who approached the dining table sniffing the food with his eyes closed Which resulted in Shin Bonking him on the head. "Manners."

"Tch!" Ichigo said as he obediently took a seat without making any fuse. He was worried that if he did, he may not get to eat and, no way in the seven hell- or was it heaven? anyway, he can't let that happen.

"Shin-... I mean Oni-san" the incoming caring said before correcting herself after a glance from Shin.

This little tomboy would call him by his name if he was not strict enough with her which he wouldn't let happen as it seemed too cold for him coming from his little sister.

Pretty Ironic isn't it? Considering he calls Isshin "Father" and not dad, but as they say, to each their own.

"Did you really make that?" Karin asked, eying the food suspiciously.

"Yes, why? Aren't you hungry? So you don't want to eat?" Shin asked teasing the girl at the same time.

"No-no, nothing like that!" Karin panicked a little, she was just a little surprised since this was not your common everyday meal. She knew that her brother was a good cook but not that he was at this level.

"I am just joking, go wash your hand, we are going to eat." He said to calm her down and ruffles her head a bit.

Soon, everyone was at the table ready to eat, everybody except... "Hey! You weren't going to eat without me, were you?" Asked Isshin asked as he hurriedly came after washing his hand.

""Absolutely"" Shin and Ichigo answered at the same time.

"Yes?" That was Karin.

"No?" And... that was Yuzu.

The answers were not a surprise for Isshin however, as he took his seat at the table while acting as if his feelings were hurt.

"So everybody, since I was and pretty much still am, I decided to make something special today!." Shin said from his seat as he drew all attention to himself.

"For today's breakfast, we have... Transforming Furikake Gohan!"


"Man, I tell you, you really outdid yourself this time." Ichigo complimented as he rubbed his belly, for being delicious this was something. The best meal he ever had.

"Truly, it was great!" Isshin added, not even feeling like moving from his seat, he was in a strange state of total carefreeness.

Following their comment, Karin couldn't help but also nod his head in appreciation while Yuzu was just smiling silly because of the effect.

"Glad that you liked it because I won't cook something like that for a long time." Shin said with a smile, breaking everyone from their current fantasy.

"Ma- Masaka!" Isshin shouted, he refused to come back to eating the food of the plebs after tasting such a delight.

"You... you are kidding right?" Ichigo asked as he along with everyone else looked at Shin, hope in their eyes.

But sadly, Shin didn't even deign to answer and merely kept smiling, only he currently knew what he was thinking.

At least his cooking mastery was fully put to use today.

The others, disheartened could only take their empty plate away and hope he was really just kidding.

It was later that day that something Shin was not expecting happened.

He was in his room, browsing through social media with the luna as it was displayed in augmented reality before his eyes. Something like connecting to the internet was but a piece of cake for lune, heck he could even hack anyone on this planet if he wanted.

That aside what happened, was that Isshin, came at him, but something was different from the usual, he was in his shinigami form and was adorned with his standard Shinigami Shihakushō, along with a tattered captain's haori, worn like a sash and fastened over his left shoulder.

"Shin, are you occupied right now?" He asked but there was pretty much just only one answer to this question.

"No, I am not." Shin answered as he got up from his bed.

"Then follow me." Isshin let those words as he shunpoed away, disappearing from his previous location.

This however was not enough to escape Shin's senses as he felt the man reappear two hundred meters away north. So he also followed as he hirenkyaku and seconds later appeared before Isshin in the sky.

"As expected, you can use the Quincy movement technique as well." Isshin voiced his thought but he didn't wait for an answer as he followed. "Then let's go." He once again used shunpo and disappeared.

Shin also didn't say anything and hirenkyakued (is that even a thing?) after him.

Of course, he could use most Quincy techniques, just like how Shunpo can be subconsciously and naturally used by even first-time shinigami, most Quincy techniques like hirenkyaku, spirit weapons creation, or even blut use can come naturally to some talented Quincy like him.

In fact, not only Hirenkyaku, Shin can also use Blut Vene and Shadow. But since he never needed to and he wanted to conceal his abilities, he never used them.

Five minutes later, they were already far away from Karakura town, in a seemingly inhabited location. As they appeared on the ground, Isshin turned around to face him.

The Shinigami suddenly joined his palms together as his spiritual energy fluctuated a little, two seconds after, his palms separated and between them appeared a transparent ball.

"Lair of the hidden dragon!" After this sentence, the ball expanded massively, becoming a barrier covering more than 500 meters around them.

"A spell?" Shin asked with his voice filled with curiosity.

"Yes, it's a barrier of my own creation. It will keep us hidden, any activity taking place inside this barrier won't be noticed by people outside, and to them, everything will seem normal."

"You mean that it can conceal even sounds and our spiritual activity?"

"Yes, it will." Isshin nodded and threw something toward Shin which he easily caught.

Looking at it, it was a Quincy cross, Shin quickly understood whose it was.

"Now comes the part where I am supposed to explain what is going on."

"But I will just say this, fight with all you have got." Isshin said as he took his Zanpakuto out of its sheath.

Shin didn't panic nor did he ask any unnecessary questions, he watched enough anime to be familiar with this kind of plot.

So he gently clenched his fist around the cross that once belonged to his mother as not only his but also the surrounding spiritual energy was absorbed into it.

Quickly, its form changed and became that of a condensed spiritual energy bow almost as tall as Shin himself.

He reached for the string of the bow and slowly pulled it as an energy arrow condensed. Holding the string, he pointed it toward Isshin as his amber eyes strangely shone in response to his spiritual activity.

The stand-off lasted for five seconds, after which Isshin and Shin disappeared from their location and reappeared in the sky. A sword was swung and an Arrow was fired.