
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

All Pieces Are On The Board

A Week Later.

Shin was looking at himself in his bathroom mirror, admiring the new earring Yuzu offered him just yesterday, it was a jeweled tassel earring that adorned his left ear. The jewel was amber in color which served to complement his already amber eyes.

"Hum... It certainly does look good." He said to himself with a thin smile, he certainly was quite pleased with this present.

He, of course, asked the little girl why she decided to get that for him to which she answered that she went out along with Karin and Isshin and lucked out finding the earring, thinking that it would look good on Shin. She convinced Isshin to buy it.

He did thank her for the present, and since she gave it to him he, after taking a look at it, decided to put it on and right now he couldn't say that he regretted it.

That aside, many things happened after his "fight" with his father, even if it would be more correct to say "spar".

One of those is, ironically enough, the night following the said event, the plot of bleach officially started as a "random" Hollow attacked our house and Rukia had to transfer her powers to Ichigo so that he could "become" a Shinigami and "save" his family.

Shin, already expecting this to happen at some point, observed everything that happened without being detected. Wouldn't His plans to fail so soon right?

He even had Lune play Ichigo's theme in his head to enjoy the scene that was Ichigo striking down the rather weak Hollow with but a single swing of his sword.

Although the scene didn't seem that cool to him anymore due to the fact that he was way stronger than the current Ichigo, it did give him some feeling of nostalgia.

So much, he wondered if he should be playing OSTs when fighting or when he was watching others fight. Imagine, that you are fighting for your life on the line and suddenly out of nowhere someone starts playing some music.

That definitely sounded fun, bet that he was totally going to do that at some point.

Back to the topic, after that Ichigo started his new life as a Soul Reaper, taking care of hollows here and there with the assistance of Rukia.

Although he wasn't surveilling them all the time, he did keep an eye on them just in case. Since, with someone like Aizen, we never know when he might just have enough of playing around and directly decide to take action.

Moreover, Shin knew something like that was very probable since his presence itself in this world will create a major butterfly effect without a doubt.

He just hoped to become a bit stronger before things get serious. And if possible, he would directly take the lead himself and put an anti-climatic end to this.

But before that as said before he wanted to get a little stronger and also, wait for Orihime and chad to get their fullbring abilities... Mainly Orihime, reality rejection is op.

Walking out of the bathroom, Shin walked toward the windows, as he caught sight of something over there. He opened them and with his hands, he reached out and took hold of the black cat that was carefreely sitting there.

He hugged the cat to his chest as it or more like "she" released a meow which prompted him to gently stroke her head much to her joy.

A fun fact was that since the night Ichigo became a Shinigami, Yoruichi has been repeatedly seen around the house, or more specifically around Shin.

She had used that event as an excuse for Urahara and the others, saying that she would keep an eye on them in case something happened.

But nobody was stupid enough to fall for this, they all knew full well that she just wanted to spend more time with the young man.

The Kurosaki family was probably one of the safest places in the human world right now with two captain level being living within its border.

Who was she kidding? Nevertheless, they didn't oppose it since there was nothing wrong with it.

Shin however was surprised, not to see her around so much, since that was within his expectation. What was surprising was seeing her after a while, he used his love parameter glasses and discovered that her feelings toward him grew further without him "technically" doing anything.

Technically yes, because it might be that the show he put on with his father that day may have played something in it even though he didn't particularly mean to.

But after spending so much time, which in fact was not that long... Details.

But hey the mc of the manhwa could make someone completely fail in love with him in but a single evening, so taking that into count Yoruichi could be considered a hard target.

Her affection was already at 90, which was remarkably high, he wondered if there was someone else apart from his family and her who liked him that much.

Even Tatsuki who could be considered his childhood friend would probably be around 60-70, they were not that close anymore, after all since he went missing for many years before coming back, at best they could be considered good friends.

If his memories from the manhwa were correct which he was pretty sure, was the case, he literally could browse through them like a file on a computer with the help of Lune.

This rating should be enough for him to get a "mission successful" but it still not showing up in the options which were weird.

Still, he hypothesized that it didn't happen because he never formally met Yoruichi, and thus they didn't talk things out, thus the reason why. It was pretty plausible, to be honest.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, he shook his head a little and smiled at the Catwoman.

Placing the cat on his shoulder, he walked out of his room just to see Karin watching the TV, she briefly looked at him before resuming her watch.

This was no longer a rare sight to see, she, no, they were already used to see him walking around with this cat, they already considered that he might have adopted it or something.

It's not like he couldn't take care of a cat, he is everything but poor.

Shin didn't know of Karin's thoughts, thus he continued on his way as he walked toward the door, he was going to a walk.

"Then Kuro Neko, where shall we go today?" He patted the cat as he asked, and not much to his surprise the only response he got was "Meow".

Yoruichi didn't particularly care where they were going, as long as she could spend more time with him, she would even accompany him to Hueco Mundo.

Shin nodded as if he understood what the cat mean and then said. " The park it's then."

"That's good, as I also want to buy some mangas." He read mangas and watched even in this world. Manga lover one day, Manga lover any other day.

Though the mangas in this world were different from his past worlds, didn't mean that they were bad, in fact, there was some gold in there, and he knew what he was thinking/talking? about since he read some.

Believe it or not, if you don't have anything else to do apart, from training and studying, you end up sometimes with no will do to either. And in those times he simply read and watched animes.

Plus studying couldn't really be considered that hard for him since he was basically cheating with his system.

Closing the door behind him, he started walking down the road.


Yep, I know nothing much happened in this chapter but believe me, it's going to get interesting very soon. Hehe just wait till he gets in contact with his zanpaku- Nah it would be more accurate to say ****** oops... i will not spoil the fun.

Ciao mfs.