
ch. 4 Evolution

The red energy accompanied by the powerful and condensed spirit energy, screamed danger as all of Madara instincts kicked into overdrive.

Madara had thought this creature would only be a large and mindless creature, using only it's powerful body to attack him and was definitely not assuming it could manipulate spirit energy as well!

Madara instinctively knew that if that attack landed om him, he was dead no matter how he tried to defend. Despite this, the smile on his face only deepened at this sudden occurance.

'This being is incredible slow due to its enormous size and now it's stopped entirely to manipulate that energy, I could easily run beneath it and wall walk up it's back to prevent it from being able to hit me....but why the Hell would I do that!'

Looking up at the Menos Grande charging up it's Cero, Madara stood there as blue energy began manifesting on his feet with his one tomoe sharigans activated.

The atmosphere became tense as Madara waited for the red ball of energy to grow bigger and bigger before it suddenly stopped and a ray of dark red energy came straight at Madara!

With eyes wide, Madara's one tomoe Sharigan barely witnessed the attack as he immediately used Body flickering Jutsu and barely dodged passed it as he jumped towards the Menos Grande.


Feeling the shockwave and heat from the attack slightly singe his back, Madara used the momentum to land on the creature thigh and ran up the creatures cloaked stomach before meeting eyes with the behemoth of a creature.

As Madara stared directly into it's eye, his hands moved at lighting speed.

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Jutsu!"

A line of flame with a snake head suddenly spit out from Uchiha Madara's mouth, and invaded the Menos Grandes still open mouth from his Cero!


On que, the fire jutsu exploded inside the creatures mouth and even blasted through the entire mask, causing a deafening roar that forced Madara to cover his ears.

Jumping off the falling creature, Madara watched the giant crash to the ground before going silent, signaling his Victory.

'It would definitely be dangerous if it landed the attack, but it was rather lackluster compared to what I'd imagined. I even gave it the opportunity to attack me and it still couldn't excite me...'

Still reeling from the disappointment ftom the fight, Madara looked at Menos Grande's body coldly, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

While the fight might've been boring, its death also represented a big opportunity for him. As long as Madara devours this creature, then he too should be able to evolve like it!

Ripping a piece of the flesh, Madara bit down on it as he immediately felt a burst of spirit energy course through him as well as a swirl disjointed memories entering his brain

'Its like I thought, unlike the small weaker creatures that only had decent amount of energy in the head, this entire body is loaded with Spirit energy!

Without stopping, Madara started consuming the giant at a startling pace, increasing his energy greatly as well as giving him memories of hundreds of creatures who had been consumed and turned into the giant.

'The fact that I can eat more than double my weight in food and not notice any changes confirms a theory, this body isnt physical but is instead made entirely of Spiritual energy! I thought it was strange that my energy mindlessly wondered throughout my body without a chakra network, but now it makes sense. In this state, I am more akin to a tailed beast than a human!'

Remembering the tailed beast who were essentially living chakra, Madara found his body and the bodies of the creature he killed very similar to them.

Madara had to put that thought to the side, as he was about half way finished eating the creature when an overwhelming pain came from his body.

Without warning, a black cloak suddenly poured down from his neck to ankles and white liquid seeped out of his body and formed a set of japanese armour around him.

His arms split in half long ways and regenerated to form four distinct limbs before he began to grow in size, going from 8 feet tall to over a hundred in under a minute.

The white liquid that made his armour pooled to his waist and began to form four bone blade, all four looking like traditional katana. As the last drop of the white liquid condensed into the sword, Madara transformation finally stopped as he collapsed to the floor vigilantly.

The transformation had seeped most of the energy from him, forcing him to quickly consume the rest of the dead Menos Grande in order to building his strength back.

After quickly consuming the rest, Madara moved his cloak and looked at his body in realization.

'These four arms! And this armour! This is Similar to when I summon my Susanoo with the Mangekyou Sharingan!'

Madara's had fully took on the appearance of his Susanoo except instead of being made of blue chakra, it was flesh and bone covered in a black cloak that hid his armour and weapons.

While this was a shock, Madara quickly moved past it as he immediately felt the visual prowess of his Sharigan increase as he now had the Two tomoe Sharigan!

With this new evolution and Sharingan, Madara felt power exuding from every cell in his body and instinctively opened his mouth. The spirit energy within his body rushed to his mouth and began forming a dark purple ball of energy, before he lifted his head up and unleashed the attack!

A beam of purple energy flew from his mouth in a straight line, crashing into the sandy floor and turning it into glass! Likes a lazer show, the beam moved from the ground into the sky in random motion as if announcing the presence of Madara Uchiha!

As the powerful beam of energy died down, an overwhelming feeling of hunger overtook him. Compared to his previous form, he felt an all consuming hunger than demanded he move immediately.

Turning his head to the right, Madara began running with his long legs and cleared miles of distances In just a minute. Madara's mind was sorting through the hundreds of new memories that poured into his brain, but he found one that drew his attention from all other memories.

It was of a dark forest that went on for hundreds of miles with trees dwarfed anything that he'd seen in his previous life, even larger than the trees Hashirama created, but it was what resided within those trees that intrigued him.

He saw hundreds of the large creatures that he had now evolved into, casually walking though this forest in groups! Unlike the sandy desert that sparingly had weak creature's throughout, this forest had the large creatures clustered together and ripe for the picking!

This was the Forest of the Menos Grande!