
Bleach/JJk: Death

An unexpected turn of events, one I couldn't say I disliked, for me out of all people to realize my dreams? To not remain a simple human but to become something more? I won't say no to that. So yes, I will choose to live another life instead of going to heaven. Yes, I am sure, that will be my wish, I want to be like him. You won't tell me anything about the world I will end up in? I don't mind, I won't regret my choice anyway. Reincarnation or transmigration? Transmigration, Time won't matter for me as much anyway.

HolierThanThou515 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Another couple of days passed, and I was surprised by the efficiency of Jujutsu High. I already received all the necessary documents I needed to peacefully live in this country.

 However, I have been informed that something unexpected happened that required the presence of Gojo thus he was currently busy dealing with that.

Right now I was going to meet the one who was going to take his place as my coach and guide me through this treacherous world.

I was curious who that could be, that person gave me rendez vous to a hotel downtown. Taking public transportation, it didn't take me long to arrive there.

"Privileged type shit." I looked at the magnificent 5-star hotel and couldn't help but mutter. Never had any business going into one in my past life so this would be my first time visiting one.

After taking some time to admire it I confidently walked in, not self-conscious at all that I wasn't wearing some expensive clothing. Merely a white shirt, black hoody, black joggers and black Addidas shoes... Yeah, I like dark colors.

The gatekeeper seeing me arrive opened the door for me to go through without any fuse, I nodded at him as acknowledgment and made my way toward the counter.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The rather beautiful girl serving as the receptionist smiled charmingly as she greeted me.

"Hey, I am here to visit the person in room number ****" 

"Does that person know you are visiting? And may I ask for your name?"

"Yes, she knows, and the name is Shun Mizushino." 

"Alright, please wait a moment." 

She grabbed a phone fixed to the counter and started dialing a number. She soon finished speaking with the person on the other side and put down the phone.

"Ah yes, Mister Mizushino, Miss Mei is currently waiting for you." She said and called upon another staff member.

"Yuriko, please guide Mr. Mizushino to room number ****" the receptionist instructed.

"Right now. Mr, please follow me." The staff member who was a pretty girl too by the way smiled as she led the way.

I could easily guess that a hotel full of pretty girls would certainly attract the opposite gender and encourage them to spend more... Marketing ladies and gentlemen.

We took the elevator, and during the process, I looked at myself through the mirror, a handsome, muscular young man with blue eyes, black hair, and sharp facial features... I looked like the twin brother of Sung Jinwoo... if not the man himself.

Well that was a major plus in my book, in my past life I wasn't ugly but I wasn't handsome either, I was just average at best but now I was model level.

Even with just a jogging set, I was rocking it... 

Anyway, as I was focused on self-admiration, time seemed to pass quicker, and before I could realize we were already there.

"Here we are." She made way for me to pass with a quick bow.

"Thank you." I smiled and... sure enough she blushed.

Man, I am so gonna abuse of my good look... beauty privilege is a thing after all.

After watching the guide leave, I pressed the doorbell and waited.

I quickly heard the sound of someone walking... but from my enhanced senses I could make out that those were not the steps of an adult.

And as the door opened, I confirmed how right I was. Standing before me, a kid around 12/13 I'd say, with a small slender frame and light blue hair.

"So you are the one who was making my sister wait... Do you wanna die?" Was the first word that came out of his mouth.

"..." I remained stoic face at the situation, I could choose to ignore his words, he was just a kid after all. 

Or I could...

"Die? Kill me? You?" I released my cursed energy and let it flow out of my body with high intensity.

One fun fact was that Cursed Energy also had that pressure thing that Spiritual Energy had.

In an instant the whole floor we were on started shaking threatening to break. But since that was not my goal, I reined in the pressure and concentrated a good part on the boy.

He visibly deflated a bit, seemingly having trouble standing straight. Well, he also wasn't protecting himself with his CE.

"Mind repeating your words, kid?" Fun fact, whenever I used CE, my eyes glow with an ethereal light. He was clearly intimidated.

Well, some may ask why was I intimidating a little kid? There were many reasons aside from the fact that the kid was no ordinary kid, I could tell.

But the most important thing is to establish a dynamic in our relationship... not only with him but also with the other one that sneaked at my side believing I didn't sense her.

"Well, that's one unusual way to get acquainted." In an instant, the pressure disappeared and I turned my head toward the source of the voice. She was backing herself to the wall with her hands crossed. 

A "greedy" smile on her face If that was a thing to say.

A young woman who seemed roughly my age, with light peach skin and small, sharp dark brown eyes with thin eyebrows. She has long blue-tinted silver hair.

I was not dumb, there was a clear resemblance between her and the boy, and considering the apparent age difference, he could only be her little brother.

"I must say as well. I didn't expect my life to be threatened like that." 

"..." She didn't say a thing and kept smiling for a second before addressing her brother.

"Ui Ui, that's no way to greet a guest, you know?" 

At that moment I could see the boy get nervous because of her words... well, it seemed that he was afraid of her a fair deal, if afraid was the word.

"I am sorry, Nee-san." He said as his earlier bravado had already disappeared.

"It's not me, you are supposed to apologize to." She shook her head.

The boy turned to me and apologized without hesitation.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that." 

"Is that enough for you?" she asked me.

"It's adequate." I nodded briefly.

"'Perfect, now come on, let's get to 'business'" She emphasized the last word as she walked inside followed by her brother.

I could guess why, but I didn't care to be honest, thus I just followed as well.

"When I heard Gojo told me your circumstance and asked me to show you the ropes of being a jujutsu sorcerer. I was expecting you to be a different kind of person." She said as she took a seat. 

The kid skipped behind her and just stood there.

"What kind of person were you expecting me to be then?" I asked as also sat down face to her.

"Never mind that I also can tell you are not weak... I doubt your formation would take much time." She said as she poured herself some wine.

"Let's stop with the small talk. Tell me, when are we getting into the action already." As I said I could see the now named Ui Ui frown, but he didn't speak.

"Eager aren't we? Fine, that also works for me. Time is money after all." She had that strange smile on her face again.


We getting into action soon enough. 

the plot of JJK is starting.

Gojo's emergency was none other than Yuji/Sukuna.

As for the plot of bleach... you will see.