
Chapter 3: Well I Didn`t See That Coming

Bleach Fanfiction: Hollow Cries

Chapter 3: Well, I didn`t see this coming…

Start Date: 7/26/2021

By: Kato Namikaze

(Which I will be changing my Social Name to something else soon kk)

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr


Key- [MV: Mysterious Voice] [RH-Random Hollow] [I/G- Ichigo and Grimjow]


Grimjow: Get your Ass Up Ichigo!!

Ichigo: Ugh What Time is it

Grimjow: Shut up and get a move on, we start early today.

And So, Everyone gathers themselves and prepares to move out.

This group now contains the following people

· Grimjow (Leader)

· Shawlong Koufang (Vice Leader)

· Edrad Liones

· Yylfordt Granz

· Di Roy Rinker

· Nakeem Grindina

· Ichigo Kurosaki (Ace)

This group traveled along the sandy ground of Hueco Mundo, they met other Hollows that they had to fight, Hollows that became allies, but in the end does this really matter?? No.

Ichigo: Shit this guy is strong!!

Grimjow: Shawlong! Cover me!!

Shawlong: On It!! GET HIM!!

Both Grimjow and Ichigo team up on a mysterious Hollow with named Dordonii. This hollow was no ordinary one… He was a Vaste Lorde…


Time had passed quite significantly, as Ichigo is now at the age of 15 and he along with Grimjow and the gang have almost reached their Vaste Lorde Forms.

If they evolve into a Vaste Lorde they can increase their limits and strength by becoming a higher-grade hollow.

Through the years Ichigo has actually learned of his potential and has been capitalizing on it along with the people that he actually now considers family.

Zangetsu who represents his Quincy powers has actually been teaching Ichigo how to not only conceal his spiritual pressure but to be able to control it to his will. This allows him to preform feats such as the Cero, Bala, and even Sonido (Authors Note- Sonido=Flash Step).

While Shiro who represents his Hollow and Shinigami powers has been training Ichigo differently, because he believes Ichigo is still a humungous wimp. He teaches Ichigo about his powers as a Shinigami which is the power of the soul reapers. This power is contained in his Zanpacto, and the name of it is Zangetsu. When this was first said Ichigo for lack of a better term was Hella confused and so he asks Shiro to elaborate. Shiro sighs and begins to say though Zangetsu is known to be Ichigo`s Quincy Powers he actually doesn`t know his true name but Shiro is actually the real Zangetsu. Ichigo accepts this reason of course still sorta being confused but he didn`t care enough to continue.

But I digress, as said Shiro teaches Ichigo how to use his Zanpacto and how to activates it`s powers, but of course it took Ichigo time till he was 14, just last year to finally earn the right to use bankai. Ichigo must yell out bankai, Geustuga Tensho. He also learns a bit of martial arts and swordsmen ship from Shiro, so much to the point where even as young as he currently is, he can match the power of an Abnormal Captain.

But enough about Ichigo and let's talk about Grimjow and the gang. Grimjow is still stronger than Ichigo but only by a little bit. Shawlong being Grimjow`s right hand man is still of course behind Grimjow, but he can at least say that he can push Grimjow to use 65% while Ichigo can make him 89% but Ichigo is a child still which is why Shawlong makes sure to educate him along with Di Roy on how Hueco Mundo works and how they should fight to survive.

As said though you didn`t read this far to see how strong they are but how they got into their current predicament, right?

Ichigo and Grimjow was walking and talking to each other about their next move and about to the new allies they made being way to weak, with the exception being a hollow at the age of 15 just like Ichigo, her name was Orihime Inoue and a Hollow at the age the same age named Alice Lane Queen [Btw Everyone just calls her Alice]. She was able to heal and create barriers strong enough to withstand a slash of Ichigo`s sword at a full power swing. This makes her pretty valuable but they`re not sure about her brother.

Just then they heard a Noise coming from the camp and quickly rushed back where they saw the chaotic storm Hollow Dordonii.

[Image A Image of Dordonii as A Hollow, I will try making a version with pictures soon]

Dordonii: I shall eat everyone here and become even stronger HAHAHAHA!!

Grimjow along with Ichigo arrives on the battlefield.

Grimjow: What the hell Are you doing!!

Dordonii: Oh, what a surprise there actually is someone that's worth fighting!!

And just like what Gen Z would say-

Grimjow: Square Up Bitch!

So, All of Grimjow`s Crew pulls up ready to fight this guy.

Dordonii: You cannot stand a chance for I am a Vaste Lorde, and you may be close but all of you are still behind haha Just give up and run, Make it fun for me!!

The Gang looks at Dordonii, they all silently nod at each other as if they read each other's minds, they decide to go with what they called formation B.

Grimjow dashes at Dordonii using Sonido.

Dordonii: You are fast sure but still to slow my friend.

Little did Dordonii know that Ichigo was right behind him about to launch a Geustuga Tensho.

Grimjow opens his mouth and launches a Cero beam as at the same time Ichigo launched an attack of his own being the Geustuga Tensho right at Dordonii` s back.

This makes a direct hit, and it does a considerable amount of damage, weakening Dordonii enough for the others to launch a cero beam of their own. So, all together Dordonii got hit with 5 other Cero Beams from all directions, be it the air, south side, north side, east side, or even the west side. He got hit with all this power but he didn`t go down.

He commends them for the effort and begins to charge a Cero Orca which is highly compressed beam of spiritual energy and is a more powerful version of the regular cero.

But even so, the gang smile through their predicament. Why? Dordonii asks in his mind, until he sees why.

Ichigo and Grimjow, though they haven`t perfected this move but they also prepare a Cero Orca of their own. Dordonii is stunned, and his go wide open as he asking himself how they can even use this move, truth be told Ichigo was the one to first demonstrate it but due to Grimjow`s strength and experience he learned it from Ichigo not long after, but this is the first time they use it in a high pressured situation.

Dordonii: You may know how to use this technique but yours is know where strong as Mine.

Well, this is what he hopes.

Ichigo: Shut Up, And get Wrecked

(Authors Note- Grimjow bad influence on children)

As the three beastly strong Hollows begin to launch their beams at the enemy, the beam clashes and creates a large shock wave that knocks back many other spectating hollows.

Now unlike what Dordonii desired, the two that are clashing with him are actually starting to overpower him, putting him on the back foot.

And just like that, the duos beam started to consume that of Dordonii` s, and soon it completely consumed him as well obliterating and of course killing Dordonii.

Ichigo and Grimjow are panting heavily as it does take a lot of energy to launch such an attack.

Ichigo: Is it wrong for me to say that I FUCKING hate facing people stronger than us *Breathing starts to regulate*

Grimjow: Honestly, Kid not really, that was a bitch of a fight.

Shawlong: You two, ok?

I/G: Yea We Feel amazing~

Shawlong: I guess that`s a yes…

Ichigo: Hey I was kidding; I would love to be carried back to camp

Shawlong: Yea…No you got two feet boy.

As depressing at it is, both of the hollow pick themselves up and begin to walk back to camp.

(At the camp)

As destroyed as it was, it wasn`t really much in the beginning anyway. Shawlong walks up to Grimjow to discuss something without Ichigo.

Ichigo: Dang, welp I guess I`m alone again.

Ichigo as salty as he was that he couldn`t be included in their conversation he began to walk around and that`s when bumped into serpent like hollow with red hair and eyes, with a masked like face. This person was someone that he originally talked about, this being a Girl Hollow named Alice Lane (Authors Note- Lame Name?? idk you tell me!)

[Insert Image Of Alice-btw credit to the creator]

As Alice falls on her ass, she looks up to see Ichigo Standing in front of her, but before she can register who The Fuck is Infront of her, she decides on swearing at whoever bumped into her.

Alice: Watch were your going you dumb Fu-

She stops when she notices who it is.

Ichigo: You done? *Sighs*

Ichigo honestly prefers not to argue with someone, especially when their way weaker than himself. So, he decides to walk off with Alice chasing after him.

Alice: Hey, wait, I`m sorry for being rude. I didn`t know who you were and –

Ichigo: Let me ask you something, Why would you continue to bug me, don`t you see I`m not in the mood?

Alice not appreciating being spoken to like that decides to reply in kind.

Alice: Well excuse me your Majesty, I can`t tell. I was just trying to say sorry for being rude!

Ichigo now getting frustrated at the smart-ass attitude that she has replies Just as well.

Ichigo: Oh I`m sorry but if I were anyone else, would you have said sorry, NO! So, stop cocktailing on the crew like dang!

Now the two hot blooded teenagers get it on and begins to throw more insults at each other, it was so bad that all the other Hollows began to gather around them expecting a fight. But above all Alice wasn`t stupid, she knew that she didn`t stand a chance against him, but if she tries to walk off Ichigo might lose his temper even more and decide to kill her so even she knew that unless Grimjow himself broke it up, she would be screwed. Now unlike everyone expectation it was Ichigo that sighed and just walked off, sorta tired and began to walk off.

This flabbergasted everyone, cause due to their rough nature they prefer to kill each other than to be disrespected but as confusing as the action was, Alice was thankful for his mercy and hurried herself away.

But contrast to what everyone is thinking, Ichigo was sorta crying because the fact that arguing with her brough up a bad memory. When his father told him respect women and thinking about his father was the last thing he wanted. Plus, to him Alice did look attractive…

Ichigo: Wait what no, I don`t like her *sighs*

He realizes he`s talking to himself as I`m only the narrator.

Ichigo: Fuck you and your narrating!

Author: Listen Here you little shit! Stop breaking the 4th wall, you know how much money that cost to repair it!?

Shut up both of you!!

Now back to what I was saying!!

Alice being an attractive female or just a female all together, Ichigo just couldn`t stop himself from blushing at first, of course to other eyes this would be him fuming with anger. But as Ichigo is walking he hears his name being called and so he begins to walk back to camp.

Once he`s there it looks like the that was calling him was Shawlong.

Ichigo: What happen Shawn

Shawlong: First, I told you don`t call me that, at the least call me sensei. Second, Grimjow wanted me to tell you your next orders.

Ichigo brightens up at, Finally he can get some action he thinks. Only to be disappointed once he hears what the mission requires him to do.

Shawlong: You Must gather the four hollows Named Orihime Inoue, Alice Lane, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, and lastly Nnoitra Gilga. Once you gather them, explain the test of initiation.

Ichigo sighs but does what he is told and hurries along to gather the four said Hollows.

Once gathered he brings them far from the camp, and even though they are suspicious through it all, they stood for only one reason being that they are confident in at least their number.

*5 Miles Away From the Camp*

Ichigo: Alright we stop here to chat.

Nnoitra: What the hell did we come all the way out here.

This thought resonated with the group, well everyone except Orihime.

Ichigo: Calm down, I`ll explain so Listen Up.

At this everyone stood silent and waited to hear what he had to say.

And so, right off the bat Ichigo said that they are chosen to stay, which at first lightened their mood but then they heard how they must finish one last initiation test.

Nelliel: Alright, then what are the requirements to finish this test you speak of.

Ichigo: well that`s what I`m here to tell you.

Everyone once again falls silent, listening intently to what Ichigo would say next.

Ichigo then began to speak, saying that in order to be fully accepted into the group they must massacre all of the hollows in the camp, especially kill the ones close to you…


Hey everyone, it's me the author you know Mizuashi Namikaze, which by the ways I`ll be changing it soon to Kato Namikaze so please be ready for that.

Now with that being said everyone I hope you guys have a nice day, and of course the next chapter will not be coming out until the next Monday remember everyone this series updates every Monday, and I actually am happy to continue this series and I love to see the feedback it's getting.


Authors Note- To the guy I replied to as you requested more content MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Also Ichigo currently looks like his Vaste Lorde Form.

Finish Date: 7/27/2021

By: Kato Namikaze (Just been renamed to Kato Namikaze)

Current Date Of Release: 8/02/2021

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr

YouTube Channel-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCupWxQxAm3DYbn82znvYsbQ/featured

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