
Chapter two: Kidō.

With each step, Hideki executed the flash technique he'd just picked up, darting from one rooftop to another as he sought to evade Makoto. But the persistent soul reaper kept pace, hot on his trail. "Hold up! Why are you being so stubborn!?" Makoto called out. "It was a good offer!"

Although initially peeved at his assignment, Makoto found himself genuinely captivated by the young thief. He'd never encountered anyone , not a single soul, capable of mastering the flash step after seeing it executed only a couple of times at most.

'What an incredible technique!' Hideki marveled internally as he nimbly darted away from the pursuing soul reaper. 'Who would have thought something like this was possible.'

He vaulted over the edge of a roof, deftly landing on a lower building as he threw a glance over his shoulder at Makoto, a smug smirk gracing his lips.

"Appreciate the tutorial, gramps!" He taunted, disappearing once more from the soul reaper's sight. His dark hair fluttered in the wind as he leapfrogged from one structure to another, his surroundings gradually growing less populated as he put distance between himself and the market.

"Gramps!?" Makoto raged, the chase leading them beyond the district and into a nearby forest. "I am n-not a gramps! I'm only about one hundred and sixty-five!"

'Okay, I'm getting the hang of this!' Hideki thought, casting his gaze ahead as he tried to plot out his path. 'The stopping part is tricky, but if I just...' Abruptly, he swerved to avoid a massive tree that loomed before him, its widespread branches blocking his intended route.

Makoto's laughter echoed through the forest, sounding unreasonably pleased for someone who'd been led on a wild chase.

"Did you think the forest would aid your escape? The flash step isn't something that can be perfected in a matter of minutes," he taunted.

Makoto reappeared seemingly out of thin air, his form merging with the tree in front of Hideki and forcing him to skid to a halt. "However, it was an excellent warm-up session!"

"Ugh, you're such a pain!" Hideki grumbled, turning to escape again, only to find Makoto standing in his path. The soul reaper wore a broad smile, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Enough running!" Makoto declared, extending an index finger at Hideki. "Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō!"

Before Hideki could react, a spark of yellow energy flickered from Makoto's fingertip, giving birth to six slender, wide rays of light that enveloped Hideki's midsection, holding him captive.

"Oof!" The sudden force of the technique halted his escape, the luminous beams of light encasing him in a strange cage made of pure spiritual energy, rendering him immobile.

Hideki writhed against the spiritual bindings, but despite his limbs not being physically restrained, he was utterly incapable of movement. "What the...? I can't move!"

"Rikujōkōrō," Makoto repeated, ambling toward Hideki and flicking his finger with a self-satisfied smile. "I've ensnared you with kidō, a spell, and you can trust me when I say, escaping this won't be easy." He chuckled, stopping in front of the immobilized thief. "So, where were we?"

Hideki snarled, sounding remarkably feline as he shot daggers at the soul reaper with his eyes.

He strained against his magical restraints but after a minute or two of fruitless struggle, he was forced to admit that he was trapped. Makoto's technique was far too strong for him to break free.

"It seems you've come to terms with your situation," Makoto remarked, his tone light. "You'll enroll in the academy, learning to properly harness your spiritual power. That's the condition for your release."

"And how is that supposed to help me?" Hideki shot back, his brow furrowed. "It's not like that'll change the fact I need food daily. I'll still have to steal. And I can't afford tuition for an academy like that!"

"Eh?" Makoto's head tilted in confusion, his brow creased as he scrutinized Hideki. "What are you rambling about? No need to worry about meals, all students are given plenty of food. And the Spiritual Arts Academy has no tuition. You don't have to spend a dime."

"Really?" Hideki's expression morphed into surprise, his forehead wrinkling as he processed Makoto's words. "So, by joining the academy, I get food? For free?"

"Indeed," Makoto nodded enthusiastically, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "Isn't that obvious? Plus, once you become a soul reaper, your salary will more than cover your basic necessities."

Taken aback, Hideki fell silent. A place in Soul Society where he could not only gain knowledge and power free of charge, but also be provided meals and even guaranteed employment upon graduation? He weighed the revelation for a moment, then broke into laughter. "Why didn't you mention that from the start, old man? I'm in!"

Makoto stood rooted for a moment, caught off guard by Hideki's quick acceptance. "Wh-What? Just like that?"

"Just like that," Hideki echoed, revealing a wide, cheeky grin. "Provided I get free food, of course."

'Is he joking?' Makoto's mind whirled, a droplet of sweat sliding down his cheek as he took in Hideki's earnest expression.

'So, it's food that tipped the balance?' He released the kido ensnaring Hideki, freeing the young thief. 'Well, I suppose when life has only thrown you crumbs...'

"I see." A matching grin spread across Makoto's face, his white hair rustling in the breeze that swirled around them. "Then... we have an agreement!" he announced, offering his hand towards Hideki.

Makoto had to admit, this mission had evolved into something far more captivating than he'd anticipated. "Shall we shake on it?"

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

[South Rukongai, Outskirts of District 15.]

"Where exactly are we headed?" Hideki questioned, craning his neck to observe the sky. The sun was beginning its descent, its warm glow signaling the onset of evening. "Where's this Spiritual Arts Academy? All you've said is 'follow you', but we've just been walking and walking."

"A touch restless, are we?" Makoto chuckled at Hideki's impatient questioning, shaking his head in amusement. "The academy is located in the Seireitei, quite a distance from here. It's going to be a bit of a journey," he clarified.

"And why aren't we using that... uh... what'd you call it again?" Hideki scratched his head, struggling to remember the term for the technique he'd managed to mimic in his brief skirmish with the soul reaper. "Flash step?"

"We could," Makoto conceded, a smirk playing on his lips. "That'd get us there before sunset, but it'd cut our journey short... and I wouldn't have time to explain a few things."

'Besides, we've still got a couple of days before the term begins,' Makoto reflected, looking skywards as he mentally reviewed the academy calendar. 'What strange timing for him to join.'

'It's almost as if fate guided me here,' he pondered, his gaze landing back on Hideki.

"You're going to teach me something useful, then? Alright, I'm game," Hideki conceded, giving a nonchalant shrug. "Go ahead, spill it," he urged, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"We'll begin with the basics, my new apprentice," Makoto proclaimed, clearing his throat dramatically. "We soul reapers have the ability to harness our spiritual energy in numerous ways," he demonstrated, extending his palm to reveal a tiny, glowing orb of spiritual energy. "Observe."

Makoto's reishi wisped from his body, spiraling up and around his hand, gradually coalescing into a ball that floated before them. He then pressed his hand against the orb, allowing it to disperse and dissolve.

"Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kidō, and Hohō—these comprise the four foundational combat techniques that we soul reapers hone to perfection," Makoto began. "The academy is often teeming with students from noble households, and despite their inflated egos and inherent arrogance, they typically possess a fundamental understanding of these techniques, thanks to their privileged upbringing. My aim is to help you bridge this knowledge gap," he clarified, the spiritual energy orb dissipating into thin air with a mere flick of his wrist.

"That's fair enough," Hideki responded, nodding his head in agreement. "But can I really grasp all of that in just a couple of days?" He couldn't keep the note of skepticism out of his voice.

"You're perfectly capable," Makoto assured him, his laughter echoing lightly in the quiet road. "You mimicked a technique that took me a painstaking year of rigorous practice to master, and you did it after seeing it a mere handful of times. You've got a natural talent, Fujioka, that much is clear. Believe me when I tell you, there's absolutely nothing to fear."

Hideki faltered, blinking as he processed Makoto's earnest words. "Oh..." he mumbled, a touch of embarrassment tinging his words. He felt an unexpected warmth surge within him, the sensation of receiving praise, particularly for something of importance, was an unfamiliar feeling. "Thanks, I suppose."

"Ah! A word of thanks," Makoto remarked, his smile broadening at Hideki's bashful response. "Sounded somewhat reluctant, but I'll take it! It's good to see you have some manners, after all."

"Shut it," Hideki retorted, his hand waving dismissively. The tender moment had quickly dissipated and he felt an urgent need to shift the conversation back on track. "Okay, let's recap... Zanjutsu, Kidō, Hakuda, and Hohō, right?"

"Exactly," Makoto nodded in affirmation. "Zanjutsu involves the art of swordsmanship. I won't be able to guide you in the use of your own zanpakuto, as you're yet to acquire one, but the academy will provide you with an asauchi."

"Wait just a minute," Hideki interjected, halting in his tracks. His gaze narrowed as he fixed Makoto with a pointed stare. "Zanpakuto? Asauchi? What are you talking about?"

"Oops," Makoto paused, pivoting to face Hideki. "Seems like I need to give you the full rundown," he sighed, his fingers massaging his temples before he resumed his steady pace. "Fine, let's dive in... Zanpakuto are the distinct swords we soul reapers carry. They're unique, generated from their wielder's soul. In essence, a zanpakuto is a tailor-made sword, unique to each individual."

"Each student at the Spiritual Arts Academy is granted an asauchi—a zanpakuto in its raw, nameless state. It's essential that a shinigami spends their every waking moment with their asauchi, methodically infusing the core of their soul into the blade. As this bond strengthens, the blade evolves, morphing into a genuine zanpakuto."

Hideki folded his arms as he absorbed the information, a smirk edging onto his lips. "So, all I need to do is invest time into it and it'll eventually become a zanpakuto. Simple enough."

"It's a tad more intricate than that," Makoto admitted, scratching his cheek thoughtfully. "But for simplicity's sake, let's stick with that explanation," he chuckled, shaking his head. "Next, we have Hakuda, an unarmed, close-combat fighting style that relies solely on one's physical prowess."

"That's right up my alley." Hideki shrugged nonchalantly as they navigated a narrow path. "Throwing punches and delivering a solid beating, right? That's my specialty."

"Once more, it's a bit more nuanced than merely tossing fists," Makoto reiterated. "Then there's Kidō, a form of combat you've already experienced firsthand. It hinges on advanced, intricate spells that harness one's spirit energy. These spells are classified into two categories: Bakudō, which encompasses battle support spells, and Hadō for offensive spells."

"So, that strange techniques with those rods of light was a Bakudō, yeah?" Hideki tried to confirm, arms crossed, eyebrows knitted together in concentration.

"Yep, you got it," Makoto nodded, patting the young man on the back. "But it's not an easy one, if I do say so myself. Every spell's got a chant, but I'll let the academy folks give you the rundown on that. No need to rush things."

"I'm more the 'show me' type. Couldn't you give me another demo?" Hideki suggested, peering at Makoto with eager golden eyes. "If it's too hard, just a simple spell will do, and I'll work it out myself."

As Makoto prepared to dismiss the idea, Hideki raised his hand, conjuring a luminescent ball of energy, mirroring the one Makoto had made earlier.

"I've been messing with this stuff forever!" Hideki admitted, "I just didn't know it could do more." With a raise of his other hand, a second orb of bluish light appeared.

Makoto stopped in his tracks, eyeing the two balls of light with a mix of surprise and contemplation. 'I was right about this kid,' he thought. 'He's something else. To get this far without knowing what he's doing...'

After a moment of silent pondering, he finally nodded, giving Hideki a small grin. "You catch on fast, Fujioka." As they continued their path through the woods, Makoto pointed his finger at a tree.

"Alright, I'll show you," he relented, much to Hideki's delight. Makoto collected a small amount of his spiritual energy, focusing it at his fingertip. "Hadō #1. Shō." With a snap, the stored energy discharged from his finger. Almost immediately, the tree ahead of them quivered, trembling violently as an unseen force slammed into it. Its bark split with a harsh cracking sound, and after a moment of swaying, it finally toppled over, hitting the forest floor with a loud crash.

"And that's the drill." He concluded, smoke curling up from his fingertip as he looked back at the felled tree. His eyes flickered with amusement before landing on Hideki. "Easy, huh? The incantation is..."

"Hadō #1. Shō!" Hideki cut him off mid-sentence, mirroring his pose and pointing at a different tree. There was a brief pause before a small explosion sounded, accompanied by the splintering crash of wood. The tree detonated into a flurry of debris. "Uh..." Hideki mumbled, staring at the obliterated tree. "Did I overdo it?"

Makoto could only blink in response, once, twice, thrice. His gaze bounced from the destroyed tree back to Hideki. Leaves and branches rained down on him, showering him in dirt and splinters as he stood frozen in shock.

'He's starting to freak me out,' Makoto mused, scratching his cheek as he examined the young man. 'I figured his natural talent would be best suited to Hohō, but...he's this gifted in Kidō too?'

"What did I mess up?" Hideki questioned, his face crinkled in confusion. "I copied you exactly, it was perfect, it..." His words trailed off as he looked at his hand. "Did I pump too much energy into it or something? I was sure I nailed it..."

Makoto couldn't help but burst into laughter. The idea that someone like him was tucked away in District 22 was simply ridiculous.

"Don't beat yourself up. That was an excellent first shot. Honestly, I'm really proud of you, Fujioka," he managed to say between fits of laughter, grinning from ear to ear.

"That was pretty bang-on for a first shot. You've got the spirit energy control down," he chuckled, pausing for a moment. "Your pronunciation was a bit sketchy, though. Let this sink in, Fujioka. Names hold power, and words bear meaning. Screw up your incantation, even slightly, and you might end up with something completely different from what you wanted."

"Gotcha, gotcha," Hideki bobbed his head in understanding, his wild hair fluttering as a gust swept past them. "So, should I give it another..."

"Hold up, hold up!" Makoto intervened, shaking his head vigorously. "We're good for today, we can give it another go tomorrow."

"You sure? I think I'm getting the hang of it."

"Absolutely sure," Makoto affirmed, nodding frantically. "For the sake of my own sanity!" He exclaimed, a bead of sweat trickling down his cheek. "You can't just pick up stuff like this in a matter of minutes. That's just not fair!" he protested, wagging his index finger in the air.

'Geez, this kid's starting to make me feel inadequate,' Makoto mused, massaging his temples. 'I'm getting outshined here!' he added mentally, pulling an exaggerated pout as he eyed his companion. "Alright, let's shift gears to Hohō then..."

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

[South Rukongai, District 9]

"Did I nail it?" Hideki asked, casting a curious glance at his mentor. From between his index and middle finger, a thin thread of smoke spiraled into the sky, dissolving in the breeze.

"Maybe too much nailing," Makoto conceded, scratching the nape of his neck as he surveyed the splintered tree before them.

The tree bore a hole just large enough to shoot a baseball through, but the collateral damage was the real stunner. Not just the one tree, but a lineup of others behind it were punctured with the same eerie hole.

The sharp tang of singed wood hung heavy in the air as they absorbed the aftermath, and Makoto exhaled a resigned sigh, turning to Hideki who stood nonchalantly beside him.

"Got to say, I liked this one better," Hideki admitted, stretching his arms wide. "Hadō #4, right? Felt more... instinctive than the others I've tried."

The technique Hideki had just executed enabled the practitioner to project spiritual energy from their hand or fingertips, creating a focused bolt of electricity.

"Where are we exactly?" Hideki suddenly asked, surveying their surroundings. "I'm picking up a bunch of spiritual pressures ahead, so we must be nearing a district, right?"

"You're sharpening up your sensing game," Makoto commented, following Hideki's gaze towards the pulsating presence ahead. "Right you are. We're near my home district," he revealed. "District 9."

"And why exactly are we dropping by?" Hideki asked, arms folded over his chest. "Feels like we're veering off the Academy path."

"For someone hitching a free ride, Fujioka, you're quick on the whining," Makoto shot back, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth as he glanced at Hideki. "Just got some folks to see here, and there's also the matter of getting someone to prep things up at the Academy," he elaborated, his shoulders lifting in a nonchalant shrug.

They had just stepped into the main thoroughfare of District 9, and almost instantly, they were immersed in the hustle and bustle of a sprawling city teeming with myriad buildings and residences.

People swirled around them, engrossed in their own comings and goings, their chatter a vibrant backdrop of sound. Most seemed unperturbed by the arrival of the two newcomers.

"Nice digs," Hideki murmured, absorbing the vibe of his surroundings as they strolled down the street. "A major step up from the dump I'm from," he muttered, his gaze tracing the architecture of the houses lining their path. "Quite the contrast."

"District 22 isn't the pits, you know," Makoto shot a sidelong glance at Hideki. "Believe me, there are worse places. This one was a real nightmare when I was a kid. We're on the main street, hence the mob," Makoto further explained, craning his neck to check the sun's position in the sky. Still plenty high; they had time to burn.

"I've got some errands to run. You can tag along if you like," he offered, shifting his gaze back to Hideki. "Or you could..."

"Hard pass!" Hideki interjected with a dismissive wave of his hand, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "Feel like getting a lay of the land. See how things roll around here."

"Fair enough." Makoto chuckled, flashing a smile as he clapped Hideki on the back. "Just steer clear of trouble, yeah? If you get peckish, this..." He dipped into his kimono, extracting a small pouch and handed it to Hideki, "...should cover it."

Hideki took the pouch, stealing a quick glance inside. It was chock full of small, gleaming coins. More than enough to tide over his hunger.

"Thanks." Hideki grinned, pocketing the pouch. "Guess this is where we split, eh?" He ventured, eyeing Makoto.

"Looks like it." Makoto nodded in agreement. "We meet right here, same spot, before sundown, got it?" He pointed down at the ground beneath them. "That gives you around four hours. Don't be late, Fujioka."

Hideki nodded, shooting a look back over his shoulder at the soul reaper as he took his first steps away. But when he turned his head back, Makoto had vanished. He blinked a couple of times, scanning for any trace of the man, but there was no sign of his spiritual pressure.

Hideki wore a disgruntled expression, cupping his hands around his temples as he surveyed his surroundings.

"How the heck does he flash step so much faster than me?" He wondered aloud, knitting his brow. "Guess that's something I could work on. A few hours of flash stepping should help me get the hang of it."

"This place is massive...I'd better stick to the heart of the district or I'll end up lost." Hideki mused aloud, taking in his surroundings. "And the sheer number of spiritual pressures...It's kind of daunting, to be honest."

"Alright..." He muttered to himself, his gaze sweeping over the thrumming crowd before his hands made contact with the dirt road. He took a moment to draw a deep breath, positioning his left knee onto the ground.

"Ready or not..." He mumbled under his breath, the weight of thousands of souls pressing against his senses.

The earth trembled beneath him, a cloud of dust billowing behind him as he pushed off with his left leg, imprinting a shallow depression in the ground.

And then, in a blink, he was gone, his form reduced to a mere blur as he vanished, swallowed by the ether.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Watch him zip." Makoto commented, a broad smirk playing across his face as he observed Hideki from a distance. "Didn't pick up on my presence though, maybe I need to drill him a bit more on that," he mused, humming to himself.

Hidden in the shade of a house, Makoto had chosen to hang back and observe Hideki's actions when left to his own devices. It was important to gauge the kind of chaos he might unleash when unsupervised.

"He'll do just fine, I'm certain." He reassured himself, leaning casually against the wall. "But for now, I have mom to visit. If she catches wind I was in town and didn't drop by, she'll rain hell on me," he contemplated, letting out a sigh. "And dad, too."

In a quick burst of speed, he vanished into the ether much like his apprentice had earlier, rematerializing on the rooftop of a nearby building. From there, he continued his journey, disappearing and reappearing as he traversed the district.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

Hideki's surroundings changed drastically over the span of an hour and a half. The lively, bustling streets full of people had been replaced with a gloomy field full of dead trees and grass, lying on the outskirts of the district.

'This flash stepping thing's a piece of cake,' Hideki thought, a smirk spreading across his face as he touched down after his latest jump.

The more he did these flash steps, the easier they seemed to get. Even after countless leaps, he didn't feel a bit tired.

His speed hadn't picked up any, but he was nailing the precision part, allowing him to cross bigger gaps with a single, well-timed flash step.

'Got the hang of it now, at least the basics,' Hideki thought to himself, giving a nod of satisfaction. 'Just need to find a...'

"Huh?" Hideki stopped short, feeling an odd presence around him.

It was faint, barely there, so much so that he had to strain his senses to even notice it, but there was definitely something off.

It was pulsating, each pulse weaker than the last, making it hard to figure out where it was coming from.

"This can't be good," Hideki figured, his golden eyes scanning the area as he tried to locate the source of the spiritual pressure. "It's getting weaker every minute... Someone hurt?" Without a second thought, Hideki shot towards the source of the spiritual pressure, using quick, precision-timed flash steps to get a read on the area.

Hideki found the source of the faint spiritual pressure without much trouble. It was located in a lifeless field, right at the boundary between a verdant forest and a parched, desolate plain. From a distance, he could make out a single figure sprawled on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

"A girl...?" Hideki wondered, landing a few meters away from her. "What's she doing out here?" He approached the prone figure and soon enough, he could make out the features of a young girl, around his own age.

Her blonde hair was cut to shoulder length, curling at the ends to frame her pallid face. A solitary beauty mark was visible just below the right corner of her mouth. She was clad in a light brown kimono, the fabric marred by stains of mud and grime and ripped in places.

"She doesn't look hurt, but..." Hideki noted, crouching down next to the girl and scanning her body. "Is she even...?"

His words trailed off as he reached out, placing his fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. "Yeah, she's alive," Hideki confirmed, noting her faint but persistent spiritual pressure.

"She's starved, ain't she?" Hideki surmised, breaking the silence after a moment. He stood up, dusting off his clothes as he looked down at the unconscious girl. "That explains it."

"Hey." Hideki prodded her cheek, trying to rouse her. Her face twitched slightly at his touch. "Wake up, will ya?"

As he called out to her, the girl stirred faintly. After a few moments, her eyes fluttered open, a groan escaping her lips. Her irises were an intense shade of blue that seemed to wander aimlessly around the field, struggling to focus.

"What...?" she mumbled, her face creased with confusion as she squinted up at the sky.

"You are up, good. You passed out from hunger, right? Believe me, I know the feeling. " Hideki said, reluctantly offering a supportive hand to the girl. "Name's Hideki Fujioka."

"...You too?" the girl questioned, blinking a few times. Her voice was soft and feeble as she reached out to take Hideki's hand. "I'm... Rangiku."

"Yup, we're in the same boat," Hideki agreed, pulling her upright. She swayed on unsteady legs. "Or, well, we were," he muttered under his breath. Ever since tagging along with Makoto, he had been provided with more than enough food, so lately he hadn't really experienced much hunger, if any at all.

"...?" Rangiku didn't reply, still struggling to make sense of her situation. She'd been unconscious for quite some time, and was feeling more than a little disoriented as she tried to gather her thoughts.

"I don't have any food on me, though," Hideki confessed with an apologetic smile, scratching the back of his head. Then, he remembered the pouch Makoto had given him as he fished it out. "Oh, wait...!"

"Rangiku, right?" he confirmed, casting a glance at the girl. When she gave a feeble nod in response, he continued. "Stay here, I'll go get some food, alright?"

"O...kay," Rangiku responded weakly. As soon as Hideki released her hand, her legs buckled under her and she crumpled to the ground, the world spinning around her.

"Yikes," Hideki winced. "I should've seen that coming." He knelt down beside her, cocking his head to meet her gaze. "You still with me?"

'I guess she's in no condition to stand. She probably hasn't had a bite to eat in a while.' As Hideki mulled over his next course of action, the girl gave him a weak nod in response to his question. 'I can't just leave her here. Plus, I get the feeling someone's watching us, and I don't like it.'

"Okay, I'm going to lift you up now, alright?" he informed her, reaching out. Hideki slipped one of her arms around his neck as he hoisted her off the ground. ''I'll try and go slow.''

'Ugh...' He felt a twinge of awkwardness as her head lolled onto his shoulder, but forced himself to move past it. 'Not exactly used to having someone this close.'

"This might be a bit bumpy," he warned her, bracing himself for the flash step. "Don't freak out, okay? I promise I'll do my best not to drop you."

'... That didn't sound too reassuring.' He internally winced at his own words. "Alright, hang on tight." With barely a pause, their surroundings blurred into a streaky mess as Hideki initiated a swift flash step, carrying the blonde girl along with him.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Hm?" Makoto uncurled his fingers, allowing a small butterfly to alight on his palm. "A Hell Butterfly, huh?" The insect was mostly black, with a thin outline of purple along its wings.

Hell Butterflies played a crucial role for soul reapers. They guided them through the Senkaimon - the gate between the Soul Society and the Human World - and they also served as messengers, relaying important orders or messages.

"Ah, I see." He muttered, one hand resting on his hip as the message implanted itself in his mind. "Looks like I'm not getting the boot after all! What a relief."

"The lieutenant sure seemed miffed though." He reflected, considering the contents of the message. "Guess that makes sense, I did ask him to erase this mission from our records."

What he'd requested of his lieutenant, Kuchiki Sōjun, was no small feat, especially considering Sōjun's status as the heir to the Kuchiki Clan. But at his core, the Lieutenant was a gentle soul, and with a bit of dramatization of Hideki's living conditions, he'd eventually consented to Makoto's request.

'For a noble, he's pretty decent.' Makoto mused, allowing the butterfly to flutter away. 'With this in place, Fujioka will be able to join the academy, no questions asked.' A satisfied smile crept across his face.

"Whoops... better get moving." Makoto muttered, taking a look around. "Still got a few folks to drop by on while I'm here."

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Phew." Hideki's soft exhale hung in the humid afternoon air as he touched down on the dirty ground of an alleyway. The place was a narrow channel bordered by rustic houses, their wooden facades worn from years of weathering.

He carefully leaned the girl against the wall of the alley and stared at her for a second, she looked like a forgotten doll against the rough, faded background, her hair a golden contrast to the muted tones around her.

Her spiritual pressure was still nothing more than a weak flicker, but her breathing, at least, had stabilized since he'd hefted her up against his shoulder. The ragged, near-silent gasps had grown a touch more even, a bit stronger.

"Stay put." Hideki's voice rang out in the silent alley, a trace of command seeping into the usual casual drawl. He flashed her a glance over his shoulder. Stretching his legs, he put some distance between them. "I'm gonna go look for food. Just... hang in there, alright?"

She shot him a look that screamed, "Do I look like I'm going anywhere?" The sheer helplessness in her gaze would've been funny if it weren't so pitiful.

And then, as if he'd been yanked by an invisible thread, Hideki was gone. The spot where he had stood seconds before was now empty. The suddenness of his disappearance made Rangiku's azure eyes widen in surprise.

'How the...?' Her mind struggled to make sense of the sight, but all that came to her was the echo of her own confusion.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

Hideki wandered through the busy market streets, eyes darting from one stall to the next. "I need this, and that too," he muttered to himself, his hands gradually filling with various breads and a selection of colorful fruits.

An older woman, her face weathered from years of work in the open-air market, surveyed him from behind her stall. Her eyes narrowed into a frown as she studied his tattered kimono, the fruit of his earlier battle. "You've got an armful there, young man," she observed, her voice tinged with skepticism. "You sure you've got the coin for all that?"

"Ah, that's right." Hideki muttered, his gaze shifting to the pouch Makoto had bestowed upon him. "I've actually got to pay for these things, slipped my mind."

'Close call,' he thought, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. 'Almost ran off without paying. Old habits die hard, I suppose.'

"Are you pulling my leg?" The woman asked, skepticism giving way to a trace of irritation. She leaned forward, her hands on the counter, ready to give this cheeky youth a piece of her mind. But Hideki beat her to it. In a swift motion, the pouch went from his grasp to hers. And before she could utter another word, he was gone, leaving only a stir in the air as he disappeared.

"That damn brat...!" she huffed, crossing her arms, eyes squinting in the direction he'd vanished. "Youth these days, no respect…" However, her expression softened as she noted the weight of the pouch in her hands. It was unexpectedly heavy.

"..." She glanced around, ensuring no curious eyes were upon her as she gingerly untied the pouch. "Bless that thoughtful boy!"

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Phew…" Hideki sighed, exhaustion creeping into his voice as he dumped the assortment of fruits and bread onto Rangiku's lap. A few stray pieces tumbled to the ground, unable to be contained by her small lap.

"Today's your lucky day. You've met me, a philanthropist!" Hideki proclaimed, an exaggerated smugness in his voice as he rubbed his nose. Rangiku sat there, mute and bewildered, her eyes wide as they flitted over the veritable feast laid before her. It was an overwhelming amount. Had he really spent all his coin on this?

"But… why?" she finally asked, her gaze lifting from the food to meet his, her expression one of confusion mixed with wonder.

"Enough talk, more eating," Hideki responded flatly, his arms folded across his chest as he stared down at her. "Cut the chatter, start the chew."

Rangiku blinked, a bead of sweat sliding down her temple. 'I barely said anything…' But she complied without another word, her trembling fingers reaching out to pluck an apple from the pile. It tasted unbelievably sweet.

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

Twilight was setting in, turning the sky into a deep red canvas. The first stars twinkled, peeping through the dark curtain of the night. While Hideki had spent his time with Rangiku, Makoto remained in the middle of District 9, looking seriously peeved. His arms were crossed, and his foot was tapping the ground in irritation.

"Where's that kid got to?" His worry was getting the better of him. Had he given Hideki too much freedom? Had the boy run off? "No, he wouldn't bolt. He's not like that." He shook off the unsettling thought.

Determined, Makoto decided to track Hideki down using his spiritual pressure. Despite the crowd of energies that filled the area, with some focus, he should be able to discern Hideki's distinct spiritual signature. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and reached out with his senses. It took him a few seconds, but he finally cracked it.

"Found you, you little punk." His eyes snapped open, the smirk on his face slowly being replaced by a scowl. "At the market, really?" Annoyed, he thought about Hideki casually stuffing his face with food while he waited. "Fujioka!" Wasting no more time, he zipped off, following the trail of spiritual pressure he'd picked up.

With impressive speed that he hadn't shown around Hideki, Makoto closed the gap within seconds, travelling through the district without pause. "Alright, where's he?" He muttered, scanning left and right. He'd taught Hideki to control his spiritual pressure, so the faint signal he picked up was just the amount the kid couldn't suppress.

"There you are." He zeroed in on an alley, a smug smirk spreading on his face as he headed towards it. Just as he was about to stride into the alley and unleash his lecture, something to his right caught his attention.

His smile froze as he spotted a woman holding a familiar pouch. A pouch that was his absolute favorite.

"That kid's toast."

End of chapter two.

Chapters will get shorter as the story progresses, don't expect every chapter to be as long as the previous two, since they are at least 5k words each.

KindaWeirdChampBrocreators' thoughts
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