
Chapter four: First steps.

Chapter four.

With a shuffling of feet and the rustle of clothing, the students filed into the first year's classroom, each taking their seats before a towering lectern. Atop the raised platform stood a figure whose very presence commanded attention. An elderly man, his back slightly stooped, with a long white beard and piercing eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of centuries.

"Settle down, settle down," the instructor's voice resonated through the hall, a deep, timeworn tone that conveyed an authority only matched by his appearance. "Today, we shall delve into the foundations of our society, the essence that binds us all. The Thirteen Court Guard Squads, the Gotei 13, as they are known."

He paused for effect, his gaze sweeping across the room, ensuring that he had every student's attention. "The Gotei 13 is the backbone of the Soul Society," he continued, his voice steady, his hands clasped behind his back. "They serve as our protectors, our enforcers, our very embodiment of justice. But their responsibilities are vast and multifaceted."

The room was filled with a mix of expressions; some students seemed interested, their eyes wide with expectation, others were stifling yawns, their eyelids heavy with sleep, and still, others were engaged in furtive whispers, their focus elsewhere. "Now," the instructor said, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked out at his students. "Can anyone among you tell me some of the specific responsibilities of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads? Who among you has the knowledge to enlighten us?"

The room fell into silence, the weight of the question hanging in the air. Some students exchanged glances, uncertainty written across their faces. Others seemed eager to answer, their hands twitching, ready to be raised.

A hand slowly rose from the sea of faces, its owner a young girl with striking white hair. Her eyes, cold and detached, met the instructor's gaze unflinchingly. The scar on her lips seemed to accentuate her stern demeanor, adding an enigmatic quality to her appearance.

"Yes, young lady?" the instructor acknowledged, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"The guiding of souls to the Soul Society," she replied, her voice as detached as her gaze, yet clear and confident.

"Correct," the instructor nodded, a satisfied smile tugging at his lips. He paused, studying the girl more intently before continuing. "And why, pray tell, is that important?"

The room fell into silence again, all eyes on the white-haired girl. She seemed to falter for just a moment, her eyes dropping as she cleared her throat. Then, she spoke, her voice steady once more. "It's critical to maintain equilibrium between the World of the Living and the Soul Society," she began, her voice composed, yet confident despite the attention of the class having shifted to her.

"This balance ensures the stability and integrity of both realms. If we were to neglect our duty, allowing the balance to be disrupted, it could lead to catastrophic consequences. The worlds could unravel, collapsing into chaos. Our role as Shinigami in guiding the souls isn't merely a task; it's a responsibility that upholds the very fabric of existence."

"Very well said," The instructor declared. "The balance between the worlds is a delicate thing, a responsibility that falls upon the shoulders of the Shinigami. It is not just a duty but an honor, a sacred trust that we must never betray."

'Ugh... I didn't think being a soul reaper was that big of a deal,' Hideki thought, his eyes narrowing at the instructor. The deeper he delved into the duties of a soul reaper, the more he regretted not having asked Makoto for a detailed explanation. Sitting right next to him, Jun, surprisingly, seemed to be interested in the lecture.

The instructor cleared his throat, breaking Hideki's train of thought. "Can anyone name another vital duty of a soul reaper?" he asked, scanning the class. Before anyone else had a chance to react, Jun's hand shot up, his expression confident.

"The defense of the Seireitei, the very heart of the Soul Society," Jun replied, his voice firm.

"Exactly," the instructor said, nodding appreciatively. His fingers traced his long beard as he paced across the room, his eyes gleaming with purpose. "I trust there's no need to clarify why that is important." His voice carried authority as he moved on, steering the class toward a new subject.

"The Thirteen Court Guard Squads, known as the Gotei 13, have a well-structured hierarchy. As with any military organization, it has ranks. The Gotei 13 is made up of thirteen divisions, with several divisions having certain specializations."

He paused, looking out at his students, making sure they were following. "The Gotei 13 is led by the Captain-Commander, who oversees all the affairs of the organization while deferring to the Central 46 Chambers on civil and legislative matters involving the Soul Society."

The students took notes, their pens scribbling across paper as the instructor continued, "There are 20 ranks for officers, but no ranks for non-officers. Remember, the lower the number, the higher the rank. The Gotei 13's structure is merit-based, focusing on skill, experience, power, abilities, and efficacy in obtaining results as the only criteria to determine one's rank."

He paused again, his eyes scanning the room, a serious expression on his face. "This system rewards those who prove their mettle. It's not simply about what you know; it's about how you apply that knowledge, how you act, and what you achieve. This is the essence of being a soul reaper."

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

Hideki and Jun's wooden swords clashed in the training area near the lake, their movements swift and precise. Each exchange was a balance of attack and defense, a dance of skill and, in Hideki's case, strategy. The sound of wood hitting wood echoed through the air as they sparred, sweat glistening on their foreheads.

With a forceful swing, Jun managed to catch Hideki's blade at just the right angle, sending it spinning out of his hand. Hideki groaned as his blade went sailing through the air, landing in the lake with a soft splash. "Seriously? Again?" he huffed, taking off his sandals and socks, then wading into the water to retrieve the sword.

Jun watched him from the shore, stabbing his wooden sword into the ground and crossing his arms. "You're overextending again, Hideki" he declared, his tone matter-of-fact. "You always stretch too far. It makes it's easy to knock that sword right out of your hands."

Hideki grumbled under his breath as he picked up the soaked blade. "Yeah, thanks for the observation, Captain Obvious."

Jun laughed and held up his hands defensively. "Hey, just trying to help!'' Jun's hand shot up, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Actually, stay right there," he said, slipping off his own sandals and socks. Picking up his wooden sword, he waded into the water, his eyes locked on Hideki. "Let's use the water."

"Huh?" Hideki's eyebrows furrowed, his mind working to catch up. "The water?" Before he had a chance to question Jun further, he found himself forced to block a sudden strike, stumbling back a step to regain his balance.

"See? That's better already!'' Jun grinned, swinging his sword again at Hideki, who blocked it just in time. ''I get that speed is your thing, but when learning the basics, going slow is the way to go. Slow and steady, that's the key to getting it right. Just remember that, and you'll be fine!"

Hideki sighed, adjusting his stance, his feet sinking into the muddy ground. A small part of him had a feeling that Jun was enjoying this, the little showoff. He could already feel the cool water soaking into his clothes, and a small smile crept onto his face. ''I'm getting better?'' He buried his feet deeper into the soft mud, a smirk playing on his lips as his body began to tense. "Maybe you're just getting sloppy."

"Sloppy? Me? Never.'' Jun's grin widened. He could feel Hideki's energy shifting, the atmosphere around them changing. "I'm just letting you get used to it before I beat you again."

The two combatants danced around each other, swords clashing and water splashing with each nimble movement. Sunlight danced off the water, small waves rippling across them as they clashed blades, their images reflecting from the surface. It was a lively duel until a feminine voice broke their concentration.

The duel was a lively one, filled with laughs and taunts, until a feminine voice broke their concentration, that is."You two are not too shabby," she called out, her tone light and teasing. Both boys turned, their attention caught by a black-haired girl on the shore.

''Wait.'' Hideki's eyes narrowed as he recognized her. "Ah, the girl who was watching us at our first Zanjutsu lesson." He recognized her at last, right now she had her hair tied into a long ponytail, so it was a little difficult to recognize her.

"That's me!" The girl's eyes sparkled as she waved, stepping closer to the water's edge. "My partner was a bore, so I ended up watching you two instead. Hope you didn't mind."

Jun chuckled, splashing a little water as he shifted his stance. "Mind? Nah.'' His eyes sparkled with mischief, his tone light. ''But do you need something? Or can't you resist our good looks?"

"Good looks? Let's not get ahead of ourselves.'' The girl laughed, not missing a beat as she began to remove her sandals and socks, stepping into the water with a confident stride. "I just noticed you've got some talent, especially you," she said, pointing at Hideki, her gaze sharp.

"Me?" Hideki's eyebrows shot up, disbelief in his voice. He glanced at Jun, who was trying to suppress a smirk. "Jun wiped the floor with me." He scowled, suddenly feeling like he was being mocked.

"I'm not joking," the girl insisted, her expression earnest as she waded into the water, closing the distance between them. Her eyes were fixed on Hideki, appraising. "You might be good at masking your spiritual energy, but I can sense it. Yours is the highest in our class, by far."

"Eh?" Jun's eyebrows shot up, and he turned to Hideki, a puzzled expression on his face. He squinted, as if trying to peer into his friend's soul. "Is that true, Hideki?"

Hideki hesitated for a moment, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, but then he shrugged, a half-smile playing on his lips. "I wasn't exactly hiding it," he admitted, his eyes flicking back to the girl, impressed by her perception. "I was just told to stop letting it leak all the time. It's harder to control than you might think."

His words were casual, but there was an underlying question in his gaze, how exactly had she managed to sense there was more to him? Not even the instructors had managed to sense it, or if they had, they hadn't mentioned it.

"I'm Yuna, Yuna Kitamura." Yuna's voice was warm as she extended her hand to Hideki, her face open and inviting. He stared at her for a moment, clearly caught off guard, before reaching out to shake her hand, his grip tentative.

"You're a noble, aren't you?" Hideki asked, tilting his head as he took her in. Her features were sharp yet feminine, her skin flawless, her blue eyes sparkling with an icy intensity. "Hideki Fujioka," he added, finally introducing himself.

"A noble?" Yuna's brows lifted in amusement, and her lips curved into a teasing smile. "What's that got to do with anything? Is this one of those 'we can't be friends because you're a noble' situations?" She released his hand, her face mockingly wounded. "But yes, I am. What gave it away?"

"That's not what I meant," Hideki retorted, his face deadpan. He shrugged, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "You just have a certain aura about you, that's all. As long as you aren't an annoying ass, we're good."

"Your highness!" Jun suddenly exclaimed, making an exaggerated bow, one hand clutched dramatically to his chest. "Pray tell, would you be kind enough to allow me to call you Lady Yuna? I am unworthy of addressing you by name alone." Hideki bit his lip, barely managing to stifle a laugh. Jun's theatrics never ceased to amaze him, but he wasn't about to admit it.

Yuna's eyes widened for a moment before she erupted into laughter, the tension in the air dissipating like a morning mist. "Yuna is fine" she said, still chuckling. ''But call me whatever you like.''

She extended her hand, handshaking Jun as well. "Your name was Jun, right? You two don't mind if I crash your little practice session, do you?"

"Mind? Not at all!" Jun said, stepping back and putting a fair distance between them. "I'll watch. I'm actually curious to see what Hideki's been hiding." His tone was full of mischief.

Hideki's gaze snapped to him, and he narrowed his eyes, clearly annoyed. "I wasn't hiding anything!"

Jun just shrugged, his lips curling into a smug grin. "Sure thing, buddy." With a flick of his wrist, he threw his wooden sword at Yuna, who caught it with grace and ease. "You two have fun. Just don't kill each other, okay? We wouldn't want to explain that to the instructor."

Yuna nodded, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she readied her stance. Hideki, still a bit ruffled but eager for the challenge, raised his sword. The two faced each other, their gazes locked as they walked a few steps apart.

"Just for the record," Hideki stated, his eyes narrowing slightly, "I don't intend to go easy on you just because you're a girl."

"And I don't intend to go easy on you at all," Yuna shot back, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Jun let out a low whistle as the two began circling each other, each assessing the other's stance and style. Without warning, Hideki launched the first attack, his blade slicing towards Yuna's midsection. She deftly stepped back, parrying his blow with a swift and confident motion. The sharp clack of wood against wood resonated through the air, a sign of the battle heating up.

They were evenly matched, Hideki's methodical approach clashing with Yuna's agility. Their styles were different, yet complementary, each pushing the other to new heights. But it was Yuna who managed to score the first point, her sword whipping across Hideki's shoulder with surprising speed.

"Point!" she called out triumphantly, her grin teasing. Hideki's face tightened into a frown, but he said nothing, merely resetting his stance for the next exchange.

This time, Hideki tried a new tactic, feinting a thrust to draw Yuna's attention before shifting his momentum. His sword whirled, slicing through the air, but Yuna was quick - even quicker than Jun - and she evaded the blow with apparent ease, her wooden sword grazing his wrist.

"Another point!" she declared, her smirk widening into a full-blown grin. Hideki couldn't help but roll his eyes, even as a small, begrudging smile played at his lips. He stepped back, taking a moment to catch his breath and recalibrate. The fight was far from over, and he was starting to enjoy the challenge.

'She's not as skilled as Jun, but she's much faster,' Hideki observed, his eyes narrowing as they moved in a circling dance, swords at the ready, each gauging the other.

"Are we sticking to Zanjutsu, or are we fighing for real?" Hideki finally asked, keeping his spiritual energy under tight control, but allowing it to flow in a more controlled manner. Yuna's smile broadened, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "For real.''

"That so?" Hideki's eyebrows lifted, his knees bending slightly as his body tensed. His spiritual pressure began to rise, filling the air with a palpable force, a spark of anticipation in his eyes.

'If this is a battle of speed...' Hideki's thoughts raced, a confident smirk playing on his lips. With a sudden burst of energy, he vanished from the spot, leaving only a lingering afterimage and the swirling water as evidence of his departure. 'I won't lose!'

Both Yuna and Jun were caught off guard, their eyes wide as they tried to comprehend what had just happened. Yuna felt a sudden chill, a breeze brushing past her, causing her ponytail to sway.

"Point," Hideki's voice rang out, filled with satisfaction.

"What the-" Yuna's words were cut off as she felt the gentle pressure of Hideki's wooden sword against her neck. She slowly turned around, confusion and surprise in her eyes, only to find Hideki standing there, a playful and triumphant smile on his face. "How did you...?"

"You're fast, I'll give you that," Hideki admitted, his smile widening, almost teasing. "But I'm faster."

"Flash step!" Yuna exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief. But that disbelief quickly turned to excitement, her eyes sparkling with a newfound respect. "I knew there was something special about you! We aren't even supposed to start learning Flash Step until next semester. How did you manage that?"

"Damn, Hideki," Jun chimed in, clearly impressed, his smirk growing even wider. "The only one I've ever seen move like that was my dad, and that was ages ago. Who knew I picked such an interesting friend, huh?"

Hideki's expression softened, and he lowered his wooden sword, a thoughtful look in his eye. "I still can't win with Zanjutsu alone," he confessed. Then, suddenly, he sneezed, a shiver running down his spine. "Can we get out of the water now? I'm getting all wrinkly.''

Yuna and Jun's laughter rang out, echoing across the water. "I'm definitely not done with you," Yuna assured him, her smile playful and inviting. "But I'll agree to a draw for today. Let's continue this some other time."

[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]

"Hadō #1. Shō, Hadō #1. Shō, Hadō #1. Shō, Hadō #1. Shō!" Hideki's voice rang out, filled with satisfaction and bravado as he cast the spell repeatedly against one of the training dummies.

"He's totally showing off, isn't he?" Jun muttered to Yuna, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead. The two of them glanced at Hideki, his chest puffed up with pride, the instructor and most of the class gawking in awe.

"Definitely," Yuna agreed, raising an eyebrow. "Not exactly shy about it, is he?"

"Hahaha! Amazing, right?" Hideki boasted, spinning around with a triumphant smirk, not a hint of humility in his voice. A few wide-eyed students nodded, their expressions filled with awe. "Don't worry, I'll teach you all after class!"

"Ugh..." Jun groaned, his eye twitching as he watched their Kidō instructor beam with pride, clearly pleased with his star pupil. "He was all down about not being good at Zanjutsu, and now he's some kind of Kidō prodigy. So not fair, man!"

Yuna let out a small chuckle, trying her hand at Hadō #1. Shō. Her face twisted in frustration as her Kidō fizzled out. "Ugh, really?" she muttered, her brows knitting together in concentration. Hideki's laughter interrupted her focus, causing her spell to dissipate. "Okay, he's starting to get on my nerves."

"How 'bout we team up against him next time?" Jun suggested with a sly grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief. His own attempt at casting the spell ended in failure, leaving only a puff of smoke as evidence. Hideki's laughter rang in his ears, further fueling his determination. Yuna's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Deal."

Unaware of the plotting behind him, Hideki continued casting his spell with abandon, his boisterous laughter filling the training grounds. "Ha! Check it out – a double spell! Hadō #1. Shō, Hadō #1. Shō! Hadō #1. Shō, Hadō #1. Shō, Ha—Aghhh! Ow! What was that for?!"

He tumbled backward, a hand rubbing the back of his head where a rock had struck him. He shot a glare at Jun and Yuna, who were failing miserably to hold back their laughter. "It was him, I swear! Not me!" Yuna exclaimed, her finger pointing at Jun, who could barely contain his triumphant grin.

"Rude! I was just practicing! Hadō #1. Sh... Ow!" Hideki's complaint was cut short by another well-aimed rock striking his face. He shot a scowl at his laughing friends, rubbing the sore spot. "Guys, seriously!?" he grumbled, brushing himself off and rising to his feet. Their instructor was already shooing the other students back to their practice, admonishing them to quit messing around.

"Sorry, couldn't resist, buddy!" Jun replied, clapping Hideki on the back with a grin. "Though maybe we can negotiate some terms here. I give you Zanjutsu lessons, and you help me out with this Kidō stuff. Deal?"

Hideki let out a snort, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk. "I suppose I can live with that."

End of chapter four.

I had intended to release this chapter earlier today, but unfortunately, life had other plans. My girlfriend decided to end our relationship through a text message, which... wasn't ideal.

As per usual, writing remains the one thing that brings me joy during these... depressing times, and so, I decided to complete the chapter regardless.

I apologize if it doesn't captivate you as much as the previous ones, but I wish to take my time with the story's development. Your feedback on the OCs introduced so far would be greatly appreciated.

As of now, I have yet to decide their squad placements. However, I can share some initial thoughts. Jun's expertise lies in zanjutsu, making him the standout in that regard among the three. Yuna will display good all-round skills, though she will lack specialization in any specific art.

I'm open to your suggestions on which squads would be the best fit for them. I value my readers thoughts a lot.

KindaWeirdChampBrocreators' thoughts
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