
Chapter 244 Beautiful servants

Kyoto, Japan. Ubuyashiki's estate.

The next morning.

Inside Ichigo's room.

Ichigo slowly opened his eyes as he heard that someone was walking toward his room.

Last night was a little too hectic for his liking. But everything was going well in the end.

Ophis had sent someone to bring him back.

However, he wanted to clear every mess he had made before going back.

At least he would make them strong enough to fight the demons first and also make a system that governs souls in his stead.

It shouldn't be hard and didn't take too much time.

The footsteps stopped at the front of his room.

A sweet voice sounded from the outside.

He could remember this voice very clearly as it belonged to someone who made Hinaki and Tanjirou misunderstood him.

"Ichigo-sama, It's morning already and Oyakata-sama is going to call for every Hashira shortly after breakfast. I and Shinobu have made breakfast for you, so please wake up and eat it."

It was Kanae who came to wake him up.

Since last night she and Shinobu acted like they had become his servant.

They took care of everything for him.

Ichigo stood up from the futon before he went to open the door. He then was greeted by Kanae.

She was very beautiful and elegant.

Ichigo looked at her and couldn't help but think of Akeno.

They had something familiar with each other.

"Let's have breakfast together then."

Ichigo said and Kanae nodded with a smile.

"Yes, My lord"

Kanae seemed to be very comfortable around him very quickly and it honestly surprised him.

'It might be because she has my power. Even now I can still feel myself inside her.'

Ichigo shook his head and tried to get rid of the inappropriate thought. How could he have such thoughts?

They had breakfast together. Shinobu was there with them as well.

Ichigo had awoken her bloodline last night.

Her bloodline made her poison breathing technique become more deadly.

Ichigo didn't have to teach her anything as she was already a mid-class level in power.

She could fight Upper Moon Rank Demons if she met one.

Ichigo may not have met the upper moon rank demons before but he could guess about them accurately.

Shinobu secretly took a glance at him and Kanae from time to time.

She still had that confused expression on her face.

He didn't know what she was thinking about but he thought he needed to say something to her.

"I think you might already be strong enough to fight the upper moon rank demons. Do you still want to learn about poison from Hana?"

Ichigo asked. He successfully moved her thought to somewhere else.

He knew what she would say to him but he still wanted to hear it from her mouth.

Shinobu nodded without a second thought.

"Please let me learn under Hana-sama. There are still many things that I can learn from her."

Shinobu could learn so much more from Hana.

Her poison was already very powerful but that only applied to demons not other beings.

Shinobu learnt that there were many beings that were stronger than demons.

She wanted to prepare herself when she had to face them in the future.

Ichigo then asked Hana and she answered that she was willing to teach her about poisons.

There were not many people who wanted to know more about poison. Even Ichigo himself.

"I will teach her for papa."

Hana spoke with pride. She would teach her soon to be a new mama or sister with everything she got.

Shinobu who saw Hana couldn't help but think that she was very cute.

She was so happy to be taught by her.

They finished breakfast after that and then a servant came to inform them that Kagaya had called for them.

He wanted to formally thank Ichigo and introduced him to everyone.

At the same courtyard where the Hashira tried to attack Ichigo.

The atmosphere wasn't that good. The Hashiras knew that what they did last night was wrong.

Very very wrong.

Kagaya with his quintuplet daughters and brother and his wife were in front of them.

All of the Hashira heard that he was healed but they didn't know that Kanaya had become a very powerful Yokai.

His presence alone sent a chill down everyone's spine.

"I have heard something very interesting last night but I will let it go as his lordship didn't want to make things difficult for everyone but please be careful from now on as he had become one of us."

"What do you mean Oyakata-sama"

Obanai asked with great concern. He was the one who got knocked out last night.

He still remembered what he had been through.

He had to go to the blacksmith village to have his sword repaired or ordered a new one.

"I will explain later when his lordship has arrived."

When he finished his sentence. Ichigo with Shinobu and Kanae had come.

When the trio arrived. Everyone was shocked.

"I–Isn't that Kocho Kanae. The former butterfly hashira? How come she is alive?!"

Kagaya smiled at Ichigo. He heard that he could bring someone back from the afterlife from Hinaki.

So he wasn't surprised.

"Please come and sit with me, your lordship."

Ichigo nodded and went to sit with him. This showed that even though he was a Hashira. His status was higher than them