
Chapter 161 Aizen's thought

Craze: Hey guys If you like this fic and want to help me please join me on www.p@treon.com/phelio only $5

Aizen looked at the base of operations he had everyone create in Hueco Mundo. It wasn't that grand or anything but it served its purpose well.

At least the low-class Shinigami wouldn't be in constant danger of being drained of their life force by the hollow world.

They could then be his manpower to do anything he wanted.

He would slowly upgrade the base of operations to the point where it could be said to be a second-soul society.

When he thought about his soul society, He couldn't help but speak.

"Watashi no soul society. I really like this phase."

Aizen moved his glasses a little bit as he was amused by everything around him. Everything was so expected. It was all part of his plan all along.

He then thought about someone who could play a huge part in his grand plan if he was strong enough. And that was Kurosaki Ichigo.

He was someone he thought could be very useful in the future. He wasn't like any Shinigami he ever met. And he wanted him to grow stronger and become one of his people.

He knew that Ichigo was also a member of the Khaos Brigade like him. But in a different faction. He could sense the blessing of the infinite dragon god.

The blessing is far better than his, which made him narrow his eyes a little and then let it go, as he knew sooner or later his strength would be beneficial to him.

"And about that arrancar. Should I get him to work for me? No, I should let Ichigo-sanbanme be the one to do it."

He had gone to check on Kurosaki Ichigo once when he saw a huge explosion. He knew where the arrancar was but he let Ichigo handle it as he thought that he should focus on a more important work, like creating a powerful stealth barrier with his Kido skill so those pesky Vasto Lorde wouldn't come and die invain.

That would be very wasteful for the valuable resource.

"Maybe I should get that man to work for me here. Disguising one's own spiritual signature was hard but not impossible. If it were him, he would be able to do it."

The man that Aizen had thought of was, of course, his rival, Urahara Kisuke.

He should be able to come here to work for him, as this place is outside of central 46 control. They couldn't do anything here, as he was in control. And they were very afraid of him for some reasons.

He could also use his Zanpakuto to make everyone think that Kisuke was someone else. So no one would report him.

With Urahara Kisuke's expertise, Aizen could establish a second-soul society, free from central 46 control. And he could do whatever he wanted with a much richer and newer resource inside Hueco Mundo.

"The old man might be a little angry but he will understand that everything that I did was for soul society and my soul society."

Aizen thought deeper about his plans. His path to ascension was once blocked by the soul king. He once thought that the soul king was afraid that he would take control over soul society but later he knew the reason why he stopped his ascension.

He wasn't afraid of him taking control. No, he was so eager for someone to take his place but Aizen wasn't strong enough yet.

There was something inside the void that would kill him instantly if he were to ascend. The soul king now protected everyone from something that was deep inside the void.

So the path he once planned had crumbled to dust and he needed a much greater plan.

If he couldn't do it himself, What about two or three people like him? Would it be enough?

Even the infinite dragon god was wary of what was deep inside the void. And she was one of the strongest beings in the world. She might have met something unpleasant there and chosen to come back and protect humans.

As for why she chose to protect humans, no one knew the reason. Even the great Red didn't say anything and just went along with his sister. He also protected humans.

To be honest, humans were the race that many factions didn't want to be involved with anymore.

They were protected by the two strongest beings in the world and by one of the war races that no one wanted to mess with.

As Aizen was thinking about his plans, he sighed.

"Who are you, and what purpose do you have for coming here?"

"Umm, if I tell you that I got lost with my friend, will you believe me?"

Aizen looked at someone who appeared behind him. He didn't have any bad intentions toward him. And what he said might be the truth.

"And I am Stark. Nice to meet you."

It was actually Stark, the Lord of Solitude. He was a peace-loving Arrancar, so he didn't pose a threat to Aizen.

Aizen, intrigued by Stark's peaceful nature, decided to hear him out and see if he could be of any help in his plan.

Craze: Hey guys If you like this fic and want to help me please join me on www.p@treon.com/phelio only $5