
Chapter: 15

Chapter: 15

"If the gates are blocked to us… then we won't use the gates."

"What do you mean?!" Ichigo and the others asked

"elder…Kikaku Shiba… do you know the whereabouts of such a person?" Yoruichi asked the elder.

The elder gained a look of shock.

"Last I recall… that person was dwelling in the West Fugai District… as you may know that one moves around a lot."

"Kukaku Shiba."

The elder said shaking and sweating.

"Are you… thinking of going over the wall in that thing?!"

"What thing?" Ichigo asked.

Then there was a thumping sound like something was running towards the house.



"What's that?!"

Then not even a few seconds later someone crashed through the door. It was causing everyone to jump to their feet.


"A guy?!"

"A human cannonball!!"

Then a wild boring came trotting into the room.

"Look out it's a wild boar!!"

"Oh boy, Bonnie threw me again."

The man said as he got up the man was a tall muscular man with chin-length black hair and a partially missing left eyebrow. He wears a vest, scarf, bandanna, and pair of goggles.

"Hey! How's it hanging old man!!"

"Ganju! Why, you what are you doing here?! Go home!!" 

Elder shouted.

"Is that how you treat an old friend? Look you're scaring your guests."

"You are scaring them!!"


Ganju looked over at me Ichigo and a frown formed on his face.

"... What? What're you looking at?" Ichigo asked

"Hmm." I looked at Ganju with a raised eyebrow.

Ganju took off his goggles and then asked.

"What the… what are soul reapers a doing here?!"

"Who the hell is this idiot?" (Shinso)

'Hello, Shinso nice of you to join us."

"Yeah yeah."

'But to answer your question I don't know but for some odd reason he feels familiar.'

[Raphael] Can you analyze his reiatsu signature and tell me why he feels so familiar?

<<Understood >>

Looking back at Ganju I saw that he was antagonizing Ichigo which earned him a punch to the face sending him to the ground.

"Why you crazy, Dandelion-looking freak!! Are you picking a fight with me?!!"

"You picked the fight you pig straddler!!! You started on me for no reason!! What kind of moron are you?!"

"A…a fight what should we do?! W-we should stop them." Orihime said panicked.

"Don't bother it won't actually get that far," I said.

<<Master >>


<<Analysis complete>>

OK, so what is it?

<<Ganju energy signature shares a 20% familiarity with yours and the rest of your family>>

Which means?

<<He is related to you most likely a cousin.>>

…you're serious?

<<Afermative >>

I see.

Hearing a crashing sound I looked up to see that Ganju rammed into Ichigo sending them both outside.



Uryu and Orihime shouted trying to go after Ichigo but were blocked by some people riding boars. Deciding to an end to this whole farce I got up and walked past Uryu and Orihime and the men tried to stop me but a single glare filled with killing intent caused them to back off. Walking past them I walked over to where Ichigo and Ganju were with Yoruichi following me.

"Hey! Ichigo cut it out! Stop wasting energy on pointless rough-housing!!" Yoruichi shouted

"Well, he started it. If you don't like it talk to him."

I looked at both Ganju and Ichigo with a blank expression before summoning Burēdowākusu raising it off the ground a bit before slamming the sword on the ground while releasing a large amount of reiatsu that was strong enough t force both Ichigo and Ganju to the ground.

"That's enough." my tone was neutral.

Ichigo and Ganju, both pinned to the ground by the sheer force of my reiatsu, exchanged wide-eyed glances, momentarily stunned into silence.

"What... what's going on?" Ganju managed to splutter out, struggling against the oppressive weight pushing him down.

Before I could say anything else a loud beeping noise caught my attention and I stopped releasing reiatsu. Looking at where the noise was coming from I saw that it was coming from a large clock from one of Ganju's goons 

"O- oh no boss!! It's nine o'clock!!!"

"What?! Nine o'clock?!"

Without a skip of a beat, Ganju jumped to his feet.

"Ah, crap! C'mon Bonnie!!"

The boar jumped over Ichigo who was getting up by this point slamming into Ganju's back and sending him crashing into the ground. Getting up Ganju said.

"Ugh still playing games eh Bonnie? But we don't have time for that tonight! Just let me get on you!"

"H-hey! Wait!! You're running away?!" Ichigo asked

Ganju who was already on the wild boar by this point turned to Ichigo and said.

"I'm not running Dandelion!!! I'll fix you later!! Until then wait here like a good boy!! Try not to turn to fluff and blow away!!!"

"What? Oh yeah!? Well, you took the words out of…"

But Ichigo didn't get the chance to finish as Ganju and his goons had ridden off.

".... my mouth…"

"Are they gone?" Orihime asked

"That was…. That was one weird dude Ichigo." Uryu said putting his hand on Ichigo's shoulder.

"Grrr… dang it all!!! Who was that guy?!"

Holding back a snicker I simply shook my head.

The next morning was entertaining, to say the least after Ichigo tried to stay back and fight Ganju when he came back and Yoruichi and the others managed to drag him out of the house to follow us. 

"Hey. we're a long way from the village are you sure this is the right way?" Ichigo asked.

We were walking through a grassy plain that was a good distance from the village.


"Shut up! According to the map the elder gave us it should be around here! If you think you can do better, why don't you take the lead?!"

"Can you two quit arguing?" I asked

"This Kukaku person knows the only way to get into the Seiretei without going through the gates right? If this person is so great shouldn't they be living in the village like a celebrity?" Orihime asked

"Yeah, that's a good point."

"No that would be impossible. Judging from the personality of that one this is about right it's a quite deserted area. Don't worry. This one may change residency frequently, but will always build a recognizable house. One glance and you'll know it."

"One glance," Ichigo asked.

"Yes… I see it. There."

Ahead of us was a small house with two large stone-carved hands holding up a banner that Kukaku Shiba in Japanese with a large chimney that was taller than the house at the back.

"See you can tell with one glance right?"

"Yoruichi that is an understatement," I said with an amused chuckle.

"Hmm, the banner holder is a pair of arms this time. Very nice."

"This friend of yours seems to be very eccentric Yoruichi," I said.

"She can be at times. Anyway, let's go."


As we got closer to the house we were stopped by two men wearing a red hat with a gold trim and white tassel on top and a light blue scarf tied at the front by a red fastener with gold highlights. One wears a white top, while the other wears a yellow one. The only notable differences between them apart from the differing colors of their clothes are some features of their faces; one has a broad face and split chin, while the other has a long face and a normal chin.

"Who are you?!"

"You're dressed strangely! And two of you are soul reapers!"

"You're a suspicious lot! Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko will not let you pass!"

"Go! Or you will die here!"

Koganehiko looked at me and then he noticed Yoruichi.

"Muh… Mr. Yoruichi?!"


"Forgive me! I had no idea that they were your attendants Mr. Yoruichi! I apologize for my rudeness!" Koganehiko said

He was leading us down a set of stairs that were in the house as soon as you opened the doors.

"Never mind that. I should have notified you in advance."

"How impressive! Great men have big hearts!"

Reaching the bottom of the stairs we arrived at a narrow path with a sliding door to our left.

"Please wait here a moment."

Then a female voice called out to him.



"Have you brought me an interesting guest? Well, come in! What are you waiting for!"

"Yes! Right away!"

Koganehiko opened the sliding doors to reveal a large room and at the center of the room was a youthful-looking woman of average height. She has green eyes and wears bandages over her long messy black hair that parts down in half at the small of her back. She wears a white skirt and provocative red robe exposing her ample bosom. She is missing her right arm and has a tattoo on her left arm. She wears bandages around her right shoulder and both ankles. She also has wooden sandals and a cloak sitting on a comforter with pillows around her.

"Hello. It's been a long time….Yoruichi."

While everyone else had the reaction that Kukaku was a woman my reaction was very different.

'You're joking. [Raphael]'

<<It is what you think it master>>


'Anyone who laughs is getting it."

"Sorry sorry, it's just too funny." (Shinso)


"What? Who're the kids?"

Yoruichi hopped off my shoulder and walked towards Kukaku.

"Kukaku… I've come to ask a favor."

"Of course you have. That's usually the cause when you show up. Trouble?"


"Heh, we haven't exchanged like this for too long. Go on let's your story. I love trouble."

An explanation later.

"I see. I get the picture. Fine. I accept."

"You do?!"

"Sure. if Urahara's involved how could I possibly say no? Just one thing… I trust you but… I'm not so sure about these kids. I'm assigning a man to oversee the operation. That's alright with you isn't it?"

"Of course."

"A man?" Ichigo asked.

"Yes. well, actually he's my little brother. He's a useless brat but."

'Please god no do not forsake me like this.'

She got up and walked over to another sliding door with her hand on the handle intending to open it.

"Well? Ready?!"

"Wait just a second." a voice said behind the door.

"I'm opening it! You better behave yourself!"

"Ok, sis ready!"

Kukaku opened the door and it revealed a very familiar face.

"Hello my name is Ganju Shiba! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

There was a brief pause before.

"Aaagh!!!" (Ichigo and Ganju)

"God, why have you forsaken me?" I muttered under my breath

"What? You two know each other?" Kukaku asked in confusion.

Ichigo and Ganju were preparing to start fighting again but were stopped when Kukaku heel-kicked Ichigo and punched Ganju in the head sending them both to the floor.

"Cut it out!!!! What's wrong with you guys attacking each other the moment you meet."

"Dude you kicked me without warning must run in the family."

"But big sis that jerk-"

Kukaku kicked Ganju in the face before he could finish.

"Don't talk back."

Kukaku then ran over to Ichigo grabbed him by his head and then said.

"Listen to me you little punk! This is my house! It's my way or the highway around here!"

"I- I'm sorry ma'am," Ichigo said sweating.

"Alright as long as you understand," Kukaku said letting go of Ichigo's head.

Ichigo fell to the floor. "Your sister is scary,"

 he mutters over to Ganju who replies.

"Tell me about it."

"Alright!! Everybody up!!"

"Yes ma'am."

'Now I see where Ichigo got his hot-headed personality from it's from dad's side of the family.'

"You act as if it's all bad." (Burēdowākusu)

'No it's not I will admit but mom's side is actually calm people to some extent.'

"You're talking about Uryu aren't you?"

'Hmm hm, my second-cousin is decently calm.'

"Calm is overrated." (Shinso)

'Shut it you're the last person I want to hear that from.'

"Meh, I speak the truth."

'I'm cutting the connection now.'

Sigh this can only go so well.

Chapter 15: end

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