
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



I could hear the ruffling of leaves as I flew past a tall tree at breakneck speed.

I was simply using air magic levitate and I was simultaneously conjuring huge gusts of wind that were whacking me in the forward direction.

I was currently looking for graveyards to plunder, being a necromancer I could build a small army of my own in a matter of seconds.

95 percent of the undead I could raise were simply meat shields, meaning they lose the abilities they had when they were living.

The more powerful the mage/ swordsman the more probable was the case in which they retain their abilities.

I could only raise an undead for 4 hours at maximum, it was one of my limitations but that doesn't really matter.

4 hours is enough for me to kill or apprehend most of my targets.

After 5 more minutes, I finally found a desolate site, it was riddled with tombs and I could see small letters engraved in it, paying it no mind, I started doing the deed I was here for.




( The second inquisitor sent with Ivan)

As per Ivan's orders, I started looking for Nicholas gray.

Having nothing else to do, I couldn't help but start recalling random memories, it was something I did from time to time.

"I slaved away my whole youth.

All I did was practice magic and sleep.

Maybe I should have had some fun?

hmm maybe? but that was simply impossible ahh, only if I was born with a silver spoon too.

Unlike Ivan who was born in a family with considerable power, my upbringing was at best mediocre.

When I joined the training corps at the age of 13( the place in the empire where the training of inquisitors usually commenced)

I was simply a dirtborn poor boy trying to achieve something phenomenal.

When I became a full-fledged inquisitor, I was sent to serve under lady Rosenmund, who held a sizeable amount of authority.

As every dictator/ king needs loyal subjects or some might call them 'keys', to implement and enforce the laws, the power is usually distributed in such a way that all the 'keys' keep each other in check, relieving the emperor of some headaches.

But alas that's just a slow poison, the 'keys' usually keep getting stronger and stronger as they keep undermining the emperor's authority.

That was the state of the empire at present."

Not concerning myself more with the matters I couldn't deal with, I stopped reminiscing about my past and the current state of the nation.




After another 10 minutes of waiting, I could finally see the silhouette of two men approaching our direction.

"Samantha they are here, wrap everything up and get ready to give them a detailed report" I exclaimed hurriedly.

Unlike Inquisitors who were trained for combat, we both were just some nobody researchers with little to no authority, hence we had to be wary of them.


I gave a short bow, to the men dressed in black who were standing in front of me, and both of them nodded in return.

"Nicholas Gray, give us a detailed report about the situation without missing a single thing."

"We have apprehended 87 of the subjects, we have them tied down and we are pumping hallucinogens in their bloodstream at a regular interval, I further believe that two of the villagers have escaped and are currently hiding behind the tallest cliff at the back end of the forest," I replied.

"Only two of them?"

"Yes, sir only two humans, one is believed to be a world energy user, and the other one is a green-cored mage, we further have a fire sealing array in effect."

" I see..., you did a good job Nicholas"

"I was just following orders, I didn't do anything special or praiseworthy, sir " I replied with a humble expression.

"The thing is, I am also following orders", the inquisitor replied.


Out of nowhere, the other inquisitor made a move, I could see a sword covered with a green hue approaching me with breakneck speed, and before I could comprehend what was happening it pierced my shoulder.


The throbbing pain in my shoulder intensified as I started losing consciousness.

"What..t --- Whyyy?" was the only thing I managed to mutter as my head slammed against the hard ground.




"What are you waiting for? finish him." I snarled.


The swordsman stabbed the heart of the sorry-looking fellow who was lying in his own pool of blood.

"Go and find Samantha and kill her too, in the meanwhile I will try and relay the information to the inquisitor Ivan" I further added.

"Yes, sir" the burly-looking swordsman replied as he went inside the clinic to kill off Samantha.

A master-ranked swordsman could coat his sword with different elements. What the inquisitor beside me did was use the air element to boost the speed of his slash.

The swordsmen don't have any mana core, nor do they have any elemental affinity.

All they could do was practice and meditate.

Meditation helped them sense mana a little while practice refined their way with the sword.

Unlike mages, judging their prowess was quite difficult, that is the reason why there was only one classification for them.

They were either above master rank or below it, with nothing in between.