
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The Beginning


"Have you ever heard of a red dragon called Kadal? He is said to be the wisest and oldest dragon to have ever lived, I don't know if he is still living or if he has finally kicked the bucket".

"Why I am telling you this is because I suspect that both of you are carrying his blood", I further added.

" What bullshit are you spouting? How can a 100-meter-tall dragon successfully mate with a human? Even his balls will be bigger than my whole body, exclaimed the young man standing in front of me.

"D-do you mean we are practically siblings? Oh God no, this can't be" shrieked Rias as she started panicking.

Watching all the chaos unfolding in front of me, I instinctively facepalmed myself.

"At the very least let me finish my theory" I hissed.

A couple of seconds later, both of them recovered from their initial shock and started looking at me with puppy-like eyes.

"Yes a dragon can't bread with a human, it's not because their -- is too big, those mighty creatures are capable enough to easily manipulate their body and shape-shift into a human being, the real reason hybrids do not exist is simply because a human can't give a dragon's child enough nutrition when it is still in her womb, while a male human is simply incapable of impregnating a dragon."

" The reason I suspect that the whole village of yours has Kadel's blood running through their veins is simply because every one of you was immune to fire, and more than 90 percent of your village was decimated when your respective eyesights returned out of the blue."

"When the whole fiasco with your eyes happened, the mana density in the air was unusually high, it was more than 8 times the normal amount."

"And what does that is supposed to mean" asked Razak with visible confusion.

"It means that when yo--


Before I could elucidate my complete reasoning, Razak abruptly pulled out his broadsword from a wooden scabbard.

"We don't have much time, I can sense a tremendous amount of mana near us", he softly mumbled.




Half an hour ago

I was standing near a narrow window and on the top of a not-so-wide ledge, I kept my gaze outside, my eyes unmoving. I had all the time in the world to admire the beautiful scenery in front of me, The tall craggy mountains helped in calming my heart, while Samantha was feeding hallucinogens to the surviving villagers.

"Did you take care of all the animals that were trying to infiltrate here?" exclaimed Samantha from the room beside me.

"Yes I did, what about you honey? Do you need any help?

" No, I don't everything is under control" she replied with a flat voice.

"I just had a talk with lady Rosenmund, she informed me that the inquisitors will arrive here in about 10 minutes so wrap things up quickly and beware, Ivan Odinson is one of them and I have heard he has quite the temper," I spoke in a solemn tone




45 minutes ago

I woke up because of a constant buzzing sound, I found that my hands, legs, and eyes were tied down by something.

"I am not dead?" What is going on? I faintly remember my blood vessels getting punctured, who saved me? And why the fuck am I tied down? I asked myself.


I suddenly heard a buzzing sound in my ears,

"What is a dragonfly doing here?

Go away! I exclaimed as I tried to whack the insect away, but it suddenly started to buzz weirdly, like it was attempting to tell me something.

"Wait is that the doing of Rias?" it finally dawned on me, before I could say something else the buzzing sound intensified.

Believing that it was a signal to keep quiet, I stopped moving my body.




I knew I could trust Razak, but the precaution is always better than the cure, the fool's vocabulary was as good as a toddler's, he didn't even know what binocular eyes meant.

Even humans had binocular eyes.

After my master finally woke up, I used air magic to manipulate the surrounding air to give voice to my words, after explaining to him the general situation we were in, I cut off my connection with the dragonfly.

Author's note: if u guys have forgotten about Viserys refer to chapter 2, if u have forgotten about the conversation between Rias and Razak, refer to chapter 4 and google binocular if u also have a Razak-like vocabulary