
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



"What is a mana core? Does everyone have it? What does its color indicate? Why can't my friend practice magic like I do?"

The younglings I was supposed to instruct kept asking me one question after the other, it was their first lesson after all.

"No, not everyone has a mana core, it's not something you can form on your own, it's predetermined from birth. As for the color, the lighter it is the better it gets, the more impurities you have the darker it will be".

" What about a swordsman like Razak? Does he also has a mana core? and I have heard that he can also manipulate some weird kind of energy." another kid asked me.

"No, Razak doesn't have a mana core, swordsmen usually don't have one, but that doesn't mean they are weak."

"Now the answer to your second question is quite complicated, focus on what I am about to say, it may help you in the future."

'' Mana and World energy are completely different; A mage can sense and manipulate mana to create a fireball or to conjure water, while a stronger mage can inhibit or cancel your spell just by cutting off your link to the mana in your surroundings, while world energy is infinite, meaning it's limitless. You can't seal it or inhibit someone from using it.

''Although World energy is extremely difficult to tap into, it is always worth the effort."

After the long dreary lesson, I noticed that most of the class was suffering from drowsiness.

" I was supposed to be one of the greatest dimensional mages of the South, but I am here teaching these brats basic magic.

Well, what good is a dimensional mage anyway, who can't even get a glimpse of the surrounding environment?''

While I was lost in all the self-pity, I witnessed a couple of children yank their heads upwards, the sense of unrest they were in was rather visible.

"Weren't they on the verge of sleeping? What the hell is happening here?" I thought out loud.

Before I could figure out what was happening,

the whole classroom went into an uproar.


With a snap of my fingers, I used a simple sleeping spell to wipe out the disruption.

While I was still pondering about the fiasco that just happened, I felt a sudden twitch in my left pupil, before I could make heads or tails of the situation I was in, my blood pressure started rising and rising until it burst apart my blood vessels.




What the fuck is happening.

''Ah, you son of a bitch, m -make it stop!''

After experiencing such excruciating pain for a couple of minutes, I finally sobered up.

I thought I died there, what just happened to my good-for-nothing's eyes, huh? They were of no use, and practically defective, and now they suddenly start burning like hell..

" I opened my eyes slowly, but there was something different- something exceptional. Something bright, instead of the darkness I always saw.

Before I could figure out what just transpired, my head started spinning, which forced me to close my eyes again.

'Wait, wait, wait, did my eyesight…. Return?'

I fell into deep thought. It must be that my brain is not accustomed to all this light, and that is why my head hurts, but how did this happen?


On the brink of dawn, A thin middle-aged man with pale whitish skin was trying to find his way, he had his eyes covered with a strand of white cloth and was mumbling something to himself.

1 stone to the left, 3 to the right and one engraved leaf to find the way.

I dragged my scarred feet on the familiar pavement, opening new wounds from time to time.

following the same day-to-day routine, I eventually reached my workplace.

Removing the white piece of cloth I was wearing, I opened my deep blue eyes and went straight to the clinic.

"At least heal your wounds first, before helping out with the patients". Exclaimed a tall dark-skinned woman with a worried expression.

" I don't know why you willingly torture yourself like that, nor do I care. The only thing I am worried about is my silk carpet, which is getting ruined by your bloody feet", Samantha continued.

I sat down on one of the vacant hospital beds and started healing my bruised foot, after a couple of more minutes I proceeded to draw a magic formation on the hospital floor.

"So the awakening has started? "she noticed the formation and asked in a gentle tone.

"Yes, that is why we need to inform the Inquisitors, if even a little more than 10 % of the villagers survive, I don't think we can handle them alone.''




My chest is on fire, I need to breathe, that's all I could think at the current moment, anxiety started building up inside me, and in less than a second, I started gasping for air in a frenzied manner.


At a moment's notice, I was pulled away from the water by some unknown force.

Cough -cough, coughing up water for a few seconds, I started to notice that I was sitting near a river, and my body was drenched from the head to the toe.

"w- What's going on?" I thought out loud.

"There is no time to waste, something is amiss.

More than 95% percent of the village is dead, and the rest are not responding to any external stimuli.

If not for the situation being so dire, I wouldn't have taken such drastic measures'', the handsome man standing behind me exclaimed with a solemn tone

After everything that happened in the last couple of seconds, I had a strong feeling that I was inside an illusion, but the tall man standing behind me was unquestionably real.

With my head throbbing and my muscles aching all I could feel was a sense of distress before I could try and speak something else, I collapsed again.

"Ahh fuck, I need to waterboard her again", scoffed Razak with a tinge of frustration.