

The atmosphere felt heavy and unnerving ever since I arrived. At first, I didn't know why. Why was a town that had the protection of the marines be so... Crippling depressed? Almost in fear of messing up, like God would come down and strike them for untied shoes.

Not a single towns folk offered any type of guidance, help or hell- Even said hi. That only served to fuel my idea that this town isn't exactly what I thought it was.

And arriving in front of the military base only further proved my idea was correct. A snarky young man with a marine cap shading his eyes from further view stood before a steel barred gate. His stance a strict, routine hands behind his back, false-confident bravado.

"Oh, I guess you didn't lie after all. Saves you your limbs." I casually threw out to Hughie, causing the man in my hands to tense up. Dragging a nearly seven foot man while being nearly six feet yourself was quite awkward.

His legs were so long that they actually produced drag in some cases.

"Halt! State your business!" Closing the distance between me and the officer, the young marine spoke up. His voice thundering with orders he probably practiced for hours a day. Trying to perfect it. His eyes glared at me and they kept gliding from me to ol' Hughie behind me.

Unraveling the pirates bounty paper out of my pocket, I shoved it in his face and threw Hughie to his feet. The marine took a few glances at a the paper and then back at Hughie as if what he was seeing couldn't possibly be real.

'...Was he really that amazing?' I questioned myself, unsure of Hughie was really worthy of the reputation he and his crew gained. There was no lie in saying that him and his crew weren't destructive, fear inducing bastards... But that's only if you were weak.

There's a reason Mr.Yellow over here is only worth a measly 50k Beli. In the end, he doesn't amount to much when compared to actual pirates who've been to see for years on end. Decades and sometimes even centuries.

'Oh! Are the older ones stronger? Or do pirates only get weaker as they age? I should ask Sethos when I- IF I find him again...' I was pulled out of my own thoughts when the marine in front of me completely disregarded my entire presence. Crumbling the bounty paper and opening the gate, then dragged a relieved Hughie into the base without a single word.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hey, uh... Where's my money? I captured the idiot and was even nice enough to drag his lousy ass all the way over here." My voice carried my current mood perfectly. I was annoyed, fed up and irritated with the blatant disrespect to my hard work the marine just showed me.

The one in questioned stopped moving. Hughie still being dragged along the ground like a heavy sack of potatoes stopped too, his eyes shifting from me to the marine uncomfortably. But I couldn't careless.

"I see. I will talk to the Lieutenant about your reward. Please mind yourself within the town for now." He stated flawlessly, almost mockingly. I scoffed after he disappeared into the marine facility. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes.

'...Let's just see what this town has to offer.'


And that seems to be quite literally nothing. Aside from the spooked civilians and what not, nothing really interesting is here. Though there is a bar here, and I'm very tempted on paying a visit. A drink would be amazing right now... If I had the funds.

Walking down the main road of Shells Town, my hands shoved in my pockets, I took this time to actually consider the thought of changing out my wardrobe. All my outfit consists of now, is a plain tight fitted black t-shirt and some baggy sweats. My shoes are nothing but black dress boots.

It's plain, but it matches my aesthetic, so there's no real rush to go and get a better looking outfit. Spoiling myself with my hard earned cash would be amazing though...

'Eh whatever.' Eventually I gave in to my own desires and visited the bar. It was a lively place, had a different atmosphere than the one that clouded this town when I first arrived. It's only been half an hour to an hour since I've arrived and everything's already settled in.

Maybe they're just wary of new comers. Seems normal.

Entering the bar caused it to go silent for a brief moment before everything went back to normal. Observing me as if I was some mythical creature and then the next like nothing happened. Making my way to the bar, I sat down at the counter and tapped it.

On the other end was a woman with dark brown, chocolatey hair. She had pale skin, a clean face and big round deep purple eyes. Working on the other end of the bar-- My end, was another woman, though she looked younger than the other one.

She had bright, strawberry red hair that coiled and formed waves down to the small of her back; Almost her ass. She was pretty tall, probably a little shorter than me so I estimated around five foot six-eight. (167.64 cm)

Just like her fellow bartender, she had big round eyes but instead of them being a deep purple, hers were sky blue. A radiant shine that instantly made you feel special. Her skin was pale as well, a beauty mark on her face- just under her left eye.

Flashing me a smile, she made her way to me. Her black two piece dress tailing behind her. She was a beautiful individual, I couldn't lie to myself on that part. Her top was kind of small for her bosom, causing them to hug tightly together and slightly bulge out of the free space. She naturally had a blush to her skin, meaning her boobs were a lot more attractive than they should've been.

"Hi! How can I help you?" Her voice flowed like a melodic song, one comparable to a bedtime story a mother would read to put her child to sleep. It was soft, but full. Coated in a natural flirtatious tone.

But it would take more than that to woe me. I'm pretty self-aware and mature in my humble opinion... But then again, I'm the best. Of course I'm mature.

"Hm, some booze would be nice. Oh, and uh... Add some pasta to that as well." I flashed a toothy smile along with my order. The girl nodded, a little distant looking but soon enough returned to her work.

After leaving to get my drink, my head immediately collapsed to the counter. A sigh escaping my lips as the thought of finally getting some real food in my belly. Not to mention a bonus drink. Fumbling in my pockets, I had about just enough to pay for this meal... After that, I'd need to collect that bounty, and im not taking no for an answer.

Soon enough, my order came.

I immediately begin to devour the food before me like a wild animal. The pasta was perfectly cooked, it had the right amount of sauce and firmness- Not to mention the impeccable meat balls they topped with it.

The booze was standard, nothing much but it was better than nothing.

"Wow~ You sure can eat... You know you can slow down right? It wont run, I swear!" That same angel-like voice caught me off guard, stopping me mid bite. I looked up and saw that the girl who served me was still here. Observing me eat food like a dog.

She giggled to her own words but watched with an amused smirk, as if she won something.

I raised an eyebrow but responded anyway after swallowing my food and washing it down with some liquid.

"Eh, you never know. Food around here seemed to scarce I thought it was actually running from me. Anyway, thanks for the meal." I nodded, going back to finishing the last bites of my food. The girl didn't bat an eye though, still hovering in front of me with her elbows resting on the counter before me.

"Mm, if thats the case, would you like some more? We have plenty of pasta to go around." I didn't even hesitate.

"Sure, if it's free."

"Awe~ That's too bad..." My mood immediately soured. This woman played with my heart strings! Hit me right where it hurt! My belly!

Before my mood could worsen even more, she quickly followed up on her previous statement.

"Don't get too down just yet. You can still eat, but I want a different kind of payment." My eyes widened and my hands immediately put themselves in front of us, acting like some barrier.

"Woah, you're pretty and all but I don't sleep with just anyone. I can come back when I have the money for another meal." Finishing my booze, I immediately began to get up, only to be stopped by a soft, delicate hand gripping my bicep.

I turn to face the girl, a frown on my face. The girl let go, sighing with a hand on her forehead.

"That's not what I meant genius. I want answers, three in total and then you can get your food. I wouldn't sleep with a random anyway... Do I look like some street rat?" Slowly sitting back down, I decided to hear her out. Cause in all honesty, I wanted some answers too.

"Fine, but I want answers as well. You ask, then I ask. Deal?"

"Sure, sure whatever."

"Okay, ask away."

Pulling up a chair on the other end of the counter, the girl snuck a glance at her busy co-worker and vigorously sat down. Pulling her chair closer to the counter, closing the distance between us. Now that she's closer than before, all I can see is how terrifyingly pretty she is.

She'd make for a wondrous spy.

"What's your name?"

"Ezrath. What's yours?"

"Wow... That's different. Pretty name. Anyways, mines Angel." I nodded- Makes sense. She's got the voice of one, I'm not surprised she's even named after them. Smiling softly, she went to speak again-

"Okay, next. What brought you-"

"Wow~ Aint this just a lively place! Haha, I should visit more often, what do you think maggot?" Shifting on my stool, I turn to see a golden haired visual representation of a obnoxious, arrogant brat busting through the bar doors, kicking them off the hinges in the meantime.

His eyes met mine after he scanned the room- Waving his hand towards his Marine fellows they quickly surrounded me at the bar.

Clicking my tongue, I drank the very last drop of my booze and rested my elbows on the counter behind me, leaning back to face the men aiming their weapons at me. The pretentious prick dressed in a purple, red leathered suit, stalked up to me. His hands in his pockets as he glared down at me with a confident smirk.

Kicking up his leg, he slammed his foot on my chair, right between my legs.

I didn't flinch.

The other customers cowered to the walls and corners, looking at the man before me with complete fear. The children cried and so did some of the elderly. However, I could tell the kid in front of me liked hearing that.

'Oh. I was right after all.'

"So~ You're the criminal scum that tried to make money off of the hard work of my fathers marines?"



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