
Chapter 20

Lyn dropped his shield onto a nearby table and changed into a white bathrobe from the inn. His team decided to stop at the village and relax a bit before they dealt with the dragon plague. Thanks to Kayda and Firo, and also the bonuses Lyn got from the bandits, everyone in the squad level up quickly over the last few days. Lyn also sacrificed his levels right before the grind to add extra bonuses. The squad was split into two teams to avoid EXP loss. Firo leveled with Raphtalia and Rino, while Kayda leveled with Wyndia and Gaelion. However, because was in both squads, Lyn got the most exp.

The levels were:

Raphtalia - 69

Rino - 67

Firo - 69

Wyndia- 69

Kayda - 70

Gaelion - 69

Lyn - 74

Lyn smiled and closed his status.

This should keep us safe while in this kingdom. I wish I had the [Status Correction] skill to get bonuses from the previous levels. Well we could just sacrifice all their levels and re-level them one by one, but I won't risk it until I'm sure we're safe from the idiots of this world. We should visit Erhard tomorrow to get new weapons and armor since the old stuff isn't cutting it.

Lyn winced a bit and rubbed his shoulder. The memory of Raphtalia's sword breaking and hitting him was still fresh in his mind.

Lyn left his room and made his way to the hot springs with Gaelion.


"Don't worry. Wyndia is with the others, so she'll be fine," Lyn reassured him and patted him on the head.

"Gau!" Gaelion nodded.

"Now let's just relax and have a nice bath," Lyn replied, walking into the mens hotspring section. As soon as Gaelion walked through the door, Lyn froze.

"Gaelion, why don't you go ahead without me for a bit ok? I forgot to do something at the inn," he said, taking a step back. Lyn felt several presenses, similar to the ones he faced in the dragon mountains a few days ago, approaching them.


"It's fine, I'll be quick."

But as he took a step back, one of the presences disappeared. It wasn't because it left his range, it symply cut off as if it wasn't even there. Soon, one by one the whole group disappeared.

Well that doesn't seem good.

Lyn waited for a few more seconds, but nothing happened. He kept an eye on his status to see if his companions lost any HP. But even after a whole minute nothing happened. Then two, then three. Eventually he sat down into the spring next to a worried Gaelion. Lyn put his hand on Gaelion's head.

"It's nothing. Everything is fine."


Gaelion relaxed and turned away from Lyn. But Lyn continued to look at his companion's health for a while until he got out of the springs and met his companions later that day.

Lyn sighed as he picked up his shield from the table and closed his team's status.

Either they all killed themselves, someone who can hide their presence completely killed them, or they learned to hide their presence and are still out there. But then why haven't they attacked yet? Or are they waiting till we fall asleep?

He despawned every skill he had active and equipped the [Chimera Dragon Shield] while he tried to feel for any presence in the area.


Kayda jumped onto Lyn's head in her small form and looked him in the eyes.

"Kua!" Feed me!

"Ok, ok. Give me a second," Lyn answered as he pulled something out of his shield and gave it to her.

"Lyn-sama, we're back," Raphtalia said, walking into the room.

"Hello, did you enjoy the hot springs?"

"I did. What about you?"

"Same. It was pretty relaxing."

"Daddy! Can you brush Firo's hair?" Firo asked, jumping on Lyn's back. He pulled out a brush out of his shield and beckoned Firo closer. She sat down in front of him in her human form. Lyn began to slowly brush her long blonde hair.

"This feels nice," she commented.

"Would you like a drink?" Raphtalia asked, handing Lyn and Firo a bottle.

"Thanks onee-chan!" Firo replied and quickly downed the bottle.

"Thanks. Are the others sleeping?"

"Wyndia and Gaelion have already fallen asleep. Rino said she wanted to practice a bit longer."

"Kua kua!" Feed me more!

Kayda jumped off of Lyn's head and jumped onto the table. Lyn pulled out some more food and a plate and put it in front of her.

"Daddy, don't stop," Firo complained.

"Give me a second," Lyn opened the bottle Raphtalia gave him and downed the drink before picking up the brush again.

"Firo, you should go to sleep too," Raphtalia said, picking up Firo's empty bottle.

"No~. Firo isn't not tired yet," she whined.

"If you don't sleep now, you won't be able to pull your carriage tomorrow," Lyn said.

'Noooo~!" Firo yelled and jumped into bed.

Food and carriages. I wish I had such a simple life.

"Lyn-sama, how about you sleep today, and I will keep watch?"

"Nah, I have a few more things I need to do before sleep."

"You say that every time and you never finish whatever you are doing. Can't it wait one night?"


"Noooooo~! This is Firo's bed!" Firo shooed Kayda away for trying to lay down next to her.

"You really think I can get anything done when those two are around?" Lyn asked Raphtalia as he put the bottles and empty plate into his shield.


Everyone in the room turned to the source of the noise. The egg in the incubator started to wiggle around as more and more cracks began to appear. Finally the egg cracked open and a small light blue bird popped out.

"Pii!" the little Filolial chirped.

"Aw! She looks just like tiny Firo, just blue," Lyn said, picking up the small bird.

"Pii," the Filolial replied, digging her head into Lyn's head.

"Kua." Hello.

Kayda jumped over to Lyn and the new Filolial. Instead of jumping away, the chick walked closer to the dragon.

"Pii?" Who?

"Kua kua!" I'm Kayda.

"Pii pii pii!" Nice to meet you!

"Kua!" Likewise!

The blue Filolial jumped on top of the dragon's head and closed her eyes.

"I didn't expect the new Filolial and Kayda to get along. What are you going to call her?" Raphtalia asked.

"Sky," Lyn replied without a moment of hesitation.

"Pii!" the Filolial yelled.

"Because she's sky blue?" Raphtalia asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lyn looked away and put the egg shells into his shield.

"Pii pii!" Food please!

"One second," Lyn said, pulling crushed beans out of his shield and giving it to the bird.

"Pii pii," Thank you.

The little Filolial dug into her food while Lyn tried to decide into which squad to add her.

And so our team grows. This is one of the biggest teams I have by this point.

"Well, I better get going. I need to run a few errands before tomorrow."

"Lyn-sama, may I come with you?"

Lyn looked at Raphtalia and sighed.

"Nah, you need rest more than I do. Also I want you to keep an eye on Firo and Kayda to make sure they don't start a war while I'm gone."

"Okay. Be careful out there."

"I will."

Lyn left the room and started walking in the direction where he felt the assassins. It took him a few minutes to arrive at a small forest area behind the hot springs.

The ground was covered in small pits, a nearby boulder was shattered, several trees were broken and burned, blood was splattered all over the ground. Lyn looked for anything left behind, but there were no hints pointing to the identity of the mysterious person. There were a few traces of magic but that didn't help either.

Sigh* What the hell. I guess I should prepare better.

He gave the area one last look and walked away, opening his status to upgrade his shields while keeping an eye on his surroundings.

"Everyone into the carriage! Today is the day we get new gear and profit off human stupidity!" Lyn exclaimed, banging on the door of the second room they rented. Without getting an answer, he ran back to the first room they rented and ran inside. Raphtalia was already up and petting Sky. Kayda flew up to Lyn and sat on his head, while Firo was still half asleep.

"Kayda, I need you to help Sky level up before we depart! Raphtalia, help the others up! Firo, keep an eye on the carriage while we're gone," Lyn said to everyone, picking up Firo from the bed and carrying her outside. "Onward!"

"You seem pretty excited about this."

"Well yeah. The most profitable things are robbing bandits and exploiting peoples stupid mistakes. It's even better when you get to see their behaviour change 180 from being rude bastards that think they know everything to scared people who realize how badly they screwed up."

"... I think you're enjoying this a bit too much," Raphtalia said as she looked at Lyn with concern.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Lyn nodded. "Anyways, could you get the others for me? I want us to leave as soon as possible."

"Alright," Raphtalia replied as she walked away. Lyn pulled out a bit of food from his shield and handed it to the dragon and Filolial on his head as well as the girl in his other arm.

"We have a big day today and tomorrow, look alive everyone!" Lyn said, exiting the inn.


Firo rubbed her eyes and transformed into her bird form. Sky stayed on top of Kayda, who flew off into the forest.


Lyn turned around to see Gaelion with a worried expression. He was followed by Rino who had the same expression.

"Lyn, we might have a problem."

"You hit your growth spurt in the middle of the night."

Lyn began looking through his inventory.

"My arms and legs hurt a bit as well."

Wyndia sat on her bed wrapped up in a blanket. Instead of the small kid that she was a few days ago, she was now almost as tall as Raphtalia.

"That's your bones expanding. Tell me if it gets too bad and I'll give you painkillers."

Lyn equipped the [Dragon Hourglass Sand Shield II] and checked his waypoints.

Portal Shield Waypoint

{Erhard Blacksmith}

{Beginner Forest}

{Lute Village}

{Dragon Village}

{Hot Springs}

{The Dog Mine}




Lyn pulled out the cloak and handed it to Wyndia.

"Use this for now while we have Erhard get you something. Everyone ready?" Lyn turned to Raphtalia, Rino, Gaelion, and Wyndia. They nodded.

"Alright. [Portal Shield]!"

A loud clattering of metal was soon followed

"GAH. STOP DOING THAT!" Erhard yelled as soon as Lyn's feet touched the ground.



"Oh god! You really did bring a dragon!"

"I told you I'd bring a dragon next time. And we need gear. Also clothes. Also is the order I made a while back ready?"

Lyn looked at the stuff he and his team knocked over. It was mostly just a bunch of spears, but one of them caught his eye. It was made out of dragon bones. Gaelions bones.

Huh, that's new.

"Yeah, the order is ready. Let me get that for you, but you better clean that up!" Erhard replied, disappearing into the back of the shop.

"What order did you place, and when?" Raphtalia asked, picking up some of the spears and putting them back in their place.

"I gave Erhard some of the materials and drops I got and asked him to make you some better armor."


"Uh… when I absorb a whole monster after unlocking all the shields from it, it has a chance of dropping materials and items. Like things that I can use to make potions or upgrade my shield forms. Did… did I not mention this before?'

"No. As a matter of fact, you don't talk about your shield or any of it's systems at all," Raphtalia said with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Do... you want me to give you a three hour lecture on the legendary upgrade methods of this world that you will never be able to use?" Lyn asked, twirling the bone spear in his hand.

"Well no, as you said I won't be able to use them, but it would be nice to know what you're doing when you're poking the air from time to time."

"Here they are!" Erhard said, dropping two sets of armor onto the table. "And put that spear down will ya?"

"Where did this spear come from?"

"Ah, some knights from the capital came into my shop and asked me to make a set of armor and several spears out of dragon material for the spear hero.

Wyndia looked at the ground, her hands trembling slightly.

"So what can your new companion shapeshift into? Wait, don't tell me. I'm going to take a guess. A… dog?"

"Gau gau?" Wyndia can shapeshift?

"No, she just aged up faster than Raphtalia."

"Ah, so that's what it was. Well, let me see what I can get you."

Erhard gave Wyndia a quick glance and disappeared into the back.

"Are you alright?" Rino asked, putting a hand on Wyndia's shoulder.

"I-It's nothing," she tried to brush it off. Lyn looked around for Raphtalia, but she had already disappeared with her new set of armor. He grabbed the cheapest bow and spear, as well as a few throwing stars, a whip, a battle axe and a crossbow. His hand hovered over a hammer for a second before he reached for a staff. Lyn put the items on the counter and looked around for anything else. His hand reached for the gauntlet on one of the armor sets.

Copying successful.

[The requirements for the Iron Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Red Iron Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Blue Iron Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Black Iron Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Sky Iron Gauntlet have been met]

And so on.

Lyn smiled and began walking around the shop, copying every gauntlet.

[Unable to copy Spiky Iron Gauntlet]

[The requirements for the Leather Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Steel Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Silver Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Bronze Gauntlet have been met]

[The requirements for the Dragon Scale Gauntlet have not been met]

[The requirements for the Dragon Bone Gauntlet have not been met]

Lyn looked over the last two gauntlets he just copied.

More Gaelion material. There is the dragon sword, bow, and like five different knives. And yet I still can't use them because I'm missing a shield. Do I need a reworked dragon shield of some sort like in the other worlds?

"Here you go, try this on," Erhard said, returning with another set of armor for Wyndia. She nodded and quickly ran into the changing room with Rino joining her a second later. Gailion sat down in the corner of the room and closed his eyes.

"Hey Erhard, you got any dragon shields by any chance?" Lyn asked, putting the dragon bone gauntlet back on display.

"Uh, no. I had no dragon materials left over," Erhard said, looking to the side and pointing behind the table. Lyn walked up to it and looked under. Two shields lay there with a small note attached.

"Ah, a shame. I was hoping to get reworked dragon materials to finally unlock the dragon series. Well, I guess I'll just take the armor and these weapons," Lyn said, copying and absorbing both shields along with the note.

[The requirements for the Dragon Scale Shield have been met]

[The requirements for the Dragon Claw Shield have been met]

[The requirements for the Dragon Meat Shield have been met]

[The requirements for the Dragon Bone Shield have been met]

[The requirements for the Dragon Leather Shield have been met]

Sweet! Erhard, you are a f*cking treasure in this giant pile of garbage of a country.

"That'll be 42 silver," Erhard said, walking behind the counter.

"Lyn-sama, how do I look?" Raphtalia asked, walking out of the changing room in her new armor. Instead of the usual red, black and brown colors, Raphtalia's new armor was a mix of green, brown and grey. Lyn took a glance at her status.

Her defense stat is a great improvement from the last set.

"It looks good. And it's stronger than your last set. As a matter of fact, do you need it or...?" Lyn asked, lifting his shield.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Well one of the upgrade methods allows me to sacrifice the armor to gain a part of it's stats permanently."

"Alright, magic weapon stuff aside, can I get anything else for you?" Erhard asked, looking around his shop.

"Yeah, we need new swords, preferably something on the upper levels."

"Upper levels? What level are you? 40, 50?" Erhard asked, looking through his inventory.

"Closer to 70."

"..." Erhard paused and looked at Raphtalia, then at Lyn, then back at Raphtalia. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, we grinded for a while with the Legendary Shield bonuses which help increase exp gain. Just one of many perks of being a legendary weapon wielder."

"Damn, I wish I had such a convenient weapon sometimes."

"Well it wouldn't stop you from making weapons, however you would never be able to attack properly or use any of your creations."

Erhard got several swords from the wall and put them on the table.

"Yeah, that part is inconvenient. But to level up this fast is pretty impressive."

Wyndia and Rino came out of the changing rooms with their new armor on. Rino went to look over the sword options with Raphtalia. Lyn shoved all the weapons he bought into his shield.

[The Bow form has been unlocked]

[The Spear form has been unlocked]

[The Whip form has been unlocked]

[The Projectile form has been unlocked]

[The Axe form has been unlocked]

[The Crossbow form has been unlocked]

[The Staff form has been unlocked]

Lyn looked over the stats and forms he had available in his weapon.

I wish that the forms unlocked by absorbed weapons worked like the originals, but sadly, without the essence of the weapons, the best I can get is it's base stats and abilities without upgrade methods. But beggars can't be choosers. I'm not even supposed to be able to do hald the things that I do.

"This one feels better," Lyn heard Rino say as she picked up one of the swords. Raphtalia was already standing to the side with her new sword.

"Wyndia, what about you?"

"I'm fine. I use magic so I have no need for a sword," Wyndia replied, standing with mini Gaelion far away from the dragon spear. Lyn picked up a plain iron dagger and tossed it to Wyndia.

"Take it just in case," he said, paying for the weapons. "Alright, everyone good?"

"Gau!" Yep!

"Yes!" the rest replied.

"Alright then. [Portal Shield]!"

"Wait, not inside th…" Erhard tried to say before the gang teleported in front of the carriage. However no one was around except Sky, who was now almost the size of a normal Filolial nibbling on some demon seed fruits Lyn left behind.

"Isn't Firo supposed to be guarding the carriage?" Rino asked, looking around.

"And isn't Sky supposed to be with Kayda?" Raphtalia looked inside the carriage to find it empty

"Hey Sky, where did the two go?" Lyn asked the blue bird.

"Gua gua," They went into the forest a few minutes ago.

"...aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" a scream was heard from the forest, getting louder and louder as someone approached them. Firo jumped out of the woods in her bird form and ran towards Lyn, hiding behind him, shaking slightly.

"Firo, what's wrong!?" Raphtalia asked. Without answering, Firo just pointed one of her wings into the forest. And then a second person emerged. A girl with bright green hair, emerald green eyes and two horns growing out of her head walked out of the forest covered in nothing but leaves, vines and mud.

"Welcome back big sisters! Welcome back Master!" she replied, waving at them.