
Only Darkness

I stared at the dark abyss before me, wondering what went wrong. My hands shook and my mind scattered. What happened? How did I get here? When did I get here? Why did I come here? Questions filled my head, overlapping each other with no answers to be found. It was cold. Frigid in fact. But I did not move to get a blanket. I did not move at all. I only gazed into the darkness, trying to find even the slightest ray of light. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Except, no air entered my lungs. There was no air, no sound, no people, only darkness. The silence was more suffocating than the lack of oxygen I seemed to be critically running short on. The area was devoid of all noise and, before I knew it, I had dropped to the ground, gasping for air and soon came to the bitter realization that the window was shattered and the abyss before me was none other than the stifling, cold void of outer space.