
Teleported To A Different World.

I could hear the soft I could hear the soft cackling of rain drops over the roof. The school was off today so I over slept. I groggily got out of the bed. The light went out and it was too dark to see anything and so I went downstairs to get a candle. I reached my parents room and took out the the candle pouch.My sheer luck sparkled and the damn pouch was empty.My parents were out on their jobs and so it was my turn to bring the candles from the basement.The basement was always a part of my nightmares.I steeled myself and started walking down the stairs to my basement. An eerie feeling creeped in the back of my and immediately i felt eyes on me. Not that there were any for real but the darkness somehow always made a impact like on this me. I freaked out when i heard a creak from the bottom of the stairs. My all to good for nothing slippers went out beneath my feet and there i started rolling down like a log going down a waterfall. I slammed on the only shelf present in the basement and whatever the hell was up on it did not have a good plan for me in the store. I got hurt in my knee as well as on my head but I at once got up and again started searching for the candles. At last I found shelf where the bag of candles were kept. When I opened the shelf some of the sand which was on it fell on me and I wasn't feeling comfortable as I had the problem of lungs. In the shelf I found many books along with the candles but I didn't wanted to stay anymore at the basement.I could hear the soft cackling of rain drops over the roof. The school was off today so I over slept. I groggily got out of the bed. The light went out and it was too dark to see anything and so I went downstairs to get a candle. I reached my parents room and took out the the candle pouch.My sheer luck sparkled and the damn pouch was empty.My parents were out on their jobs and so it was my turn to bring the candles from the basement.The basement was always a part of my nightmares.I steeled myself and started walking down the stairs to my basement. An eerie feeling creeped in the back of my and immediately I felt eyes on me. Not that there were any for real but the darkness somehow always made a impact like on this me. I freaked out when I heard a creak from the bottom of the stairs. My all to good for nothing slippers went out beneath my feet and there i started rolling down like a log going down a waterfall. I slammed on the only shelf present in the basement and whatever the hell was up on it did not have a good plan for me in the store. I got hurt in my knee as well as on my head but I at once got up and again started searching for the candles. At last I found shelf where the bag of candles were kept. When I opened the shelf some of the sand which was on it fell on me and I am not feeling comfortable as I had the problem of lungs. In the shelf I found many books along with the candles but I don't want to stay anymore at the basement. So I decided to go back. But when I was going,the door of the stairs slammed shut and now I'm unable to open it. "What should I do now?" I can either wait here for my parents or I have to find an another way to get out of here. Now I started to think like a fox. In the basement I first lightened one of those candles then carried it all my way where I had never been. "I should read the books which were in the shelf". While going towards the shelf I found a door behind it. "There's a secret door. I should see what's in that room. So I decided to remove the shelf with one hand as in my second hand I held the candle. While removing the heavy shelf I interrogated to myself why my parents didn't tell me about this room. "What should I do now?" I'm not able to remove it myself. As I used my full power a peice of burning wax fell on my hand. I pushed the shelf with all my power and it fell. I thought that now I can enter the room. But I was wrong,the door had a lock in it. Now I tried to open the door. But I was unsuccessful. And then another peice of burning wax fell on my hand again. This made me angry. I kicked the door and it opened. I threw the candle and went inside the room. And this was a big fault of mine. As I entered the room the door slammed shut with a loud creak. This struck terror to my heart. The room was very dark. Not a single ray of light was present in the room. Why did I threw the candle. I went forward and slipped. As I tried to balance myself by mistake I kept my hand on a switch. I thought that it was the switch of the bulb but I was wrong. As I removed my hand there came a shiny silver chakra holding a star which was not so shiny. First I thought that it is a toy but as I went forward there was a note and something was written on it."Gale Star"🌟. As I went forward to touched it I slipped pushing the star and as my hand came in contact with the star it began to glow and in the room a portal opened. It was a dark portal. I did not get the time to steady up but I fell into the portal. "What is this? Where I am going? What's happening? Somebody get me out of here please!" At last the portal was going to end. Now I thought that I will be on a land. But it landed me in the sky near a forest. While landing some people saw me. I thought that I can ask them to help me, but I was wrong. As I fell on the ground they ran with sticks and iron rods. They were shouting at me"Run away from here you damn or we will kill you!"I got afraid. So I ran in the forest along with the star but there also they followed me. I ran at a great speed because I knew that there was not any other option for me and then hid behind a large bush so that they would not be able to see me. I thought that they will go away after an hour and this time I will pray to god to make me right.

I think that the boy should not cry or try to get out of there but should enjoy and accept whatever is going on around

Roystarcreators' thoughts