
Blades Of Magic

The boy named Zenon was transported in a new world where he must protect time. His new life is about to begin.....

Mist69 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Unveiling Secrets

Zenon's curiosity peaked as he observed the interaction between the priest and the man in the black robe. The intense aura emanating from the church compelled him to investigate further. Silently, he approached and hid behind a pillar, eavesdropping on their conversation.

The priest's voice carried a sense of urgency as he spoke to the mysterious figure. "You must understand the consequences of your actions. The darkness you seek will only bring destruction and despair. I implore you to reconsider."

The man in the black robe remained stoic, his voice dripping with a cold resolve. "There is no turning back now. The power I seek is essential to fulfill my purpose, no matter the cost."

Zenon's instincts told him that the man's intentions were dangerous and could bring harm to innocent lives. Filled with a newfound determination, he stepped out from his hiding spot, startling both the priest and the robed figure.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," Zenon said, his voice firm. "And I have to say, your words trouble me. What kind of power are you seeking, and why are you so willing to embrace darkness?"

The man in the black robe turned his attention to Zenon, his piercing gaze causing an unsettling shiver to run down Zenon's spine. "Ah, an eavesdropper. What do you know of darkness, boy? It is not something to be feared, but to be harnessed."

Zenon stood his ground, his eyes filled with determination. "Darkness may have its allure, but it is in the light that true strength and hope reside. I will not stand by and watch as you bring chaos and destruction upon this world."

The priest, realizing Zenon's intentions, stepped forward with gratitude in his eyes. "Young man, your words are filled with wisdom beyond your years. We must prevent this man from unleashing the darkness he seeks."

As they prepared to confront the man in the black robe, a powerful surge of energy surrounded them. The church trembled as a portal appeared, revealing a figure cloaked in shimmering light. It was Lucy, the goddess of light.

"You have chosen the path of righteousness, Zenon," Lucy said, her voice resolute. "Stand firm, for this is a test of your resolve. Together, we shall thwart the plans of darkness."

Zenon felt a surge of confidence as he stood beside Lucy and the priest. With their combined strength and the power of light on their side, they were determined to stop the man in the black robe and protect the world from the impending threat.

The man, realizing the odds stacked against him, sneered and disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind an air of uncertainty. But Zenon knew that their battle had only just begun.

Lucy turned to Zenon, her eyes shining with pride. "You have shown great courage, Zenon. Embrace your role as the Timebearer and guardian of light. Together, we will ensure that darkness does not prevail."