
Blades Of Magic

The boy named Zenon was transported in a new world where he must protect time. His new life is about to begin.....

Mist69 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

...It was a normal boring night, filled with sounds of crickets, the people have stop working from there boring work, he could only see few cars passing by.

"What is this world even made for anyway, what's the purpose" saying it quietly while looking down. He never hated this world the ones that he hated is there is no thrills no action.

"I wish i could just die and live a new life even if I had to fight the gods for a new life and be granted with some overwhelming power and live with the thrills of my new life" While saying it quietly he stopped and saw a man in front of him. The man was wearing a black robe, leather jacket leather pants and leather shoes.

"I think this man right here have a bad taste of fashion" He thought while ignoring him and walked away.

"What do wish for Zenon?" The man asking him with a loud voice.

"Did he hear it, and how did he learn my name" He was shocked internally.

"I know everything about you" Smiling to him like he was going to kill him.

Zenon thought that this man is a stalker,

but he could not believe it that he has a stalker. Living his life unnoticed in everyone's eyes. "So what do you mean by that wish" Saying those words the man smiled.

"You piques my interest young man you have a chance to live in a new world" Those words made Zenon more curious but did not believe him.Zenon does not believe anything that he haven't seen, he is not an idiot but a fool.

"Why would I believe a man that wears leather

while waltzing around this time" Zenon replied . Zenon was curious about the the man said earlier but did not his curiosity let up. "Young man I never hope that you would believe me" he laughed while saying it to Zenon. Zenon did not even care he just walk away like nothing happened.

While walking away Zenon "I really wanted to reincarnated in to the new world" While saying those words the man flick his finger and said

"a new life shall awaits" saying those words out loud. When Zenon turn back he was on a dark place all he could only see is stars, he was like in a dream. But the Space turned white, he was amazed and scared. But he saw a lady sitting on chair, the lady was wearing beautiful gown and her eyes were almost beautiful as stars.

"Am I in heaven" he asked the lady while looking around.

"Slightly right and slightly wrong" the lady replied with a beautiful voice. " This is the trial of Life Reincarnation, but I am not giving you a trial, the god of time asks you to be reincarnated into a new world" By saying those words Zenon was not happy neither sad

he could believe his eyes that he has a chance to live in a new world, he was speechless.

"The may I ask for your name" Zenon asked without hesitation.

"uhmm..soryy for the late introduction, my name Lucy the goddess of light, the god of time wants you to be the guardian of time and that all I can say, sorry but that's all he said to me" Politely saying those words to Zenon, Lucy felt that there was someone watching them when she looked at the left she saw the god of time smiling with sharp eyes

Suddenly Zenon asked the god of time.

"Why did you want me to be the guardian of time" He said those words with a mean eyes glaring at him. The god of time can feel the murderous intent but he did not even care.

"Ahh haha.. where are manners my name is Eylez the god of time as you know ah haha" Like a clown that never stopped smiling, Zenon felt the pressure of Eylez.

"Okay Zenon let us discuss why I want you to become the guardian ah haha, as you did not know, you will terminate the ones who will manipulate time..... Time is forbidden in any type of world and that even the god cannot escape any punishment." While the god of time saying those words, Zenons body has begone to fade Zenon did not even notice.

In a blink of an eye Zenon was falling in the sky, Even though he could not see the land because of the clouds.

But he was not surprised though, the only thing his scared of it's the height. Suddenly a voice whispered him. "Don't worry Zenon you'll fall from a deep lake" Zenon sighed like his worries have gone away but he did not know how to swim, worrying about it he could now see the land. Zenon was caught by surprised that "what th..the...the lake has no water....I'm dead for sure....." Zenon lost all his hope filled and began saying his will.

" aha haha don't worry I'll take responsibility aha haha" Eylez while saying those words, Zenon was very disappointed.

When Zenon landed in a muddy soil he passed, the only he saw was a girl carrying a parrasol she's like at the same at his age. And he could not see anything the place turned black and he said something "I'm gonna kill you f*cking god of time" And then he can't feel anything...

As he woke up he could see a man wearing a black robe. "I remember this man I'm gonna kill him" while saying those he wants to stand up but a girl stopped her the girl was pretty yellow hair, pink dress.

" aha haha I never thought you'd survived from that fall you truly are amazing, and what I said I'll take responsibility that was just a lie, it's for to make your worries away aha hahaha" Smiling at him like clown.

Zenon was filled with anger like he's eyes are gonna explode "If only I could stand im gonna kill this man..." forcing his body to stand up the girl suddenly spoke of what are they discussing.

"Uhmm...what are you discussing about, what do mean by falling?"The girl is filled curiosity.

"would you mind telling your name first"

Zenon asked like he was not in pain while looking at the girl.

"uhmm my name is Lisa, I already know your name so you don't need to speak"The girl is shy saying her name to Zenon while looking down.

"Well I'll be going then, please take care of him aha haha,.... what a wonderful day for a stroll in a new world aha hahaha" While walking through the door Eylez glared at him and he suddenly felt nothing, he was used to it, he's is a boy with no confidence that people will look at him like he was a criminal.

Since he was a kid, his family never believed that he will grow up in peace with the surroundings. It's because his sister ran away from home, and died from a car accident while she's pregnant and his brother committed crime he was accused with 9 counts of murder and a bank robbery, he was in prison and never gonna be free.

His school was a grey life no one would talk to him he lived his life with no friends he was lonely. On April that day a boy talked to him he was not scared of him he made friends with him he was the first friend in his life but the his new friend did not last long. At the day he wants to go out and play some arcade games his friends was captured by a police, he could not believe his eyes. He saw his hand was filled with blood and he was accused with murder, his heart skipped a beat he ran to his and wants to hugged him but the police stopped him his friend did not looked at him and liked a second he was gone from his life. He wanted to cry but the people looked at him like it was his fault, and then the rumors began that he was a virus that infects, and turns people into murderers. Even the teachers were afraid of him no one would sit right next to him. And lived in the sadness and loneliness and treated him like he didn't exist.

"are you awake mister" he suddenly heard a cute gentle voice he opened his eyes a bit and the face seems familiar it was the girl that interrupted them from a conversation.

"uhmm... if your awake now you should pay for your stay this place isn't free you know"

The girl was very shy to speak loudly but the look on her face seems mad.

"Ahhh damn that old man didn't even pay" Zenon spoke with a calm voice, and then he heard a voice from a woman.

"hey if you're gonna sleep all-day you should pay up!" She seems desperate while saying those words.

But before he could stand up Eylez suddenly hand over a money from the lady, while Zenon was sleeping Eylez was busy working to pay up the rent. Zenon had left his worries away,

With that to much money Eylez gave, he can stay at the inn for a month. After hours Zenon finally got his energy back.

"maybe I should take a stroll and find out what kind of world I am living right now" Zenon took a deep breath and walked away.

While walking around he could see some people doing magic he was amazed and wanted to learn magic. He was really amazed by his new surroundings he could see Knights patrolling with full set of armors. But he was more worried about having a work, he heard a voice from a boy at the same age as him he was showing off his Hunter card.

"hmmm maybe I should try working as a hunter" Zenon felt like there's holding his arms he turned his head to the back and saw a shining silver armor he was stunned.

"Hey! kid would you please move your in the way" The soldier kicked him with his silver shoes the pain was like nothing to him it didn't even hurt at all. As seconds passed he saw the princess with silver hair with a light armor

and there was a girl following her she was dressed like a priestess and the soldier suddenly joined her and went through the guild house. As Zenon saw them it looks like they are newbies wanting to be a hunter, once they entered he followed them and saw them registering he stood to the next counter.n

"He Sir what can I do for you" The staff was smiling at him.

"I would like to become a hunter!" While saying it out loud the hunters looked at him and laughed the place is filled with laughter

he was so embarrassed like hes confidence go down he looked at the princess coming at him he was nervous to talk to a beautiful girl.

"What's a poor boy doing here, you should quit to become a hunter you aren't fit to be here"

The girl walked away while laughing and the place turned quiet for a sec.

"He kid you do not even have a sword and you're just wearing wierd clothes , maybe your papa didn't buy you anything ahhahahahaah" The old man was laughing at him the old have a sword and and an armor. he could not speak and did not even care, he told the girl to register him while saying it quietly the princess have already registered a moment ago.

Thank you for reading have a good day

Hopefully you will read Chapter 2

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