
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · Fantasy
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91 Chs

The abyssal sentinel

Azrael's mind raced as he felt the presence of the being, his body quivering with fear and adrenaline. He struggled to comprehend what he was experiencing, wondering if this was truly death or some other force beyond his understanding. With a surge of willpower, he reached out and gripped the spear lodged in his body, fueld his desperate attempt to escape.

As he pulled the weapon free, his eyes flickered open and he was confronted with the source of the overwhelming presence he had sensed. It loomed before him, a towering figure radiating a terrifying aura that left him feeling small and insignificant. Azrael had never felt such fear or awe in his life, and for a moment he was frozen in place, unable to move or even think as he gazed upon the creature before him.

The being towered over Azrael, its height seeming to stretch to the heavens above. Its armor was pitch black, crafted from a metal that seemed to absorb any light that touched it, giving it an unnerving and sinister aura.

Its long sword was unsheathed, glinting dangerously in the dim light. Azrael could see the sharpness of the blade, and the intricate designs etched into its surface.

The being's face was concealed behind a mask, leaving Azrael to wonder what horrors lay beneath. As the being approached him, it felt like the ground shook with every step, and the air around him grew colder and thicker with the being's presence.

It was as if the being itself was a manifestation of death, and Azrael could feel his own mortality like never before in the face of this terrifying creature.

"Is it finally time?" the being asked with a deep and ominous voice that sent shivers down Azrael's spine.

He knew he had to get out of there, no matter what. Despite his injuries and blood loss, he was determined to escape, he would run, if he couldn't he would crawl but no matter what he had to get away from the chaos around him. The blood-curdling screams of the Cyval Empire soldiers echoed in his ears, making his heart race faster and faster until it felt like it would burst.

As he struggled to move, his vision became increasingly blurry, and he knew he was on the brink of death once again. But before he could succumb to the darkness, he heard the being speak once more.

"This is where it begins, your grace," it said, its words filled with an ominous certainty that made Azrael's blood run cold.

Then it all went dark.

In a great kingdom, there lived a young man named William. He was a warrior, loyal to his king, and always ready to serve. But despite his courage and devotion, William was not content with his life. He longed for something more, something he could not name. One day, William met a beautiful young woman named Isabella.

She was the daughter of a wealthy lord, and William was immediately smitten. Isabella was kind, intelligent, and compassionate, and William knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

For months, William courted Isabella, and eventually, she fell in love with him too. They planned to marry, and William was overjoyed. He had finally found the happiness he had been searching for. However, their joy was short-lived. One day, as William was away on a mission for the king, Isabella was kidnapped by a rival lord.

William was devastated when he returned and learned of her capture. He immediately set out to rescue her, gathering a group of warriors to aid him. They rode for days, facing many dangers and obstacles along the way. Finally, they arrived at the lord's residence where Isabella was being held.

Despite their best efforts, they were unable to save her. Isabella was killed in the battle that ensued, and William was left alone and heartbroken. From that day on, William was a changed man. He became bitter and angry, consumed by his grief and loss.

He threw himself into battle after battle, seeking to avenge Isabella's death. Eventually, William was mortally wounded in a skirmish. He lay on the battlefield, his life slipping away, thinking of Isabella and all that he had lost. But his death was not swift or peaceful.

The enemy soldiers found him and tortured him, wanting to know the secrets of his kingdom. They cut off his limbs one by one, burned his flesh with hot irons, and gouged out his eyes. William screamed and begged for mercy, but none was given.

In his final moments, as he lay dying in agony, William realized the futility of his quest for revenge. He thought of Isabella, and how he had failed to protect her. He wished he had never met her, so that he would not have to endure this torment.

As William took his last breath, he knew that his life had been a tragedy, a tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of triumph and defeat. He died horribly, as he had lived his final years, consumed by pain and regret. And so, his life came to a sad and horrific end.


In a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived a man named Thomas. He was a carpenter, skilled in his craft, and respected by all who knew him. Thomas lived a simple life, content with his work and his modest home. But one day, tragedy struck. Thomas's wife, Sarah, fell ill with a mysterious disease that swept through the village. Despite Thomas's best efforts to care for her, Sarah's condition worsened by the day. Desperate for a cure, Thomas set out on a journey to find a healer. He traveled for days, braving treacherous terrain and harsh weather. Finally, he found a wise woman who promised to heal Sarah with a special ki thenique. Thomas rushed back to the village, eager to save his beloved wife. But when he arrived, he found that it was too late. Sarah had died in his absence, leaving him alone and heartbroken.

Devastated by his loss, Thomas turned to alcohol to numb his pain. He drank every day, drowning his sorrows in a sea of whiskey and rum. As the months went by, Thomas became increasingly isolated, his health and sanity deteriorating with each passing day. One night, in a drunken rage, Thomas stumbled into the village square and began to scream and curse.

The villagers tried to calm him down, but he was beyond reason. In his anger and despair, Thomas set fire to a nearby building, the flames quickly spreading to other homes and shops. The villagers tried to put out the fire, but it was too late. The entire village was consumed by the inferno, the flames licking at everything in their path. Thomas watched in horror as his home and his livelihood went up in flames, along with the lives of his neighbors and friends.

As the fire burned itself out, Thomas was found huddled in a corner, his body badly burned and his mind shattered. He was taken to a nearby infirmary, where he died a few days later, a broken and pitiful shell of the man he had once been. And so, Thomas's story ended in tragedy.