1 Prologue : the beginning

My name is Ikaruga Sasami, I am 24 years old, I live with my little sister whose name is Ayani Sasami, we live in one of the four great continents which is the human continent, yes, as you can see the earth we live in contains many different races and the strongest of them is the race of demons.

As you know, this land in which we live is a power called magic, but not everyone who is born a wizard will become a great wizard. However, there are legends about twelve swords that are considered treasures, but rather legends. The legend says that these swords carry a mysterious power, and not this and Rather, it is said that there is a thirteenth sword, which is said that whoever finds it can rule the world, so my sister and I decided to travel together to search for those legendary swords in order to save our race. Unfortunately, I am a professional swordsman, but I am weak in dealing with magical power. Unlike my sister, Ayani, she is literally clumsy in dealing with swords, but her magical powers can almost be called a saint because of her magical stock.

Our family is one of the great families in the human kingdom.

However, this does not matter for the other continents, since the human continent Ellis is considered the weakest of the four continents.

The four great continents are divided into four sections:

Kingdom of Humans (Ellis)

elf kingdom (van)

Kingdom of the Dwarves (Draco)

Kingdom of Demons (Dragnan)

Which is considered the most powerful of all the four continents, but it is said that there is a fifth continent, which is the gods, but this remains only a circulating legend, as these have not shown themselves to the public since the appearance of creatures on this earth. It seems that this trip will be

Surprisingly, it is a journey in search of the thirteen swords, the most powerful of them called the sword of immortality.
