
You Bastard!

Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Huh? What nonsense was this? The few people following behind Tang Jing looked at each other in dismay. They looked at Xu Fan with murderous eyes.

A good-for-nothing who did nothing but waits for the two girls to give him EXP was giving him two kisses in the name of a reward?

You bastard!

However, just as everyone was dumbfounded, Ming Shu and Chi Luo had already come to Xu Fan's sides, lifting up one side of her hair and gently kissing him on the cheek. After that, Ming Shu, who had a reserved personality, covered her slightly burning face shyly.

Chi Luo first rubbed her red cheeks excitedly, then suddenly hugged Xu Fan from behind, buried her face in his shoulder, and rubbed her face against him like a spoiled child.

Then, she raised her head and muttered in a coquettish voice: "I've already kissed you, so you should return my kiss."

"Don't push your luck." Xu Fan looked at her soft little face and raised his hand to gently pinch it.

The three people's extremely mushy activities made Tang Jing and the others gnash their teeth.

What era was it now? There was still a girl who was so easy to fool? He was a blacksmith, a lifestyle class that could be found on the streets!

For the first time, the young master of the Tang family felt that kind of emptiness. It was as if there was an excellent delicacy placed in front of him, and all the money he brought was just waste paper.

He hated it!

"I have no choice." Xu Fan slowly got up and shook his head as he walked past them with the two artifact spirits.

Hearing his tone, everyone thought that he had suffered a loss, but the second half of his sentence almost made everyone spit out:

"I'm just a popular person. Wherever I go, little girls like me. What do you think I should do?"

[Hunt as many monsters as possible within the specified time. The system will give you the corresponding mission reward according to the number and level of monsters you kill.]

[Current number of monsters killed: 322]

[System Rating: C+]

[Hint: When the mission rating reaches SSS, you will receive a non-combat weapon spirit from the system.]

Looking at the system notification, Xu Fan could not help but feel a headache. 322 Plague Ghosts were only C+. If they reached the SSS level required by the system, wouldn't they need thousands of them? How long would they have to kill? They probably wouldn't be able to get out even after the dungeon closed.

"Brother? What's wrong? You look like you're worried." Chi Luo, who had recovered from the battle, asked with concern when he saw the awkwardness on Xu Fan's face.

Ming Shu, who was beside him, also looked over worriedly. Although Xu Fan didn't participate in the battle just now, he was connected to the artifact spirits the entire time. Perhaps it would affect his consciousness.

"The speed of killing monsters is not enough. If this continues, we might not be able to complete the quest." Xu Fan shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

There was no penalty for failure in the time-limited mission. The only loss was not being able to obtain the so-called lifestyle-type artifact spirit.

"The speed of farming monsters..." As Chi Luo walked, she rested his chin on her hand and pondered. Then, she suddenly raised her head.

"I have an idea!"

Xu Fan was very surprised. He wanted to know what this little girl could do.

"The main reason why we aren't killing monsters fast enough is because the monsters are too scattered and there are too few of them!"

"We went to look for the monsters one by one, wasting all our time on the road. If we want to increase the speed of killing monsters, can't we just let the monsters take the initiative to find us?"

Xu Fan nodded and commented: "That's a good idea, but how do I realize it?"

"Hehe, watch me. This is a skill that old women will never be able to learn!"

Chi Luo rolled up his sleeves as he walked toward the crowd, not forgetting to retort at Ming Shu. She raised her staff high and stabbed it into the ground in front of her. Then, she formed a strange hand seal and chanted a spell that was much longer than the other spells.

At first, Xu Fan didn't feel anything, but as she chanted, the smell of blood slowly wafted out from the magic circle with the staff as the center. The smell was getting stronger, and it even attracted the attention of Tang Jingyi and the others behind them.

In the next moment, Chi Luo opened her red eyes, gripped her staff tightly, and shouted: "Activate the formation!"

With a buzz, the red magic circle that spread out from the bottom of the staff expanded rapidly and covered the entire sick village in the blink of an eye. A strong smell of blood entered everyone's noses, causing Tang Jing and the others to frown.

Meanwhile, Xu Fan couldn't help but worry. After all, he had already discovered a hint that made him very uneasy.

[Artifact spirit Chi Luo, HP has dropped below 50%. Please pay attention to recovery.]

What kind of skill was this? It actually consumed half of her HP!

Xu Fan couldn't help but press her shoulders lightly. Just as he was about to say something, the ground began to shake.

"Dong dong dong dong-"

It was an irregular rhythm that became stronger and stronger as time passed as if thousands of troops were approaching.

Then, it was the archer in Tang Jing's team who noticed something strange. He pointed at the mountain in the distance and said with a trembling voice,


"What tide?" Tang Jing turned around impatiently, wanting to see what could scare this guy so much.

But then, a shrill scream pierced through the sky:

"A zombie tide!!!"

Chi Luo had lost half of her HP and her face was pale, but she still swung his staff and released a skill.

Xu Fan did not stop him. After all, Chi Luo's skill was written there: Fight, then heal. She was born to do this.

Ming Shu didn't hesitate and charged.

Looking at the densely packed black dots that came like a tsunami, those who had experienced many battles around Tang Jing could not help but show fear. There were too many of them. It was as if all the Plague Ghosts in the dungeon had been summoned. Nothing could stop them in their path.

The smell of blood seemed to have a natural attraction to these undead creatures. Their target was very simple: Chi Luo, who was at the center of the magic circle.

The nearby job changers who were swept into this wave had no choice but to gather together and try their best to fight against the waves of Plague Ghosts.