
Close Combat Blood Mage

Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Artifact Spirits couldn't gain EXP through battle, so they couldn't level up in this way. Were their levels locked just like that? Of course not.

According to the system, as long as the materials were used to increase the quality of the weapon, the artifact spirit's level would also increase. Therefore, raising the quality of a weapon was also one of the most important conditions for nurturing a powerful artifact spirit.

The materials he had now, including the amount wasted from the failed enhancement, were enough to push Ming Shu up a level.

The ability was activated, and as the fire in the blacksmith furnace burned, the forging hammer in his hand flickered. The materials that were bought at a high price gradually melted, forming some kind of liquid metal that was not fixed. Then, it slowly attached itself to the Universe Blade.

The forging hammer smashed down fiercely, and dazzling sparks instantly overflowed. After that, the rare materials perfectly fused with the slender blade.

[Universe Blade, successfully enhanced, advanced, blue quality]

[Item Spirit, Mingshu, Level increased by 10]

21 plus 10, that would be Level 31!

Xu Fan was overjoyed and quickly opened the system to check the Artifact Spirit panel.

[Level: 31]

[Body: 15]

[Defense: 13]

[Strength: 16]

[Agility: 17]

[Intelligence: 10]

It was still the Warrior panel that focused on Strength and Agility, and it was still the pure Warrior panel that did not add any Intelligence.

However, the upgrade of the Weapon Spirit was a completely independent system. It would not affect Xu Fan's experience points at all.

In other words, their leveling speed had already far surpassed the others, and this trend was getting faster and faster.

More importantly, there was one more thing that he had not done tonight. Looking at Ming Shu who was trying her best to adapt to the increase in her attributes due to her level, Xu Fan took out the most valuable and important item that he had obtained from hunting the blood-red sandworm.

[Blood Crystal Core]

[A crystal condensed from the body of a blood-red sandworm. It records the sandworm's powerful blood-magic control ability and its combat skills that can break all spells with one force. It is recommended to be forged into a magic weapon or a large-scale two-handed sword weapon with magic enchantment.]

There was no need to hesitate. Right now, there was already Ming Shu who was good at close combat.

The next artifact spirit should be able to fill in the gaps and fill in the gaps for long-range attacks.

As he thought about it, Xu Fan had already begun to take action.

With the experience of forging artifact spirits, it became much easier this time. Not long after, a black staff with a long handle slowly appeared in the air. At the same time, a petite girl with silver hair and red eyes appeared in front of him.

Perhaps it was because the materials used this time were not normal, but the girl's body faintly emitted a sense of restlessness, especially the slightly exposed canine teeth between her lips, which made her entire person look a little evil.

Could it be related to blood magic, so the weapon spirit became a vampire?

"Da-" The black round-headed leather shoes collided with the ground, making a crisp sound. The girl blinked and looked around curiously.

Then, her eyes met with Ming Shu's, who had heard the commotion and looked over.

"Father, Mother!" The little girl blurted out, scaring Ming Shu into waving her hands.

"That's not right. No, you're not my mother. The little girl frowned as she scrutinized Ming Shu's face. She changed her conclusion hesitantly and said: "You're the other one that Father created, right? He came before me."

"Why is it that the first thing you do when you open your eyes is call me father?" Xu Fan stood up helplessly and said with a headache. Then, he corrected her words, "Please don't call me father. Usually, when we're outside, call me brother."

"Ah, that's good. I can even increase my seniority." The girl giggled and said impatiently, "Then, brother, what's my name?"

"You? Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Why don't you look it up in the dictionary yourself?"

Xu Fan's words were true. It was too troublesome to come up with a name. If the artifact spirit could think of one for itself, it would be too convenient.

"No. I just want brother to give it to me." Hearing this, the girl was not happy. She quickly came up to shake Xu Fan's arm and started to act coquettishly. She even pointed at Ming Shu angrily and said: "This old woman's name was given by you. I want it too!"

"Old woman..." Ming Shu subconsciously touched her face.

Do I look old?

Ming Shu obviously didn't realize that the moment this little girl was born, the war between women had already begun.

"Ah. What can you be called?" Xu Fan looked embarrassed. Then, he met the little girl's expectant gaze and said, "Why don't you call yourself a WarGreymon?"

"Don't mess around, Brother!" The little girl pouted coquettishly and pounced on Xu Fan's shoulder, pressing him onto the bed.

Xu Fan was slightly taken aback. This girl was actually so proactive, completely different from Ming Shu.

As for Ming Shu, she saw that another woman was so close to her beloved master, and she finally felt a sense of danger. She couldn't help but move closer.

Perhaps it was because the source of the material was magical beasts, but compared to the cold Ming Shu, this new weapon spirit had more flesh and blood.

The little girl noticed the malicious gaze from behind her and quickly turned her head around. She looked at Mingshu fiercely, like a puppy protecting its food.

"Got it. Your name is Chi Luo, Okay?"

"Sure, but where did this name come from?" Hearing that Xu Fan had given her a name, Chi Luo turned her head happily.

However, Xu Fan only smiled and did not say anything, causing little Chi Luo to make another commotion.

[Congratulations on completing the mission to level up to level 10 and forge your second weapon spirit. Obtained mission reward, Artifact Spirit Master professional skill, Unity of Strength]

[A time-limited hunting mission has been activated for you. Hunt as many monsters as possible within the specified time. The system will give you the corresponding mission reward according to the number and level of monsters you kill.]

[Hint: When the mission rating reaches SSS, you will receive a non-combat artifact spirit from the system.]

The moment Chi Luo's name was decided, the system sent him a reply as quickly as possible.

At the same time, in order to confirm the basic situation of the Weapon Spirit, Xu Fan also opened up Chi Luo's attribute panel:

[Level: 25]

[Body: 10]

[Defense: 10]

[Strength: 14]

[Agility: 10]

[Intelligence: 21]

A mage character with a serious bias!

Although the other values were average, Chi Luo's [Intelligence], which determined the upper limit of the spell's attack power, had actually reached Level 20!

This was the first time he had seen a value above 20. Even though she didn't have the level advantage, she might be able to deal more damage than Ming Shu on the battlefield.

That being said, he could understand why a Mage character had high Intelligence, but why did she have 14 Strengths?

One had to know that the Warrior-type Ming Shu was only 16!

Close Combat Mage?