
Blacksmith's Descent Through Dungeons

Dungeons is a place where danger lurks everywhere, a place where mana would gather and birth monsters where brave people can test their strength and braveness. Adventurers are people who dedicate their life to knowing the dangers of the world and the Dungeons itself. With fame, gold, and cheers from the people who would not want to be an adventurer. These two things are something that can't be separated no matter what you do. Now how can a simple blacksmith fit into this. In this world full of magic and swordsmen.  Watch how Yuuto, a blacksmith, will discover the world he is not able to see while stuck in his town. Can he survive or die before he even managed to see the wonders that have been secret to him.  I will be also posting this work in RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/252289/fictions

RCDC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

This is really a dangerous plan

    In front of the boss door, the path is devoid of any debris. The walls are shaved off and the floors seem to be paved as those roads on the surface. He and Alice didn't  have a hard time setting up camp. However, due to the fact that Yuuto uncharacteristically falls down on this floor and Alice just manages to survive the behemoth, both of them do not have much supplies in their hands.

    As they are setting up a camp, Alice puts up large rectangular paper. It was one of the basic survival kit items that you can get in the guild by adding a small amount of money. She folded it up four times and set it on fire using her magic, though the paper may look like it can be burned just for a few seconds, the guild assures that it can be used as fuel for several hours. Yuuto is also thankful for this as with his miniscule mana he can't really do much about magic, it was secret but he really wants to learn magic. 

    Both of them sit on the opposite side of the makeshift bonfire.

    In that moment Yuuto can truly feel that they are not in a rush anymore, no monster coming at them, no hiding, and no heart-racing event. Though there is still anxiety in his heart, it can't be helped as they still don't know how they can exit this place. But it is much better than fighting any monster. 

    The red-orange glazed of the fire keeps dancing as they kill time waiting for their heart to rest before they sleep. He raised his head from the sight of the fire and looked at Alice. Now that he had not to worry at least, Yuuto has now time to properly see her. Amethyst - eyes that seem shone with the fire, white-skin that can be compared with an aristocrat, and golden-colored hair long enough to reach below her shoulder. He could actually say that she is beautiful but if he would weigh it more she is more like a cute type. 

    Feeling his gaze, Alice suddenly talks.

    "Tell me, are you really a blacksmith? "

    "Yes, why do you ask"

As far as he knows he is a blacksmith(a blacksmith-in-training to be exact). He has a hammer, he makes weapon and tools, he has teacher in blacksmithing

'Can I call him a teacher if he's not really teaching me how to make weapons' he wonders.

 Yuuto still doesn't know why his teacher is doing that but he is certainly sure that he is a blacksmith, even though his teacher is like that. 

"What do you mean 'why do you ask? '" she closed her eyes as if she was thinking deeply "Earlier, when you set out a trap before it even hit, you already moved back out of its range." 

"I just got a gut feeling, '' he nonchalantly replied. 

"And what about the pit full of acid, you managed to get out of there easily," she said. 

"I got of there because of you help"

"What about the time we are suddenly attacked by that six-legged dog. You cannot bluff that they are simple monster. They are monsters from the fiftieth floor compared to those monsters on the surface they are much stronger. You- you managed to graze them multiple times" she said, her face is slowly becoming red as if she was angry. 

Yuuto just titled his head. 

"What are you saying, I only managed to do that because you've already attacked it, considering how much firepower you got and how damaged that monster is. I think I will be able to hit it multiple times."

He doesn't know why she is suddenly asking this kind of question, Yuuto knows for sure that without her he cannot survive those encounters. So why is she doing this kind of interrogation? It is certainly confusing him on how she is overestimating his abilities.

"I will watch you, " she said, "I know that you are not just a blacksmith," she added, while putting her finger with the gesture 'I will watch you' between them. 

"I'm telling you I'm just a blacksmith. " he sighs. 

He is not a swordsman, not a mage, nor a very high intellectual capable of becoming a scholar. He is just a simple blacksmith, and if you remove it from him he would just be an average 16-year old human working in a weapon shop. Alice, no matter how much explaining he does, wouldn't believe that he is a blacksmith. She believes that he is something more beyond what he says ist certainly is the truth. Just what she sees in him? 

After that conversation, they moved in and began sleeping. 

Just like that time passes before they know it. 

Yuuto cracks open his eyes, what welcomes him is not the familiar wooden ceiling but a rocky dark one. 

'I' m still in the dungeon, right?' he mutters.

Speaking of waking up, he moves his head to the side and finds out that Alice has already woken up. 

"Why didn't you wake me up? " he asks

"Because it is refreshing to watch you sleep, even though we are inside the dungeons" she said, with a much stronger tone on the last words. 

He could feel the anger emenatting within her. Though she is smiling, the inside is far more terrifying. Instantly he gets up on the bed before Alice thinks of punishing him. 

In order to break the awkward feeling in the atmosphere, he began speaking. 

"Did you think of a way to escape this place? " he said as he really dont have any idea regarding the teleporter inside Dungeons. 

"Well yeah but it will be dangerous" she replied. 

His body suddenly tensed up. The word 'dangerous' is the last he wants to hear in their situation. 

He gulped "You are not like saying that 'dangerous' is we are going inside that boss room, right? "

"... "

"Alice, tell me that we are not going to inside the boss room"

"... "

They say that silence means yes, but in this situation he really wants that silence not to be like that answer. However, just by looking at her, he knows and he can feel that Alice is serious about entering that room. Even with the short time they spent with each other he at least knows a small thing about her. 

'Are we really going to enter that dangerous door?' he said in his mind. 

He let out a hard sigh and put his hand in his face. 

"So, how do you plan on fighting that thing inside that room? " he asks. 

"Fighting is not really a word I want to describe what we are going to do."

"What do you mean?" 

"Instead of directly clashing it head on, we are going to skip it. To put it simply we are going to sneak past it" she said, like she just had a bright idea.

'Dangerous!' he screamed in his head. 

Never did Yuuto think or expect that Alice would say it. For adventurers to plan on seeking behind a boss, is mad man's work. Though in their situation can they just fight the boss itself? 

"Rejected" he crossed his arms "do you know how crazy and dangerous that is. "

"I know how dangerous it is. But we don't have any choice. If we wait for another adventurer to come, I don't know what will happen to us. And with our supplies I don't think we can wait that long"

She certainly has a point. With their supplies they will probably die in hunger before they die from any monster attacks. It is just crazy to think that someone can easily sneak behind a boss, Yuuto cannot put his head around that idea that he has a hard time accepting it. What left for him is two decisions though, wait for Adventurers that wouldn't come or sneak behind the boss. 

'I' m doing silly decisions'

"I got it," he replied. 

She puts a thumbs up combined with her triumphant smile. He didn't know if this girl was going crazy because of what happened to them or if there was no other option left. She became happy just hearing someone go with her opinion.  Nevertheless, that is just simple bits of what they are going to do. As sooner or later they will find a problem bigger than the behemoth itself.