

A girl, different from others, in a judging, stereotyping world thrives to achieve her goal. Should they be romance and hair trouble on her path? We’ll see!! Come in this world and see you might be surprised to what happens. When I decide to upload… 3v3 lol Mature Content Hi. Now that I got your attention. No judging or anything. I mean great minds think a like.— Yhana is a normal girl- normal as it one can be- she just finished with her college studies she started looking a job. Not too long after she became a Graphic company’s programmer. With a knowledge like programming there’s so much she can do but that’s not what our story is about. She now lives with her best friend who’s an artist and everything is going well. And at work there are hot people to trip for. Until love problems show themselves and heart break. Is that a love triangle I sense?

Someone222 · Teen
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6 Chs

"…what’s the poin—"

Yhana made her way inside and quickly closed the door.

"So who's this dude taking you home, AND HE HAS A CAR!" Exclaims Megumi.

"This might be the jackpot friend we have to start a new lover-board"

"No stop Megg!" Said Yhana.

"He's not my 'crush' and I can't be distracted by stuff like that anymore. Plus it's a rental. "

"Why does that matter...Ok ok! But we have to at least pick a dress" teased Megumi.

"Stop it—"

"Tah tah tah-tah, tah tah tah-tah" chanted Megumi as she made fun of her friend.

"Don't you have better things to do?"

"No but you do, guess what tomorrow is?"

"Umm…? Oh! Ik know!" Shouted Yhana.

"AUDITIONS" They screamed in together.

"I have to go get ready!" Said Yhana as she hurried in her room.

The night passed as Yhana barely slept because of all her excitement.


Today, our main character was feeling very optimistic because…it was Saturday! Almost forgot. Hi, I'm the narrator, I've been speaking in the back of the storie and carried you on.

Anyways, enough about you.

Yhana was very excited because today she was preparing for one of her auditions. She was going to audition for one of the newest K- Pop groups.

As we know our young lady here wants to "live the American Dream". Thus, this dream comes easy to no one. Yhana has been going to auditions for a while now, and I mean a while.

We could say she failed most of them but each audition helps level up your rank. A rank is a list of people qualified enough to be picked by a group, from very best to not so good. Right now she's on rank #5131, which isn't bad considering there are more than 10,000 top ranks…but still not "good". Yet she still hasn't been recruited once. But she keeps going and moving forward no matter what! <Cringe Alert>


"Yhana…stop glooming, it's contagious" said Megu

"I know but you always know how they go, so what's the poin—"

"Don't you dare start giving up on me now, look how far you've come"


"Pshblsju! But what! You're the one who encouraged me to continue my College studies, now you go and give them your best. Yes?"

Megumi had been trying to be an artist when she was in high school but the college prices scared her. If it wasn't Yhana who encouraged her and helped her get a part-time job she wouldn't have made it.

" My soldiers push forward! My soldiers scream out! My soldiers RAAAAAGE! Go out there and give 'em all y'a got!"

(P.S. AOT)

"Aye-aye captain"

"Thanks! See ya later!"

P.S. Quote from Erwin(Attack on Titan)

Pls don’t sue me TvT


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