
Kissed by Fire

They'd ridden hard and arrived at Raventree Hall on the afternoon of the second day. It was an impressive castle, with high stone walls covered in moss, large square towers covering the gates and corners of the castle and a deep moat that looked to be covered in stone. A large wooden keep poked out from inside the walls and Torrhen was relieved to see what looked like a giant Weirwood tree. The drawbridge was down and gates open, so Torrhen led the men straight through and into the castle, where he was welcomed by Lord Tytos Blackwood.

"Welcome to Raventree Hall My Prince." Lord Blackwood said, bowing.

"The pleasure is mine Lord Blackwood, now tell me where is my sister." Torrhen asked quickly.

"We haven't said anything to her yet, she was found in one of the local villages, we had her brought here when we saw you were close." Lord Blackwood told Torrhen on the way. Torrhen was led into Lord Blackwood's solar, and a marvellous place it was too. Tapestries depicting the history of House Blackwood lined the walls, and there was a window that overlooked the Godswood. A young girl with short dark hair was facing away from the entrance, and Torrhen drew a deep breath before walking up to the girl. She turned around and Torrhen let out a strangled gasp.

She wasn't Arya. The poor girl looked scared witless upon seeing Torrhen's stained black armour and looked towards Lord Blackwood with horror.

"It's not Arya." Torrhen said, not letting his emotions take a hold of him. Tell me girl, what is your name?"

"Freda, My Prince." She said bowing dramatically.

"Freda, I'm sorry about this, my men believed you were my sister, Arya, they've never seen her before and you do resemble her a bit." Torrhen said, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "Please accept my forgiveness."

"I look like a Princess?" Freda asked amazed, before remembering her courtesies. "There is nothing to forgive, you are the Prince and I happily serve House Stark."

"None of that." Torrhen laughed. "Joran, please take Freda to our horses and feed her from my personal supplies, we will take her home tomorrow on our way back to Harrenhal." Joran bowed and gestured to the girl to follow him. Lord Blackwood came at Torrhen with a host of apologies. "Do not worry My Lord, we will find Arya I am sure of it, but if I may bother you for a moment, may you take me to your Godswood?"

Nodding his assent, Lord Blackwood took him down a host of stairs that must have been a personal entrance for him. Walking up to the Weirwood he ran his hands along the deep white bark. Wind rustled his hair for as long as he touched the bark, and Torrhen smiled.

"Fate smiles upon us this day Lord Blackwood, I know you have long believed the Bracken's poisoned your tree but have no fear, the Old Gods sing to us." Torrhen smiled. "I will need to trouble you once more though; I require three branches of the tree."

"My Prince, I don't understand." Lord Blackwood told him.

"I'm not surprised; I've not explained myself." Torrhen laughed. "Come sit, and let me tell you all about Dragons."

And they sat there for an hour beneath the Weirwood tree, while Torrhen explained all about his vision and Brandon Snow's plan to kill the dragons. After he was done Lord Blackwood didn't look convinced.

"There haven't been dragons in a hundred years, what makes you so sure that they are back now?"

"I cannot be sure, I see what the Gods let me see and nothing more, they showed me a great battle in Essos decided by three very large dragons."

"That's Essos, why should we be worried?" Lord Blackwood scoffed.

"Because the largest dragon was ridden by a Targaryen." Torrhen said shortly. "She will come for her throne make no mistake about it."

This shocked Lord Blackwood. "A Targaryen? How can you be sure?"

"Who else rides dragons?" Torrhen muttered. "I wish to be prepared, I don't know how long this will take to happen, and I don't know the next time I will be by a Weirwood."

"I do not like the idea of you defacing the Weirwood My Prince." Lord Blackwood told him. "But if it's a choice between that or dragons returning to Westeros, I will give you as long as you need."

Torrhen smiled inwardly. "Thank you My Lord, you will be well compensated I promise you, I understand what you feel like, I don't want to deface the tree but if my ancestors brother did it, then this must help in the war to come."

Lord Blackwood excused himself, and barked an order that the Godswood was to be left alone for the entirety of the night as Torrhen got to work, doing exactly the same as he saw Brandon Snow do in his dream.

It took 7 hours until Torrhen was happy with his arrows. He would add the fletching when back at Harrenhal, but all that was left for him to do was douse the arrow tips in his blood. Cutting his pal with his knife he ran each arrowhead over his palm twice, once either side, for good measure. It was late at night by the time he had finished, so Torrhen hid the arrows in his armour vowing to tell nobody where he will end up hiding them and left for his chambers, ready to leave the next morning.

It had taken a couple of weeks, but Mira had finally bumped into Sansa. They were both at the Godswood, Sansa's guards further down the steps after Mira had threatened them with Lady Margaery if they didn't let her pray in peace. Sansa was shocked when she saw who was beside her.

"Lady Mira?" Sansa asked.

"Yes, My Princess." Mira whispered, so that nobody could hear. "We don't have long, I just wanted to see how you were."

"Don't call me that or you'll kill us both." Sansa whispered sharply. "You're with Margaery anyway, I'm not your Princess I'm a traitor's daughter."

"You're the brother to my Prince." Mira whispered back.

"Your Prince? Torrhen?" Sansa asked.

"We saw each other at Bitterbridge, and were together for a few months. He spoke often of you." Mira smiled. Sansa felt a tear leave her eye.

"Was he well?" Sansa asked.

"For the most part." Mira told her. "He was worried a lot, about you and Arya, the boys back at Winterfell and everything."

"They made me write as if Arya was here, she could be dead for all I know and Torrhen thinks she's here." Sansa said bitterly. "I hate them all."

"I sent word that Arya wasn't here, he'll be searching for her as we speak." Mira whispered brightly.

"How?" Sansa asked. "No, I don't want to know. If you're found you could be killed!"

"I won't be found, I'm Lady Margaery's senior handmaiden I can be more discreet than most." Mira reassured. "Just know you aren't forgotten, Torrhen is coming for you."

With that Mira rose and left the Godswood, leaving Sansa to think about what had just happened. Turning back to the Heart Tree she prayed her prayer for the first time in a long while, with a slight variation.

'Protect my Mother, protect my brother Robb, protect my brothers Torrhen, Bran and Rickon. Give me strength to see out the day and I will devote myself to you. Let Tor find my sister Arya and I will never waver in my beliefs again. Let Tor rescue me and bring me home and I will love you every day for as long as I shall live'

Arya found Gendry back at work at a forge. "What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Just mending Lord Beric's armour." He replied.

"Why?" She asked bemused.

Gendry paused a moment and told her. "I'm going to stay on and smith for the Brotherhood."

"Have you lost your mind?" Arya asked him, raising her voice. "When the Lannisters find this place, you think they'll spare the smiths? They'll cave your head in with your own helmet."

"The Lannisters wanted to kill me long before I joined the Brotherhood." Gendry laughed.

"You don't have to do this." Arya told him.

"I want to. They need good men."

"Robb needs good men, too." She argued. "We're leaving tomorrow. And then you…"

"What? Serve him?" Gendry laughed. "I've served men my entire life, I served Master Mott at King's Landing and he sold me to the Watch, I served Lord Tywin at Harrenhal, wondering every day if I'd get tortured or killed. I'm done serving."

"You just said you were serving Lord Beric." Arya countered.

"He may be their leader, but they chose him. These men are brothers. They're a family." He explained to her, Arya turned away in disgust at his words. "I've never had a family."

Arya turned back to him tearfully. "I can be your family." She choked.

"You wouldn't be my family." He told her. "You'd be milady."

Arya stared at him in disbelief for a moment, before storming off, not wanting to cry in front of him.

The gates of Harrenhal opened, and the people streaming in on horseback were not who the Greatjon was expecting. In came Bolton men, with a couple of surprises. The man leading the men threw down two prisoners. A man and a woman.

"Hello again pretty man." The Greatjon jeered at the Kingslayer. "What's your name?" He said to the man in charge.

"Locke, My Lord. I was expecting Lord Bolton." Locke told him, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Lord Bolton is at Riverrun with King Robb, Harrenhal is held by me, on behalf of Prince Torrhen." Lord Umber told him. Noticing the hand dangling around the Kingslayer's neck he mentally screamed. "Was it you who took his hand?"


Gesturing to two Umber men he told them. "Grab him." They did so, placing him to his knees, and the Bolton men all drew their swords in retaliation. Bloodshed was avoided however as Torrhen and his party rode into the castle.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Torrhen asked.

"This man mutilated the Kingslayer, he was kind enough to bring him back mind you." The Greatjon announced. Torrhen dismounted his horse and walked menacingly over to Locke. Taking a note of the Kingslayer who looked like he was going to be sick he sighed.

"You took his sword hand?" Torrhen asked. Locke nodded. "Very well, I shall be merciful."

"My Prince, your brother…" Lord Umber started, but Torrhen silenced him with a look.

"I said I'll be merciful, not lenient." Torrhen said. "Someone fetch me a stool, I shall take his non sword hand."

"My Prince, he's an enemy!" Locke shouted. The Bolton men all looked ready to pounce.

"Put away your steal or I'll have you all hung as traitors!" Torrhen roared, and they complied. Rounding on Locke he snarled. "He's Tywin Lannisters firstborn son. What do you think he will do to my sister if he finds out this has happened?"

"I… Please Mercy." Locke begged.

Torrhen refused to waver, as the stool was placed in front of Locke and his arm was forced onto it Torrhen spoke to the whole castle. "This is what will happen if anyone harms the Kingslayer, he is a valuable hostage and will be treated as such!" And with that he drew his sword and sliced Locke's hand off. Picking up the offending item he ignored the man's screams. "Escort him and all these men to the Wall and dump them at my brother's feet." Torrhen said to a few of his guards, before he walked over to Jaime. "I'm sorry about what happened to you, you'll be bathed and fed and given rooms to help aid your recovery. Lord Umber, take him to Qyburn." Torrhen said, taking Jaime's hand from around his neck and throwing both severed hands into the nearest fire unceremoniously.

"At once, come on pretty man." Lord Umber said, Hoisting the Lannister onto his shoulders and taking him away. Torrhen turned to the second prisoner, looking up at him.

"Lady Brienne, how wonderful to see you again." Torrhen said, cutting the ropes binding her. "Please accept the apologies of House Stark.

"Thank you, My Prince." Brienne said.

"My mother is here at Harrenhal; I presume you realise that I can't let you take the Kingslayer any further."

"Of course, I still serve the Lady Catelyn though, not you or your brother."

Torrhen chuckled. "I know that, but my mother is under guard at all times after she let the Kingslayer escape, I will send word of his recapture but until I hear from him I can't let her situation change, do you understand?"

"Of course."

"Good! Now let me show you to the baths, no offence My Lady but you can tell you've been in the presence of a Lannister, you stink." Torrhen laughed, leading her away.

Up in Qyburn's rooms, he was having a look at the mess that was Jaime Lannisters sword arm. He had been very grateful that the Starks were letting him be useful after saving him, although this was the first time he had been requested for medical purposes, probably as they wouldn't let an official Maester look after a prisoner.

"Will I die?" Jaime asked Qyburn.

"No." Qyburn replied, inspecting the arm. "The corruption has spread; I fear it must be cut away. The safest course would be to take the whole arm off."

"Then you'll die." Jaime growled at him. "You're no Maester, where's your chain?" He asked.

"The Citadel stripped me of it, they found some of my experiments… Too bold." Qyburn explained.

"I can leave your upper arm, make the cut at your elbow." With that Jaime's remaining hand was around Qyburn's throat.

"I don't need my right hand to kill you." He growled, retracting his arm forcefully.

"I can take away the rotting flesh and try and burn out the corruption with boiling wine." Qyburn offered. Jaime mumbled his assent. "With any luck, that will suffice. You'll need milk of the poppy." He said grabbing a bottle.

"No milk of the poppy." Jaime said.

"There will be pain." Qyburn warned.

"I'll scream." Jaime countered.

"Quite a bit of pain."

"I'll scream loudly."

Scream loudly he did. Torrhen could hear him from the tiltyard as he was sparring with Maege Mormont, and the two gave up after 20 minutes when it gave no indication of stopping any time soon.

The Kingslayer was locked in comfy rooms and Robb notified of his recapture, Brienne was happy to be back with Catelyn, and Torrhen was still pouring over the maps desperately thinking of his sister's potential whereabouts. Catelyn and Brienne had joined him, giving their advice.

"She could be anywhere up to Oldstones by now, depending on how fast they travelled." Brienne pointed out.

"Her, a man and a fat boy travelling alone, they can't have left the Riverlands and they won't go by Kings Road, nor will they cross the Twins until she knows it's safe." Torrhen pondered.

"Can she swim?" Brienne asked.

"Yes, we taught all of our children when they were young." Catelyn smiled at the memory.

"Then she could cross the Trident anywhere." Brienne sighed.

"She's not daft, she'll either go North or to Riverrun. We never saw her on our way from there and Robb hasn't said she's arrived, so we assume she headed North." Torrhen said. "What if she did take the Kingsroad and crossed at Lord Harroway's Town."

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Enter." Catelyn called. A guardsman Torrhen had sent all the way to Fairmarket walked in.

"Sorry My Lady, My Prince, but word on your sister." He said. Three pairs of eyes snapped to him. "A cook at the Inn of the Kneeling Man says he knows her, from after King's Landing I mean."

"Are you sure?" Torrhen scrutinised.

"Questioned him meself."

"Ready the horses then, I'm going back there with you." Torrhen said. The guard nodded and left.

"Torrhen, are you sure you want to do this again? What if he's wrong?" Catelyn asked.

"I'll do this for every rumour if I have to mother." Torrhen said, rushing to his rooms to gather his armour and weapons. This time he would find Arya he swore to himself.