
CH:9 Wind Tower

After pulling into the door, Paul suddenly found himself in a white space. The void seemed to lie forever, and there was no color other than white.

Paul wandered through the void for a while. No matter where he walked, there was nothing going on, and Paul's patience began to run out.

"Exactly what I have to do here!"

After Paul screamed, suddenly a voice came from inside the void.

"You will test for the First Legacy of the Wind. Do you accept?"

Paul was surprised after hearing the sound. He spoke as an answer to the question.

"I agree."

After Paul spoke, the voice was heard again.

"First floor. Enemy, B-level King White Eagle. Heritage test begins."

The gap changed shape and returned to a wooded area. Paul touched the trees and the ground with a puzzled look on his face.

"It feels completely real."

After Paul surprised, he climbed to the top of a tree and began to look around. There were no monsters around. The area was totally quiet and comfortable.

Paul walked through the woods for a while and came to an open space. When he entered the field he saw the monster in his center.

He looked like a monster eagle, but all his feathers were snow white. His blue eyes were shining.

"That must be him. B-level King White Eagle."

Paul wanted to go around behind him, but the eagle's blue eyes suddenly turned to him. There was no feeling in his eyes.

Seeing the eagle looking at him, Paul stepped back reflexively and stretched out his hands. The eagle swung his paws and threw two wind knives.

Paul prevented the eagles with wind blades and lit a flame in his left hand to allow the eagle to retreat.

While waiting for the eagle to at least hesitate, the eagle suddenly jumped forward and attacked Paul. Paul couldn't block the eagle's claws and had two wounds on his chest.

Paul was surprised and angry. He extended his left hand to the eagle and threw the meaning of flame.


Even when the eagle feathers were burning, he did not react and raised his claws.

Afraid of this, Paul attacked the eagle's eyes with a wind blade and blinded the eagle. He then burned the entire body of the eagle with another flame ball. The eagle died there without screaming or making any sound. Her body kept on burning. There was little fear in Paul as he watched the eagle burn. This eagle seemed to have no feelings. The sound was heard again while he was in thought.

"You passed the first floor. You were entitled to the first legacy of the wind. Are you ready to move to the second floor?"

Paul didn't answer the sound. He sat down to rest and concentrated his mana on his wounds, accelerating his recovery. After healed himself for a while, he began to speak.

"Master, that eagle never hesitated from my flames. And even though I blinded and burned him, he showed no sign of pain. Do you know why?"

Paul waited for a while until his master spoke. Then he heard the voice of his master.

"Legacies do not measure one's intelligence or cunning, but their pure power. Therefore, the protective monsters are cleansed of their emotions and brainwashed only to fight."

Paul thought about his master's words. Since heritages measured pure power, she should not hesitate to use her flames. Flames were very dangerous for wind monsters. Besides, he shouldn't have relied on his speed to fight them. The wind monsters were much faster than that.

Paul stood up and spoke.

"I'm ready to move to the second floor."

A while after Paul's speech, the sound was heard.

"Second floor. Enemy, A-level Harpy. Heritage test begins."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the surrounding trees vanished and the floor became old white. Then, suddenly, cliffs and hills started to emerge from this white area. When the transformation of the space was over, a land resembling the wind habitat emerged.

Paul climbed up to the nearest hill and as he climbed to the top he began to look around. There was no flat area around which he could continue fighting for a long time and it would be very difficult to fight. He started looking for the enemy he was going to fight with, which was very difficult because he didn't even know what Harpy was.

After looking around for a while, he saw a monster ahead. The beast had a female body, but had blue feathered wings and claws. His blue eyes were dim.

Knowing that he couldn't scare him or run away from him, Paul went straight to his direction. It was much better to be the first attacker.

When he got close to Harpy, he noticed him and began to fly. Paul immediately raised his hands and threw two flaming cannons at Harpy.

Harpy avoided the balls and opened his mouth as he stared at Paul. Suddenly lightning struck out of his mouth and they formed a ball in front of his mouth. Harpy threw the ball to Paul.

Paul escaped the lightning cannon at the last minute. The rock hit by the ball was shattered and the ground underneath was cracked.Lightning?"

Lightning was a sub-branch of the wind element, but there were many who saw it as a separate element because many people jumped and worked in lightning. Lightning didn't have the sharpness of the wind, but its speed and destructive power was too high.

Avoiding lightning was more difficult than avoiding wind, but lightning spells could not be used one after the other. This was almost the only drawback.

Paul immediately attacked because he could avoid the first lightning. As soon as he raised his hands to the sky, the wind blades sprang forward and moved towards Harpy's wings. Harpy escaped the first knives, but the last knife Paul had launched had cut through his wing. As he could not continue to fly, he had to go up a hill.

Paul understood that Harpy could no longer fly. Now all he had to do was attack him nonstop.

Paul started running up the hill where Harpy landed. As he ran, he formed a flame ball in his right hand.

Seeing Paul coming, Harpy opened his mouth. Lightning struck in his mouth and became a ball from lightning. I stopped at the place where Paul was to avoid, but then there was something I didn't expect at all. The ball shrank slowly and became a pill. After that, Harpy swallowed this little lightning ball!

Harpy's body began to change as Paul looked in surprise. His blue feathers were shining well, his claws shining blue, producing lightning arcs. Her body was blue.

Paul didn't know what happened to Harpy, but his plan didn't change. He continued to run at full speed towards Harpy.

As Paul got closer, Harpy suddenly opened his mouth and threw a direct lightning strike at Paul. Paul did not wait for this sudden attack, but at the last minute he was pulled to the right, but he could not fully avoid his left arm.

Paul bit his lips to avoid screaming from the pain of his life. He immediately sent the ball of fire in his right hand to Harpy.

Harpy tried to avoid, but his speed was not high unless he flew. Within a few seconds, it was flaming.

Paul thought that something was not going well, and suddenly he realized that Harpy in the flames did not die. Harpy's body was on fire, but Harpy wasn't dying for some reason. He even seemed to be doing something.In order not to give Paul Harpy a chance, he was thrown into the flames and began to approach Harpy. But he was too late. A red lightning struck from Harpy's mouth struck Paul's left leg. This time the lightning included not only the power of destruction, but also the power of burning.

Paul had a large wound on his left leg, which caused him great pain. It would be good if there was only the pain of lightning, but Paul had understood the cause of his burning. This Harpy had just absorbed his flames and added it to his own lightning!

Paul was furious after these thoughts. He was attacked back by his own power. He turned his hands to Harpy and began to relentlessly send the blades of the wind. After eating ten or fifteen wind blades on top of each other, Harpy had quite a few wounds on his body. Using his firm right foot, Paul suddenly put his hand on a wound on Harpy's chest.

Before Harpy could react to the counterattack, Paul began to burn Harpy from within. A while passed, but Harpy was silent and did not move. Paul knew what that meant. Harpy was finally dead. As the mountainous area around him became flat and white again, Paul sat down and heard that monotonous sound again.

"Your wounds that could prevent your war have been healed. You have passed the second floor. You have earned the second legacy of the wind. Are you ready to move to the third floor?"

When the voice finished speaking, he saw the pain in his left foot disappear and his wound disappeared. The first reporter really created a spectacular test ground.

Paul moved to the meditation position without talking and tried to renew the meaning he had just used. Spadia was thinking and praying while she was doing it. Yes, he was praying. "I hope it doesn't make it a habit."

Paul remained in meditation for a while and renewed his lost meaning. When his body began to overflow with the meaning of wind and flame, he stood up and called out.

"I'm ready to go to the third floor."

After waiting for a while, the voice spoke.

"Third floor. Enemy, A-level King Sword Winged Eagle. Heritage test begins."

The shape of the white zone began to change. He was returning to a rocky area, but this time it was different. This time the area was a circular stone field in the middle of the mountains, and Paul saw the Eagle with the Sword Winged.The eagle climbed to the top of one of the mountains around the area, staring at Paul with pale gray eyes. Each of his silver feathers looked like small swords. They were also sharp.

Paul did not hesitate to see the eagle looking at him. He immediately began to attack. He threw a few wind knives at first, but the eagle, who had left the hill and started to fly, easily avoided them and tossed his wings and tossed his feathers.

Paul avoided the feathers and avoided backwards. The feathers had cut the stone area and sunk a little.

Paul looked at the eagle still flying in the air. He raised his hands and sent flameballs towards him. The eagle avoided the flames and went down to Paul. Paul took this opportunity and threw some more wind knives.

The eagle could not escape one of the wind blades, which came to his chest and caused a scratch. Because the scratch was too small, he couldn't slow down the eagle and the eagle came closer to Paul. When the eagle raised his claws to attack, Paul avoided to the right, but hit the wing of the eagle and fell to the ground. Paul was looking down from the ground towards the eagle. The eagle was slowly approaching Paul.

Paul immediately stood up and began to pull back. A few meters away, something stuck in his right leg. As Paul fell to the ground again, he looked at his leg and saw that it was one of the eagle's feathers that stuck to his leg. Paul was staring at the eagle approaching him from the ground. He raised his hands and started throwing flame balls, but he couldn't damage his skin even if the balls hit the eagle.

When he thought he couldn't stop the eagle and die here, something suddenly came to his mind. Hasn't something like this happened before? Yeah, Paul remembered the golden hawk he couldn't cut and burn with knives. He used a tactic to defeat him.

Paul laughed when he thought these scenes. Supported by his firm left leg, he was thrown towards the eagle and attacked with his left hand. The eagle did not back down and bit Paul's left arm with his beak. Paul's body was intact, so he couldn't sever it directly, but within a few seconds he could sever his arm. But that was enough for Paul for a few seconds.

As soon as the eagle bit Paul's arm, his left hand covered in flames, so the eagle began to burn from the inside. The pressure on Paul's arm took another second or two, but then suddenly stopped. The eagle was dead.

As Alan slowly turned white, Paul's leg and arm were healed. Then the sound was heard.

"The wounds that may have prevented your education have been healed. You have passed the third floor.

Paul stared triumphantly into the white sky while listening to the sound. Spadia was worried that his proposal for the hawk would become a habit.