
CH:7 Wind Habitat

Part of a forest full of dense trees was full of cut trees. Some places were burned and traces still stood behind them.

Within this complex area, a young man slowly headed out of the jungle.

Her black hair and clothes were covered in blood. He was carrying a giant eagle three meters tall. The heart of the eagle was pierced and its black feathers covered with blood. He left a blood-stained trail behind him, but the young man smiled irrelevant.

This was young Paul. A 14-year-old young man who fell into this area called Abyss half a year ago.

"You are exploiting both your core and your flesh. Greed is bad, son."

When Spadia's voice echoed in Paul's mind, Paul paused for a while, but then went on and started talking.

"If I hadn't done this, I wouldn't have lived here for half a year, Master. Do you really want your student to starve to death?"

After Paul finished, Spadia never spoke again. After a while, Paul reached the front of the mountain. There were several trees gathered there before. He cut these trees with the wind blades and stacked them for cooking.

After burning the wood with flame magic, he cut the edible parts of the eagle and put it on a stick for cooking and set it on fire. As the meat slowly cooked, he pulled a few red - green beans out of his pocket and moved away from the fire.

He then arranged the cores in front of him and moved into the meditation position.

"I hope that's enough."

He checked the meaning of the nuclei and directed it to his nucleus. The hot mana slowly entered Paul's core, and then the sharp mana quickly filled the core. Mana concentrated in the core and joined the structure of the core. Suddenly, Paul's mana core began to shake and emit heat. This heat was not too hot, it even gave a pleasant feeling.

As this feeling wandered through Paul's entire body, the mana core expanded and began to shine more than usual. After this process, suddenly, the kernel began to produce abnormal levels of mana. The mana produced circulated in Paul's body and strengthened it. Besides, mana became more intense.

"You've finally managed to move from beginner to low." Spadia said in a happy voice.

Paul spoke in a bored voice. "I've spent half a year moving from the beginner to the low. How long will it take to reach the middle?"

"Well. It's a pretty good time for the Habian kernel. Even a normal human kernel spends at least that much time, but of course the kernel requires tens of times more energy than a normal kernel. The low level is enough to get you out of the Abyss."

She was happy to hear Paul Spadia's words. In the end, a person would come out of this place and see. Why wouldn't he be happy?

He asked excitedly. "What do I have to do to get out?"

"The Abyss is a place for the heir to be empowered, but not only for strength, but for strength to be able to use it. The best way to do so is to inherit them because they left the first messenger. You need to go and get the inheritance.

Paul thought for a while. "Which heritage should I first get? Which tower should I start from?"

"You must focus on the force of attack, and all three legacies of the Wind are on war. I suggest you go to the wind habitat."

"Wind ... Wouldn't it be more right to go to the flame habitat if I wanted to attack?""There is only one war legacy in the flame habitat and it is very difficult to learn. I can say that it is one of the strongest, but if you dive into the random flame tower without any technical learning, you will die instantly."

Paul stood up and took one of the skewers from the eagle's flesh. He thought for a while. What Spadia said made sense. A single combat technique and a very difficult technique to learn. The wind tower was a more reasonable choice. He stood up after finishing his meal. He spoke a little tired.

"Which direction was the wind habitat?"

"First, get some sleep, do you think you'il survive if you get there like this, you stupid brat?"

Paul was really tired. He entered the mountain and lay down on the bed. He started sleeping like he did.

- After a few hours -

Paul woke up and got out of bed.

He stood up and went to the closet. He pulled out the locker and climbed to the top of the mountain and began to study the habitats around the center.

Habitats were clockwise in the form of fire, earth, darkness, light, water and wind. He studied the habitats for a while. He then focused on the wind habitat.

At the center of the wind habitat was a green-white tower and the habitat consisted of mountains and hills. At least there was no flat area visible from a distance, and there was even a mountain at the entrance to the habitat. Although not too high, it closed the entrance of the habitat and forced it only through the low areas to the left and right.

Paul asked after thinking a bit about the land.

"Master, the wind habit looks pretty bad for a monster to live. I don't think there are many monsters there."

"Well, you don't even know anything about the nature of the monsters. There are very few monsters that don't fly between the wind monsters, and mountainous areas are a complete paradise for flying monsters. After all, they have advantages over other species in such an area."

Paul was quiet. The wind habitat was a very dangerous place. Flying monsters would be able to attack him as he wanted, even though he would have difficulty moving forward. It would be hard to fight in that mountainous area.

Normally Paul would never go to a place like this, but this time it was different. There were three combat techniques in the wind habitat. Three techniques to get him out of the Abyss ...

Once again, without thinking, he went down the stairs and entered the room. He straightened the closet and quickly climbed down the mountain.

When he climbed the mountain he thought for a while and tried to remember the direction of the wind habitat.

When he remembered, he immediately turned around and started running towards the wind habitat.

During his half-year in the Abyss, Paul's body was very strong. Now he had enough strength to run without resting up to the wind habitat.

He ran quickly through the trees through the forest and ignored the monsters that came across him. After a while the wind came to the front of the mountain at the entrance to the habitat and rested a little. He still didn't know what was waiting for him inside.

After a while, he stood up, took a deep breath, and started running towards the entrance on the right.