
CH:4 World at the Bottom of the Void

Paul slowly opened his eyes. The sunlight that entered his eyes initially hurt him, but when he got used to it, he slowly stood up and watched around him. He paused first when he saw that it was surrounded by trees. He then started to hurt his headache and leaned against a tree and sat down.

He started to remember what happened last. Valer's disgusting face, his fall to the Abyss, his sense of voices, a talking sword, his sword in his heart, his sane laughter ...

She threw her hand to the side of her heart but did not feel any sores or pain.

"Was it a dream?" she couldn't help thinking. It would be great if it were a dream. He could have gone back to his family and spent time with them. He started looking for a way out of the forest but then he heard the annoying sound.

"Hey brat, do you have to be this moving as soon as you wake up?"

"Joyful!" Paul went crazy when he heard the sword. He had stabbed himself with the sword a while back, and it was not a good experience.

"Yes I am! I made you stronger and you are shouting at me? Ungrateful!"

After the sword, Paul checked his body. He was really physically strong, and it meant ... Oh, my God! In addition to its current meaning, the previous meaning was left in the ear. If we compare his previous meaning to a drop of water, his current meaning was like a rushing river.

There was a change in the core. It was much more intense and powerful than before, but it still hadn't risen from the beginner level! Plus, he now spread the meaning into Paul's body without the need for Paul's control.

"Probably because of my physical development."

Paul regained his composure and looked around. When he couldn't see the sword, he spoke directly.

"What did you do to me and how did you do it?"

"Good questions." The answer again echoed in his mind.

"I didn't do much, actually. I just gave you the energy you needed. You did the rest."

Paul answered in a slightly puzzled voice. "I did not do anything."

"Oh, you sure did, young man. It's a very important thing. I think you can feel your core changing."


"You created this core with the stubbornness of your own self and the power of the body. This core is not the mana core of a human being."

Paul had a strange look on his face. "What do you mean?"

"When I got stuck in the heart, I sent the meaning of the four elements to the nucleus, and the nucleus absorbed all of them, which is a special nucleus known as the saint mana nucleus. Since he absorbed the elements of flame, earth, wind and water as well as the known Light element, I did a little experiment on it and sent a small amount of malignant energy.

Paul fearfully checked the mana core, but found no problems. "My mana core is pretty solid."

Paul's startled when the sword's beaming sounded, but he continued to listen. "As I said, your human mana kernel has disappeared, but the six elements come together to strike a balance and form a Habistanrı kernel. Of course some elements are still dominant."

Paul waited for a while to digest what he was listening to. He spoke later.

"So you tell me that my kernel is a Habistanrı kernel. So what is this Habistanrı? Since I have the kernel, am I becoming a Habistanrı?"

"Oh rest assured, there is a lot of difference between you and a Habistanr, son. A Habistanr is the one who stands on top of the gods and demons who are capable of destroying heaven and hell by swinging his hands. You are only a potential Habistanr. no one was called by that name. "

"How many people have tried to become Habistanrı since the first Habistanrı?"

"Ah, there were millions of people who tried. But there were only six people with potential.

"Black sorcerer ... Am I the 7th Black Sorcerer?"

"Exactly. You are the 7th Generation Black Magician and you have the most potential to reach the level of Habistanrı from the 7th Generation."

When the sword finished, Paul did not speak for a long time and waited. He thought what he heard and thought about what he had to do. Then he thought of looking around a bit.

"By the way, where exactly am I?"

"Oh, I was expecting you to ask that. You're in the Devil's Habitat at the bottom of the Abyss at the first test spot where the six before you entered."

"What the devil habitat?"

"The Devil's Habitat is a special place where only evil creatures live. You can also use the monsters inside to empower yourself."

Paul was a little surprised. "How do I use monsters?"

"The core of Habistanrı can absorb any form of energy. Including monster energy. You only need to kill and get your nucleus.You can even have a kernel! "


"Tracks that bear the characteristics of monsters. If you absorb one of those cores, you may have late memories of the monster's abilities, even limbs."

"I don't want to have horns if possible."

"You're just going to get limbs as talent. What's wrong with horns?"

"I don't want to get into a fight with you. One more thing, how can I go back up?"

"Oh, if you want to go up, you have to be strong enough and master this power. The time flow of the Abyss and the People is not the same, so don't worry."

Paul took his hands to his eyes and thought about what they had just talked about. The core of blood, the blood trail, the test field, the power ... The power was the key to everything. He rebelled immediately. He didn't care about his dirty white shirt and trousers and started moving in a random direction.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"You said I had to get stronger, and you said I had a good chance here. Instead of waiting for my chance to come to my foot, I go to it. It's faster."

"Well, do whatever you want, but you won't live for a few days with this thought."

Paul spoke in a wry voice. "I won't trust anything I don't know where it is or what it is."

"Arrogant brat! I lived hundreds of thousands of years longer than you. I was the 5th Habisrord of the First Habistanr, Spadia the Sword Devil!"

"Oh, I knew a little from your voice, but I didn't know you were old. I found out who you are, but I still don't know where you are."

Spadia almost had a seizure. He had just said that he was under the command of the First Habistanrı, but this brat passed him old.

Thoughts appeared instantly in his mind. "Respectful! Oh, but I can't say anything. The first Habistanrı had such a personality as long as he didn't get serious."

He laughed in a wheezing voice to give some fear. "I never left where I stuck."

Paul was startled. He immediately pulled his collar and looked at his chest and saw the crown-shaped tattoo there.

"What is this?"

"It's a Spirit Seal. It connects my soul to your soul."

"Oh, great. I've been with a Habislord as if I don't have enough problems."

"Do you think anyone wants to be with you, you stupid brat !? I just fulfill my friend's will as the last surviving Habislord."


"He said the will of the first Habistanr. Educate and empower the person who has the potential to become a Habistanr, and to my luck, an arrogant and stupid brat like you."

Paul shook his head. "I feel like you'il never get along well."

"We have something in common."

"So, you were against my idea. Do you have any ideas?"

"Find the nearest and highest place you can find, scan around. Then find yourself a refuge."

Paul agreed. He looked around and saw a long mountain ahead. He approached the mountain a little and tried to climb, but later saw a ladder. It was carved directly into the mountain.

"Hey old man, what's going on?"

Kim Who's the old man? Neden And why don't you tell me, Oh, this is the 3rd generation shelter. He was very fond of himself. He's probably still in there. You're lucky you found him so early. "

Paul smiled and climbed up the stair steps. After a while, he went out to a spacious room.

In the corner of the room was a bed covered with a yellow fur and next to it was a closet. Other than that, the rest of the room was empty and there were cuts and spells in some places. Probably 3rd Generation worked here.

Paul slowly walked over to the bed and opened the closet. Inside the wardrobe there were 3 black clothes, dusted and several grape-sized fruits of different colors. Paul immediately took off his white shirt and trousers, put on one of these black clothes and threw the fruit into his pocket.

Spadia said with a little angry voice. "You exploit even generations before you."

"Did you say something? I can't hear very well."

"Oh, you forgot to look around, you idiot. There must be a ladder to the top of the mountain behind the closet. Go up there and examine."

Paul did not oppose this time because he felt that he should go to the top of the mountain. He turned the locker and climbed the stairs to the top of the mountain.

He looked around and gasped for a moment because of the view. The mountain was standing in the middle of a wooded area and squeezed in some places in the forest but in some places there were hardly any trees. There were some monsters around here, and even these made Paul a little scared, but what really scared Paul were the six areas around the woods.

All of these 6 regions represented one of the 6 elements, and 4 had a tower in the center. The fog at the entrance of the other two was not visible. Paul didn't know what was in the towers, but even the aura they had spread was enough to shake him. Feeling the fear in Paul's heart, Spadia began to chuckle.