
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Withered shadow

Faced with the relentless onslaught from the monsters attacking the convoy's flanks and rear, Su Wenhao found himself helpless. His forces and firepower were woefully inadequate, leaving him with no choice but to prioritize the safety of the convoy's head. As a soldier, Su Wenhao harbored the noble aspiration of protecting everyone, but he knew deep down that such a feat was impossible. Even with Su Chen and Lin Mo displaying astonishing combat prowess, it remained implausible to safeguard every single person.

The sheer number of individuals, coupled with the elongated queue of the Huicheng team, forced them into a grim decision. They had to abandon some and ensure the survival of the best and most capable individuals. Sacrifices had to be made, for if one life was lost, it could mean the demise of the entire group, rendering their previous efforts futile.

Thus, Su Wenhao mustered all his strength to contain the monsters attacking from the wings and rear on a limited scale, while fiercely protecting the front of the convoy, particularly Professor Chen and his group.

The survivors positioned behind and on the flanks became unwitting bait and human shields, impaled by the monstrous creatures and crushed beneath overturned vehicles. The air resonated with screams and anguished cries, yet the elongated specters that emerged from behind refrained from delivering fatal blows to the humans within the cars. Instead, they forcibly halted the vehicles, dragging out the injured and disoriented survivors who, though broken and battered, clung to their fragile lives. They were dragged back towards the Cloud City store—their dreadful sacrificial altar.

Desperation and tears filled the air as those unfortunate souls were dragged closer to the maw of the sinister altar.

Outside the Cloud City store, where flickering flames danced amidst chaos, terrifying shadows methodically herded humans and wrecked vehicles step by step towards the blood-soaked crevices enveloping the store.

More cars and people were left with no choice but to squeeze forward, their desperate cries piercing the earth.

Su Wenhao reluctantly tore his gaze away after a single glance.

Even the mightiest warrior could have their limits, their wrists broken, and be rendered powerless.

Meanwhile, on the chaotic battlefield ahead, Su Chen and Lin Mo once again surged with a ferocious energy, decimating the remaining dozen black-scaled monsters in their path.

Having already advanced halfway down the street, their destination—the other end of the road—loomed tantalizingly close. The black-scaled monsters' frontline failed to successfully close in, while the flanking forces had yet to fully engage. Su Chen and Lin Mo had nearly eradicated them. Only sporadic elongated specters and scattered black-scaled monsters remained on the street ahead.

Further along, a fork in the road awaited them, with an aging tube building at its center, effectively dividing the two paths. Once they reached that point, they could break free from the encirclement.

In the brief respite, Su Chen exchanged a fleeting flirtatious glance with the Miao Dao, his eyes darting forward before anxiously turning to Lin Mo, who appeared worse for wear, drenched in blood. However, the most disconcerting aspect was the emergence of a subtle crimson hue within Lin Mo's pupils, accompanied by increasingly labored breaths, reminiscent of a predatory beast.

Sensing Su Chen's concern, Lin Mo abruptly extended his finger forward and spoke, his voice strained, "Wait...look, see what it is..."

Su Chen followed his gaze, focusing on the rooftop of the tube building ahead. A figure stood there, its form skeletal and desiccated, draped in a heavy black cloak. Though it stood at a distance, Su Chen could distinctly feel its piercing gaze fixed upon him.

The intensity and purposefulness of that gaze set it apart from the mindless monsters they had encountered thus far.

That is...

Just then, their portable Bluetooth communicator crackled to life, transmitting Professor Chen's anxious voice, "The figure in the black cloak is emitting a unique electromagnetic wave that blankets the area, with a possible connection to the blood-colored cracks in the sky. It's likely the leader of this sacrificial ritual, holding a high position within the malevolent deity's civilization system—an influential figure in the biological hierarchy of these monsters!"

"If there's an opportunity, it would be advantageous to capture it alive. It may possess valuable knowledge, or we can at least retrieve its corpse."

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, a surge of determination flowing through him.

However, he couldn't ignore the potential consequences of abandoning their position and losing contact with the convoy behind them.

In that moment, Lin Mo spoke up, his voice resolute, "I believe it's feasible. Let's move forward and either eliminate or capture it directly!"

Su Chen regarded him with surprise.

The tragic tinge in the depths of Lin Mo's eyes grew more pronounced. He took a deep breath and continued, "Professor Chen suggested that by eliminating the commander, we could disrupt the monsters' organized structure, significantly reducing the threat. But if we kill him... I might not last much longer..."

A wry smile crossed his lips as he added, "Perhaps, my willpower isn't as formidable as I thought."

Su Chen observed him for a moment, then raised his head, meeting the burning gaze of Miao Dao, and declared with unwavering confidence, "In that case, I'll take the lead in the assault, and you provide cover. Together, we will emerge victorious! We'll capture it and extract the answers we need!"

With a slight pause, Su Chen maintained his unwavering resolve and smiled, saying, "If you believe it's impossible, don't push yourself. I can handle the aftermath. Our primary objective is for both of us to survive. Only then can we secure victory. After all, we didn't embark on this fight to sacrifice anyone. We must live to understand the enigma that plagues this world and strive for a more comfortable existence."

Lin Mo was momentarily taken aback, his expression clouded with regret. "I apologize for my carelessness, for getting spotted..."

"Don't underestimate yourself. There are other sacrifices besides you. They already possess formidable power. Stop considering yourself a mere bystander. Gather your strength. You can see how Professor Chen is eagerly awaiting your assistance," Su Chen replied, injecting a touch of jest into his words.

Lin Mo appeared bewildered, "How do you figure he's eagerly awaiting my assistance?"

Su Chen turned serious, "No need for apologies. I should be thanking you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to gather the time I need."

With those words, Su Chen ceased speaking, his entire being surging with energy. The dark diamond-shaped battle armor emitted a chilling gleam as he descended upon the figure standing atop the building like a swift arrow.

The pursuing monsters remained in hot pursuit, time pressing upon them with every passing second. They had a well-established plan and no room for hesitation. Immediate action was paramount, lest they become trapped, unable to escape.

Observing Su Chen's resolute figure, Lin Mo smiled. The blood-red hue in his eyes seemed to wane, prompting him to unfurl his right wing and glide close to the ground, following closely behind. Nonetheless, his figure exhibited a subtle sway, his mutation exacerbated by the ensuing battle, teetering on the brink of chaos and madness.

Yet, he heeded Su Chen's words, trailing behind while maintaining a safe distance. No longer the vanguard, he assumed the role of cover and auxiliary attack, striving to preserve his composure and clarity of mind.

They surged forward, obliterating black-scaled monsters and elongated specters along their path. If any dared to impede their advance, they met their swift demise. Their progress resembled a devastating hurricane. With Lin Mo trailing behind and Su Chen leading the charge, they arrived at the tube building, hurtling through its dilapidated ground floor and ascending into the sky. As they closed in on the withered figure above, Su Chen raised his left hand, the diamond-shaped battle armor transforming to reveal a hand cannon with a menacing black hole at its core, unleashing a devastating blast.

Although Su Chen aimed to capture their target alive, he had no intention of holding back in his attack. Ignorant of the dry figure's abilities, he couldn't afford to risk his life by showing mercy.

To his astonishment, the cannon appeared to strike a phantom. The play of light and shadow distorted parts of the figure, causing it to crash into the rooftop with a resounding impact, creating a gaping hole that billowed with smoke.

As the figure slowly raised its head, a grotesque, emaciated visage resembling a skull came into view. Dark eyes sunken within its sockets locked onto Su Chen and, further away, Lin Mo. After a brief pause, it uttered words in a hoarse, mocking tone.


"So soon, two First Surnames emerged.

"I underestimated you.

"You concealed it masterfully.

"It's a shame, a pity."

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