
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

The one who wields fire

To Su Chen's astonishment, the two individuals approaching him turned out to be young soldiers from the China Region of the Federation. They moved in a pair, meticulously scouring the supermarket for any signs of life. As they spotted Su Chen concealed amidst a pile of putrid fish, it was clear that they had misunderstood the situation. One of the soldiers called out, "Survivor? Come out quickly. It's safe here. The military has assumed control. Join us, and we shall guarantee your safety."

"The military has taken control?" Su Chen's expression betrayed his surprise as he emerged from his hiding spot, a bulky backpack slung over his shoulder. He made sure to keep his trusty Miao knife and warhammer close at hand, with an additional magic pistol holstered at his waist.

So, the military had finally arrived. Were they the forces retreating from the front lines?

The two soldiers glanced at the weapons gripped tightly by Su Chen, exchanging a meaningful glance. They perceived him as just another frightened survivor and attempted to reassure him, "Rest assured... You may discard those archaic weapons. They are ineffectual against the abominations and will only burden you."

Su Chen, taken aback by their suggestion, glanced at the Miao knife that had severed countless monster heads and shook his head resolutely. "No, I feel more secure with them in my possession."

A resigned sigh escaped one of the soldiers as he realized their persuasion was in vain. Observing Su Chen's tattered clothing, the other soldier chimed in, "We have secured this supermarket now, and the provisions shall be distributed fairly. Please refrain from tampering with them."

Su Chen nodded, realizing that the military had cordoned off and isolated the supermarket area beforehand. As he had forged his armor undisturbed, he deduced that the military had established the perimeter. After a brief pause, he inquired, "Which unit do you belong to? How many soldiers remain? And where have the survivors come from? Are you planning to evacuate us from here?"

The question left the two soldiers momentarily silent, their expressions growing somewhat downcast. Eventually, one of them mustered a brief explanation. They belonged to a beleaguered mixed battalion, now reduced to a small number of soldiers, with most stationed on the upper floors. They were engaged in a fierce struggle with the encroaching monsters, besieged from all sides.

Offering reassurance, the soldier said, "Do not worry. We have provisions here, and we shall hold the line to ensure your safety until reinforcements arrive..."

Su Chen nodded, refraining from further discussion. He listened to the cacophony of voices and gunfire outside, silently advancing alongside his newfound companions.

The trio traversed the supermarket, drawing nearer to the cashier counter and the exit on the negative floor, where the clamor grew more pronounced.

Finally, they emerged from the darkness of the supermarket area, and Su Chen's eyes were met with a sight of heightened intensity.

The military personnel had erected several searchlights, casting their beams across approximately one-third of the negative floor. The supermarket's location had indeed been sealed off, with seven or eight soldiers and what appeared to be an officer barring access to the cash register area. Beyond the counter, a large throng of survivors populated the negative floor, their numbers easily surpassing a few hundred!

In just seven hours, such a significant gathering of people had occurred. Presumably, they had all fled from the front lines. With ample supplies and a well-suited environment for defense, it seemed the military intended to hold their ground and await further resources. The immediate control of the supermarket hinted at their intentions. However, the survivors and military personnel alike appeared worn out and distressed.

Among the survivors, some displayed listless despair, while others remained confrontational toward the military, challenging their authority.

Amidst the survivors, a sense of desperation hung in the air. Some shuffled sluggishly, their hunger evident, while others railed against the military, demanding access to the provisions.

"Why can't we enter and alleviate our hunger? The supplies are right there!"

"Let us in! Let us in!"

"The monsters draw near, and you expect us to starve while running for our lives?"

Injured and sick individuals sought refuge in remote corners, watching the unfolding scene with blank and anguished expressions.

The number of troops stationed here was woefully inadequate, and they could barely manage the situation. They possessed firearms, dissuading anyone from crossing the line, but tensions simmered beneath the surface.

As Su Chen, with his torn clothes, emerged from the supermarket, he immediately drew the attention of the survivors, and many vented their frustration towards him.

"Isn't he just another survivor?"

"Why is he allowed inside?"

"Have the treatment standards changed?"

In a surreal turn of events, amidst the crowd, Su Chen heard a familiar shout.

"Boss! Over here, boss!"

Following the sound, Su Chen spotted the three baldbusinessmen who had crossed paths with him before. They were surrounded by Xia Chuwei, their voices filled with excitement.

Xia Chuwei seemed both delighted and exasperated as she shouted something, but her words were drowned out by the chaos.

The three bald businessmen, sensing an opportunity, had quickly changed their tune. Realizing Su Chen's formidable presence, they ingratiated themselves, hoping to align with him.

Witnessing this scene, the two soldiers accompanying Su Chen furrowed their brows, their eyes scrutinizing him.

Initially, they had regarded Su Chen as an ordinary survivor who had taken refuge in the supermarket. However, the recognition by some outside individuals had cast doubt on his true intentions. He might be posing as a survivor while surreptitiously stealing supplies.

This could not be overlooked.

Moreover, the soldiers felt a tinge of annoyance. They had just offered solace to this man, hoping to instill a glimmer of hope in his heart. Yet, it appeared that he was nothing more than a thief, a deceitful imposter.

One of the soldiers seized Su Chen's arm, pulling him towards the crowd. His face turned cold, and he sternly declared, "We are all in this together. Did you come here to pilfer supplies? Let me inspect your backpack!"

Su Chen's brows furrowed at the soldier's words, and he instinctively blocked the outstretched hand behind him.

Was this a joke? Concealed behind him was his pitch-black suit. How could he allow it to be inspected?

"I didn't steal anything," Su Chen retorted, his voice tinged with irritation.

The soldier remained firm. "We can only determine that by conducting a search. We must ensure that no theft has occurred." Determination fueled his urgency. Should any theft be discovered, it would undoubtedly ignite an even greater commotion. With the lack of control over resources, chaos and looting would ensue, further destabilizing the situation.

Su Chen understood the soldier's predicament, but his suit posed a far more challenging explanation. Moreover, the soldier's disrespectful attitude did not sit well with him. Su Chen noticed that the officer, who had been observing him intently, was now making his way toward them.

However, just as tension reached its peak, a commanding voice rang out from the military ranks.

"Hold on! Do not provoke him!"

It was the officer who spoke. His choice of words, "do not provoke," caught both soldiers off guard, causing them to halt their actions.

The officer was none other than Su Wenhao, who had recognized Su Chen the moment he emerged from the supermarket, despite his torn clothing and the ominous Miao Dao slung across his back.

This man before him was the very individual whom he and Camp Commander Liu Chenye had been unable to locate—the one rumored to possess at least C-level talents.

A man who had slain countless monsters, directly or indirectly saving innumerable lives.

While Liu Chenye suspected that Su Chen might be merely seeking his next victim, Su Wenhao believed that no one would go to such lengths for mere amusement. This fiery warrior was undoubtedly a doomsday "knight," tirelessly rescuing those in need.

Thus, witnessing his two soldiers treating Su Chen as a common thief, forcibly rummaging through his belongings, Su Wenhao grew anxious. He still harbored hopes of recruiting Su Chen. Any misunderstanding at this crucial moment would prove detrimental.

Quickly making his way to Su Chen's side, Su Wenhao rubbed his hands together, his gaze fixed upon Su Chen with fervor. He spoke with excitement, "You are the Flamesworn, the one who wields fire itself!"

A perplexed expression crossed Su Chen's face. "Flamesworn? What kind of name is that?"

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