
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs


In a split second, the black scale monster broke free from the chaotic melee with the military convoy, sprinting through the entire line. The military's formation wavered, on the verge of losing sight of its elusive target.

But just as hope began to fade, a colossal figure fell, its flesh and blood torn apart in an instant. The military's firepower was suddenly unleashed, liberated from the constraints of the ongoing skirmish. The black scale monster, which had attempted to escape the close combat, became a vulnerable prey that had unknowingly walked into a trap. It was swiftly suppressed and repelled.

Even Tao Tang, positioned at the rear, managed to recover. It wasn't that her reaction was sluggish; rather, Su Chen's execution of the Colossal Giant was simply too swift. From the moment he struck to the final blow, no more than ten seconds had passed. The Colossal Giant hadn't even had a chance to retaliate. Perhaps, from the perspective of the Colossal Giant, it hadn't even glimpsed the entity that had ended its life.

The impact of this display was immense, but what truly astonished everyone was the individual's unmatched prowess in single-handed combat. While the military possessed the capability to slay colossal giants, it was the first time that a lone warrior had dispatched them with such efficiency.

Tao Tang spared only a brief glance before swiftly turning and heading toward the next battlefield, her sense of urgency urging her forward.

Meanwhile, a soldier monitoring another colossal giant exclaimed in disbelief, "Battalion Commander, the colossal giant at two o'clock has suddenly stopped... It's beginning to retreat slowly... Unbelievable..."

Su Chen shifted his gaze toward the direction of the second colossal giant. Even from his aerial vantage point, amidst the raging inferno, he could discern the giant hundreds of meters away coming to a halt. It had left deep furrows in the ground, and now its massive form began to retreat, gradually moving backward.

Colossal giants acted on instinct, driven by their predatory nature. It was precisely because of this that black scale monsters and elongated ghosts dared not approach them too closely. Every charge, interception, and retreat was orchestrated and guided by higher beings.

The fact that it was retreating now indicated that the "favored one" did not intend to confront Su Chen. Perhaps it deemed the sole remaining colossal giant incapable of defeating him, and thus chose to withdraw.

Su Chen was perplexed by the lack of action from the "Favored" entity. If this truly was the "Cthulhu Civilization," it stood to reason that the "Favored" would possess considerably greater power within this realm. So why was it choosing to remain inactive? Was it absent, preoccupied with other matters? Or perhaps it harbored concerns about becoming a target for the military's onslaught.

Although the situation seemed dire, Su Chen didn't dwell on it for long. It didn't make much sense to pursue the thought further. The sheer power displayed by the missiles during the recent flybys exceeded his wildest imagination. Their consumption of energy was far greater than he had anticipated. When he had fired them, four units of energy had been drained from his own being.

This was unprecedented, and Su Chen felt a distinct difference from previous encounters. Perhaps it was due to the loss of those four energy units, but he sensed that his mental intent to slay the colossal giant had influenced the rocket's trajectory. Guided by dark energy, the missile had flown forth from the modified rocket launcher without detonating. It had only exploded upon piercing the colossal giant's body, akin to a keen blade, releasing a surge of dark energy that rapidly intensified within a confined area. This amplification effect, coupled with the power of the Magic Change Bazooka, had completely obliterated the giant's form. The process transpired in an instant, its essence concealed from the perception of anyone except Su Chen.

Moreover, from this experience, Su Chen also detected a peculiar sensation. It differed from his previous encounters but bore a striking resemblance to the sensation he had experienced while being forged into battle armor. It seemed as though dark energy was an extension of himself—a form of...


The common thread linking these two instances was their indirect connection to demons that consumed more than ten units of energy. Su Chen suddenly realized that while physical strength might be important at the second level, it likely wasn't the sole key. The true key lay in discovering this wondrous connection.

Naturally, he couldn't continually experiment with rocket launchers, but he could meticulously study and modify other precision objects requiring ten energy units, such as mobile phones or watches.

However, now was not the time for Su Chen to dwell on those matters. He lifted his head, his gaze fixated on the direction of the convoy.

The construction site of the once verdant homeland had transformed into a crimson inferno, flames soaring high into the sky. The clash between the two colossal giants had taken a toll, with the black scale monsters finding themselves exposed to the onslaught of military gunfire. They suffered heavy losses, their tactics crumbling as the distant black scale monsters failed to arrive in time. Instead of launching an attack, they retreated.

The battle resembled a precarious scale, with Su Chen and the military on one side, and the Colossal Giant and Black Scale Monsters on the other. Both sides exerted immense pressure, their respective weights nearly equal. However, Su Chen's presence tipped the balance slightly in their favor. If he managed to slay a main-level colossal giant, the balance would decisively shift in favor of the humans.

Chaos engulfed the entire city, and the military communication channels buzzed with the sounds of a devastating war. The conflict raged on between the military and humanity, as well as the relentless monsters.

The mixed seven-battalion convoy possessed one advantage—they had managed to distance themselves considerably from the core melee area of Beicheng District. Su Chen's collapse had hastened their progress, and they had arrived at this point before the monster horde. No force could impede the convoy's advance, not even the pursuing black scale monsters. Even if the "Favored" was aware of Su Chen's location, gathering its troops from afar, it was too late. The convoy had successfully evacuated the city.

The current fleet swiftly reorganized, racing out of the city at breakneck speed. Jun Tian, aware of the dire circumstances, couldn't account for every survivor. Those left behind in the tragic battlefield could only fend for themselves, finding vehicles and following closely behind the convoy.

Despite the heavy losses, the massive fleet still appeared formidable, thanks to the sheer number of survivors it accommodated.

Su Chen had traversed Taotang, passing tanks and armored vehicles, until he neared the command vehicle. Su Wenhao intercepted him in a military vehicle, his expression filled with sorrow. "Captain Liu... he..."

Silently, Su Chen sighed inwardly.

He believed Liu Chenye to be a more capable and suitable team leader than Tian Jun, but alas...

"Can I see him?" Su Chen inquired.

Su Wenhao shook his head, stealing a glance at the accelerating command car leading the convoy. "No, he wouldn't deem it necessary."

Su Chen didn't press the matter further.

At that moment, Su Wenhao composed himself and said, "Mr. Su, there's something else—we discovered evidence suggesting Mr. Lin's involvement in the various battlefield reports exchanged among the military!"

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