
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Mr. Su!!

The Reserve Support Group swiftly organized itself to confront the increasingly complex entanglement of the battle. Aware of the group's limited capabilities, two talented individuals joined forces with a standard five-man warrior squad, their objective clear—to eliminate the approaching black scale monster from the rear.

Tensions ran high, etched on the grim faces of the team. The battle seemed interminable, a protracted struggle where the line between monsters and survivors blurred. Even the most oblivious could discern that personal prowess was not the priority in this dire situation.

Su Chen understood this truth all too well. Despite unleashing his full strength, he comprehended that his arrows alone could not bring an end to the entangled conflict. Fairy tales of effortlessly vanquishing hordes of enemies with a single shot were but distant fantasies. War dictated a different reality—one where individual might diminished amidst the chaos and melee. No single individual could span a battlefield spanning hundreds of meters, annihilating scores of foes within minutes. Such tales belonged to the realm of wartime dramas.

Furthermore, as the number of survivors swelled, Tian Jun's regret became palpable. The current objective was to redirect the attention of the monsters, allowing the main team to advance without undue notice. It may sound callous, but Tian Jun's intentions were rooted in benevolence. Were it not for his decision to bring along a substantial number of survivors, many would have remained trapped in the depths of the city's battlefields, facing even graver perils. Despite this, some survivors keenly sensed the possibility of abandonment and fervently cursed, while those with unwavering determination continued to press forward.

Su Chen and Qiao Zheng, both gifted individuals, integrated swiftly with the army's five-man team. The team captain, a resolute figure, had prior knowledge of their abilities. As they rushed towards their designated battlefield, he instructed, "You two possess long-range capabilities. Once our team diverts the attention of the black scale monster, you attack. If you can't penetrate its defenses, aim for its vulnerable mouth when it opens!"

Encounters with the black scale monster were not new to them. Sacrifices had been made, but experience had also been gained. One soldier spoke outright, "I will draw its attention upfront. When it bites me, seize the opportunity!"

His calm demeanor belied the fact that he spoke of sacrificing his own life for the chance to strike, yet his comrades showed no surprise. They had grown accustomed to such scenes, knowing that it would be their reality time and time again.

Observing this, Qiao Zheng's heart brimmed with awe.

However, in that moment, the captain paused briefly and said, "I understand that you can perceive the current objective is not to save everyone. Nonetheless, I implore you, if possible, to save as many lives as you can."

The team swiftly reached their designated combat position, only to be met with a scene of chaos. An overturned commercial vehicle served as the backdrop, and a black scale monster clung to it, tearing through the car's compartment and mercilessly snatching humans like insignificant insects, biting and rending them apart.

Undeterred, the resolute captain wasted no time and began issuing orders, "As per the plan... Huh? Talented one, where is your bow?"

The captain intended to execute the plan, swiftly dispatching the black scale monster before them to buy precious time. But to his surprise, before he could finish his command, the talented individual who wielded a bow and arrow casually tossed it aside, leaving it in the hands of the nearby soldiers.

In that moment, the captain's heart skipped a beat. Was this talented person planning to flee? If they lost even one talented individual, more lives would be at stake. This notion wasn't unfounded—it had happened before. Who could guarantee the casual survivors sacrificing for others possessed the necessary "consciousness" and "sense of responsibility"?

However, to the captain's astonishment, the talented individual didn't flee. Instead, they produced a long, slender black knife, seemingly conjured out of thin air. As the blade glimmered, fiery streaks danced upon its surface. Furthermore, they wielded an explosion-proof shield in one hand and a blazing fire sword in the other, singlehandedly launching an assault against the black scale monster.

"Cooperate with me!" they shouted.

The battle commenced swiftly, its conclusion equally rapid. These fighters granted Su Chen the first opportunity to collaborate, suppressing the enemy with gunfire. As long as they applied enough pressure on the black scale monster, Su Chen seized the opening and struck it down with a single decisive blow, right beside the shattered commercial vehicle.

The soldiers wore expressions tinged with disbelief. Could it be that having any of them by their side made the eradication of black scale monsters so effortless? Was this truly a member of the backup support group, possessing such extraordinary prowess?

Yet Su Chen paid no attention to the incredulous gazes trailing behind him. Standing in the shadow of the commercial vehicle, he swiftly extinguished the radiant glow of his Miaodao, casting a cold gaze in a specific direction.

The earth trembled.

Su Chen's senses surpassed those of his comrades. He had detected a hint of abnormality earlier, and now it grew increasingly pronounced, emanating from two distinct directions.

At least two scarlet giants hurtled towards them with startling speed.

These invincible behemoths, composed of unyielding flesh and blood, possessed the ability to obliterate the entire convoy singlehandedly.

The black scale monsters had slowed the convoy's progress, allowing the indomitable colossal giants to circle back and barricade their path, effectively halting the convoy's advance. This strategic maneuver provided an opportunity for hordes of black scale monsters, surging forth from the depths of the northern city, to converge upon the battlefield and engulf the entire human fleet. Su Chen knew that the military must have been aware of the colossal giants long before he was, but alas, it was already too late.

Su Chen's eyes turned cold. The time had come to fulfill the promise he made to Liu Chenye. He also awaited the optimal moment—an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss.

Should he strike prematurely and attract his beloved's attention, the mixed seven-battalion team would undoubtedly face even graver threats. But now, with the monsters' plans and lethal maneuvers laid bare, all he needed to do was deliver a devastating blow, perhaps even slay one of the colossal giants. With only one remaining, he and the military should possess sufficient strength to vanquish it before the convoy.

Thus, the encirclement of the black scale monsters would be shattered outright. They now found themselves in the far reaches of the Beicheng District, with hordes of monsters still en route. The existing vitality would be crushed, and even if he were exposed at that point, the two colossal giants would have already been defeated. His beloved would lack the means to swiftly rally a force capable of halting them.

Su Chen couldn't afford to wait until Liu Chenye pleaded for assistance. He lacked the luxury of such complacency, for time was running out.

And so, in that moment, he concealed himself within the chaotic battlefield, poised for combat. The commanding officer, stationed in the lead vehicle, relayed the latest intelligence to the team.

"Based on the current situation... we're facing threats from the eleven o'clock and two o'clock positions. The two thirteen-meter-tall colossal giants we encountered earlier are rapidly closing in on our position, their distance reduced to a mere kilometer. Furthermore, the second army of black scale monsters is less than a kilometer behind us."

Inside the command vehicle, the faces of those present turned cold, realizing the gravity of the situation. Despite their formation and firepower, dealing with the colossal giants proved to be a daunting challenge. The giants possessed a remarkable resilience, requiring a concentrated barrage of firepower to bring them down. However, this approach would consume valuable time and resources, allowing the swarming black scale monsters to exploit the opening and dismantle the defense system of the entire convoy.

The lurking black scale monsters, hidden in the shadows, seemed to be biding their time. Their razor-sharp claws and fangs yearned for the opportunity to strike. Should the colossal giants attract enough firepower, the black scale monsters would pounce, overwhelming the convoy's defenses.

Yet, the convoy couldn't afford to divert their attention. Even if they managed to fend off the two colossal giants, the rest of the convoy would crumble under the relentless assault of the black scale monsters. They had to hold the line at the front, employing minimal firepower to swiftly neutralize the giants. Otherwise, they would find themselves ensnared in a perilous quagmire.

However, the question loomed: Was it even possible to achieve such a feat?

Tao Tang, monitoring the situation via the news channel, quickly devised a plan. "I'll mobilize my special forces and the sharp knife team to the front. We'll attempt to bring down one of the colossal giants, at the very least slowing down its advance. Tian Ying, split half of the firepower to deal with the other giant. The remaining firepower will focus on defending the head of the convoy, while remaining vigilant against any black scale monster incursions..."

"Can you guarantee that we'll delay the takedown of one colossal giant?" the commanding officer inquired.

"There's no guarantee," Tao Tang replied, his voice cold and resolute. "But we have to try."

"I've already sent a distress signal to General Finger..." Tian Jun's face turned pale, realizing the dire situation they were in—flanked by both colossal giants and black scale monsters.

Damn it, if only I had listened to Team Peach's advice...

In that moment of despair, a hand emerged from the corner, firmly grasping Tian Jun's trembling hand. It was Liu Chenye, on the brink of death, his remaining hand displaying an unexpected strength. He held Tian Jun's hand with determination, his gaze steady and calm.

"Go and ask for Mr. Su," Liu Chenye said calmly. "Tell him we need his help. Only he can withstand the assault of two colossal giants on the front lines. With our collaboration, he might be able to eliminate them swiftly."

Liu Chenye had already foreseen that Su Chen might intervene or be preparing to make a move. Although his own life was fading, his consciousness and will remained unyielding.

"What... what do you mean?" Tian Jun stammered, taken aback by Liu Chenye's request. Who else could they possibly invite? Who could halt the relentless advance of the two giants into the heart of the convoy?

For an instant, Tian Jun almost believed that Liu Chenye was drifting into delirium. But as he turned to face Liu Chenye, he saw the unwavering determination in his eyes.

Liu Chenye spoke each word with purpose, "Establish contact with Su Wenhao. Inform him that we need Mr. Su's assistance. Only he can hold back the two colossal giants at the forefront of the formation. With our cooperation, there might be a chance to eliminate them swiftly."

The tension in the command vehicle intensified as Liu Chenye's final plea hung in the air, his last gamble for the sake of the military, the convoy, and his unwavering belief.

"I've sent the request for help to General Finger..." Tian Jun's voice quivered, his eyes reflecting a sense of desperation and urgency. The combined threat of the colossal giants and the encroaching black scale monsters loomed over them.

Hesitation gripped Tian Jun for a fleeting moment, but the solemn gaze of the dying Liu Chenye compelled him to act. He knew there was no other choice.

He had to reach out to Su Chen and plead for his aid. It was their only hope to turn the tide of this desperate battle.

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