
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Going To Explode

Time was running out for Su Chen. After returning from gathering rocks, he informed Wang Li that both he and Qiao Zheng would remain alert to the surrounding situation. He swiftly entered a room, taking along the rocks and the battery he had previously stolen.

Among the items he had gathered, the battery held the greatest potential. If successfully modified, it would prove more valuable than a bunch of power banks, despite its unwieldy size.

Settling down, Su Chen listened to the distant gunfire, hidden in the shadows and corners. He began by transforming the less energy and time-intensive stones, filling the space with an air of dark enchantment. Then, he turned his attention to the battery, stretching out his hand with a hint of trepidation.

The journey so far had been relatively safe, and Su Chen had already charged his body energy to thirty units. With increased confidence, the magical modification of the battery required a mere seven units of energy for success.

However, the outcome left Su Chen perplexed.

After the magical modification, the battery had undergone a significant transformation. It had shrunk in size and turned into a black square box. Unlike other magical modifications, the energy injected into the battery didn't remain stored within it. Instead, the entire modified battery began to tremble, as if on the verge of bursting or releasing something from within.

Bloody hell...

The battery was on the brink of exploding!

Shocked, Su Chen swiftly halted the energy input, his eyes filled with question marks. What had become of this object?

Once the input was interrupted, the battery stabilized. Su Chen didn't dare to attempt another modification, as it had been on the verge of explosion just moments ago. Blowing himself up would be the epitome of ill fortune, akin to the rebirth who had met a squashed end beneath his own weight.

In the next battle, he decided to pour a burst of energy into the battery to gauge its effect. After all, batteries were strewn about the streets now, and Su Chen could afford to be somewhat indifferent. Yet, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment at not acquiring a high-capacity energy battery. He begrudgingly turned his attention to transforming the piles of power banks, aware that the energy units were insufficient. He would have to venture out and hunt monsters.

However, this time, Su Chen had to be even more vigilant and cautious. After all, he had caught the attention of the dreaded Cthulhu. He ventured out to hunt monsters, one kilometer away from his current location, gradually expanding his search radius while carefully concealing his presence to avoid detection by the Cthulhu's beloved.

Despite his apprehension, Su Chen was taken aback twice when he witnessed hordes of monsters surging towards the Beicheng District from the far end of the Xicheng District. Few survivors remained in Xicheng District, as the clever ones had fled early, unwilling to risk wandering the streets.

Having gathered enough energy units, Su Chen located a nearby safe spot and approached the nearest Magic Change location. There, he embarked on a fierce and relentless monster-hunting spree, ensuring that anyone who happened to observe him would not live to tell the tale.

More than ten grueling hours passed as Su Chen launched attacks from all directions, never ceasing, accumulating kills without respite. Finally, he completed the transformation of many of his charging treasures, replenishing his energy reserves to a full thirty units.

It was undeniable that with his battle armor, Su Chen could adopt a faster and more aggressive hunting method. As long as he wasn't surrounded, three or four black scale monsters posed no threat to him. With proficiency, he dispatched them swiftly, like beheading a helpless foe.

During his endeavors, Su Chen encountered a group of survivors who had summoned the courage to venture out. Astonished by Su Chen's combat prowess, they approached him eagerly, seeking his assistance and protection.

However, Su Chen promptly declined. He had no time to play babysitter to strangers. Instead, he merely pointed them towards a relatively safe path he had mentioned earlier and swiftly disappeared, returning to his own stronghold.

In Su Chen's eyes, these timid individuals were fortunate in a way. Currently, Xicheng District harbored the fewest monsters and presented the most promising opportunity to escape the city. Of course, this was all relative, as ordinary survivors suffered devastating blows whenever they encountered a monster, especially without the protection of the military.

Moreover, the relative safety of Xicheng District was rapidly deteriorating.

After a considerable duration, the battle in Beicheng District drew to a close, and the sounds of gunfire gradually subsided. Su Chen even observed swarms of pitch-black monsters returning to Xicheng District, soaring through the flames, purposefully converging in the area where he had been active. Scanning the sky, it was evident that the beloved had sensed something amiss. While the pressure in Beicheng District lessened, the monsters were swiftly amassing, preparing to sweep through Xicheng District in search of Su Chen!

This became another crucial factor impelling Su Chen's swift return.

As the battle in Beicheng District neared its end, Su Chen became acutely aware of the impending doom that awaited the city of Yuanliao. The army and countless survivors would either perish or flee, leaving behind a desolate landscape overrun by ravenous monsters. There would be no place left to find even a semblance of safety. The beloved and its minions would scour the city, searching tirelessly for survivors, with Su Chen and Lin Mo ranking high on their priority list. Time was of the essence; delaying their escape would spell their demise in this nightmarish world.

Determined to act swiftly, Su Chen returned to his stronghold and promptly summoned Wang Li and Qiao Zheng to join him in leaving the city. Wang Li, an exceptional scout, had managed to maintain sporadic contact with Su Wenhao, and he had already devised several alternative escape routes. After some deliberation, Wang Li suggested heading towards the exit of Xicheng District, making their way to Lianhua Village, which lay over ten kilometers away. Though the village had been labeled as a deserted wasteland by the military following the disaster, strangely, it seemed to harbor fewer monsters than anticipated. In theory, it provided the best nearby foothold for their purposes.

Su Chen did not hesitate to accept the suggestion. Resources were not his concern at the moment; what he needed was time and space to align with his current objectives.

His reserves of dark energy were temporarily sufficient, and now he sought a safe haven that could be reached swiftly. There, he could focus on further fortifying his body, honing his perception of dark energy, and rapidly ascending to the second level of mastery.

His first plan involved acquiring a new mobile phone capable of harnessing Energy Magic.

From past experience, Su Chen had discovered that the perceptual effects achieved by consuming more armor modifications were superior to those of a bazooka. A mobile phone, being more intricate and possessing a higher energy consumption rate than an RPG launcher, promised better results in honing his perception abilities.

Furthermore, practicing with weapons had its limitations. The perception effects elicited by a mere dozen or so demonic creatures were insufficient. When Su Chen had previously vanquished the flesh and blood giant, the strange sensation had only occurred fleetingly. Ammunition was limited, rendering such practices wasteful. Besides, the commotion caused by such an experiment was too conspicuous. As for acquiring a magic-changed sniper rifle, there was no pressing need. Su Chen had no desire to eliminate targets several kilometers away. Even if he did, the energy expended would outweigh the benefits, especially considering his possession of a heavy machine gun.

Thus, he resolved to begin with the mobile phone. Besides, the energy reserves of his body, totaling 30 units, were not yet completely replenished. However, he held over 100 units of energy within the 33 power banks he carried—an ample supply for his needs.

This recent bout of monster-slaying proved to be a lucrative endeavor for Su Chen.

As they embarked on their journey, Wang Li assumed the role of driver once again, while Su Chen occupied the backseat, wasting no time in modifying his phone.

Observing this scene, Wang Li couldn't help but admire Su Chen's unwavering dedication. Su Chen never seemed to take a break, tirelessly scavenging, battling monsters, and enhancing his abilities. Wang Li had rarely encountered such an indomitable fighter, even during his time in the military. Perhaps it was this unyielding spirit that accounted for Su Chen's remarkable achievements.

Meanwhile, Qiao Zheng voiced his concerns, "Brother Su, don't you think you should take a moment to rest?"

Su Chen shook his head, replying, "It's alright. I've conserved my energy before, and now I can push through." Strengthened by his physical enhancements and fueled by the blessings of dark energy, fatigue was not a significant issue for him. Though mentally drained, he could afford to rest later, once they reached Lotus Village. But for now, he couldn't afford to rest. Even though the road they had chosen for their escape seemed relatively safe, it was all relative. Su Chen had to remain vigilant while modifying his phone.

Qiao Zheng sighed, marveling at Su Chen's relentless drive. No wonder Mr. Su never indulged in leisure activities after the apocalypse. Now he understood why Su Chen always seized opportunities to accomplish other tasks while on the hunt for valuable items. Observing Mr. Su's unwavering determination was truly enlightening. Qiao Zheng resolved to study more diligently.

Unfazed by the attacks, Wang Li remained vigilant, driving with utmost care and caution. For nearly three hours, he navigated the road out of the city, all the while scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Despite their encounters with sporadic monsters—gaunt specters and black-scaled creatures—they posed little threat. These wayward beasts, brimming with confidence, lunged at their modest off-road vehicle, believing an easy feast awaited them. Little did they know that a formidable slayer resided within, ready to retaliate within seconds, draining their dark energy with ruthless efficiency.

The tables had turned in this peculiar hunting dynamic. Monsters had unwittingly become the prey, delivered straight into the hands of their human predators. However, their demise had left them devoid of any opportunity for despair.

Initially, Wang Li had experienced mixed emotions, grappling with the unfamiliarity of the situation. A single car and three individuals, wielding the combat prowess and efficiency of a heavily armed tactical team, seemed almost inconceivable. Yet, their inconspicuousness set them apart from the tactical units, and Su Chen, the linchpin of their combat prowess, stood out as a force to be reckoned with. Wang Li couldn't help but perceive Su Chen as a one-man army, albeit one possessing unparalleled agility and convenience.

Gradually, Wang Li grew accustomed to the extraordinary capabilities he witnessed.

In these moments, he began to grasp why the monsters relentlessly pursued individuals like Su Chen and Lin Mo, singling them out as prime targets.

It was during this time that Su Chen encountered an inexplicable phenomenon while modifying his mobile phone.

To be continued...

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