
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Far beyond

A glimmer of understanding flickered within Su Chen. Through his relentless efforts, he had finally managed to grasp a faint technique. Essentially, by exerting control over the expansion of his own perception, he could regain his ability to speak. However, this control was limited, resulting in Su Chen's current state of convulsions. Each word had to be painstakingly enunciated, his tongue feeling cumbersome and uncooperative.

With great difficulty, Su Chen managed to utter a syllable, "Lin..."

Suddenly, the little girl on the other end grew ecstatic. "Big brother, big brother, my grandpa spoke! He spoke!"

Su Chen remained silent, collecting himself before attempting to utter the second word. However, just as he was about to speak, the little girl's voice filled with panic.

"Hey? What's happening? It's automatically shutting down..."

"Ah! Big brother, my watch is about to shut down automatically. What do I do? It must be because I kept watching... Grandpa! Dad! Mom! You..."


The call abruptly ended.

Su Chen sighed, setting down his cell phone. It was a disappointment, but not entirely unexpected. After all, how many people truly cared about a child constantly tinkering with a phone?

Nevertheless, he had managed to glean a few snippets of information, which he could discuss with Su Wenhao later.

With this in mind, Su Chen promptly rose from his seat and went out to find Wang Li.

Lin Mo's situation still weighed heavily on his mind.

As he made his way outside, Su Chen encountered an unexpected visitor.

It was the woman who stammered alongside old Liu, carrying a small bag filled with cut cake. She smiled and addressed him, "Mr. Su, you're Mr. Su, right? I'm Liu Dongliang's wife—the stammering old Liu, that talented individual. You must remember him."

"Hmm," Su Chen replied, slightly taken aback.

The woman spoke cautiously, "You carry more influence than your reputation suggests—this is just a small token of care. I know that old Liu and you have had some misunderstandings. Although he's not a good person, he hasn't actually killed anyone, Mr. Su. Please don't hold it against him... It's just a small gesture of goodwill."

Su Chen glanced at her and let out a silent sigh. In truth, he had no need for any cake, but he accepted it nonetheless.

Observing Su Chen's acceptance, the woman visibly relaxed. She thanked him repeatedly and took her leave, not daring to overstay her welcome.

Su Chen watched her departing figure and sighed inwardly.

In this era, aside from the deranged and the foolish, who truly had it better?

In that moment, the gentle man abandoned his post at the "observation" position and descended from the third floor to the first, his expression betraying a mixture of emotions.

Noticing his arrival, Yu Hualong inquired, "How did it go? Did you see or hear anything?"

The two others who had been waiting with Yu Hualong gathered around as well.

Taking a sip of water, the gentle man shook his head, then nodded again hesitantly. "I think it's possible... maybe... probably... about 80% certain... I'm not sure. I'll go back and check again."

Without hesitation, the gentle man ascended the stairs once more, leaving Yu Hualong and the others exchanging puzzled glances.

Meanwhile, Su Chen had returned to his room and dialed the phone for the third time.

With each call, his progress became increasingly evident. Mastering the enigmatic technique of "perception" was merely a matter of time and rigorous training—an extraordinary feat in the world of cultivation.

Unbeknownst to Su Chen, the gentle man observed him from the opposite building, employing his "psychological stealth." Su Chen remained blissfully unaware; even if he were to open the window and catch sight of the observer, he would likely fail to detect their presence.

The powers of an adept individual were always peculiar. However, the gentle man's abilities were not without limitations. He could vanish at a certain distance, but if he drew too close, his whereabouts would undoubtedly be discovered. Hence, he refrained from hiding directly in Su Chen's room.

Thus, Su Chen remained oblivious to the silent spectator, diligently replenishing his energy, and preparing himself for the third phone call.

This time, the wait was slightly longer—around twenty seconds—before the call connected.

The moment the connection was established, Su Chen, who had made various preparations, emitted an "ah" sound.

This involuntary utterance was deliberate, serving to activate his rigid body.

Through the white curtains on the opposite floor, the gentle man furrowed his brow, analyzing inwardly, "Why does he insist on making that 'ah' sound?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the line, Su Chen readied himself to speak the next word.

However, before he could utter a sound, a shrill voice pierced through.

"I told you not to call me! Isn't it clear? We've broken up! I never want to see you again!"

"I..." Su Chen's call was abruptly cut off. Where did his call go?

"I know what you're about to say! Is it from some fancy, high-profile company? What connection do you have with that company? You're just a trust fund baby! In this day and age, money is losing its value!"

"No..." Su Chen's head began to spin.

Yet, he managed to grasp onto a fragment of understanding—his call had likely reached beyond the confines of Yuanliao City!

Judging from the woman's tone and the content of her words, things outside the city of Liaoning seemed relatively fine, but something was amiss. Why had money lost its value?

Was Yuanliao City the only place affected?

And if it was, why?

Su Chen was filled with surprise, despite having some inkling of the situation beforehand. The confirmation of Yuanliao City being blocked by an unknown force or advanced space technology left him utterly astounded. How could it be that people were unable to leave the city, and even the military had no means to establish contact with the outside world? The perplexing question lingered in his mind.

Before he could gather his thoughts, the woman on the other end of the line continued her tirade. "What's the matter? Can't say a word? Let me make it clear—I have no interest in you. If there was any interest, it was solely in your money. But now it's too late, you scumbag! I'm not interested in you or your money anymore. Get lost!"

"Yes..." Su Chen attempted to regain his composure, preparing to continue the conversation. First, he needed to stabilize the other person and then inquire about the information he sought.

"Hah? Have you finally realized your mistake?" The woman's voice dripped with scorn. "Hehe, what did I tell you? It's too late, it's futile. No matter how you try to appease me this time, it won't work. Even if you were to offer me a 100-carat diamond ring, it would all be in vain. Oh, I'll give you a chance, though. If you can become a great hero, just like those legendary figures who ride on colorful clouds... then maybe, just maybe, I might reconsider being with you."

"No. If you truly become a great hero like the Great Sage... I will marry you!"

"You..." Su Chen struggled to explain, but the woman's words shot out like bullets, relentless and rapid.

"And what are you? Do you think I'm deliberately making things difficult for you?" Her laughter carried a bitter edge. "Haha! You indulge in bed-hopping with my girlfriends, yet you expect me to be your girlfriend? Have you ever considered how difficult you've made things for me? Fine, I won't pose such a challenging demand. I don't need any colorful auspicious clouds, and your money doesn't interest me either. Just become a hero of the world. You've got opportunities now—Yuanliao City, Basaru, Tokyo, Foggy London, Arctic Hollow, Sunken Sea, Rainforest, and so many vanishing cities, peculiar occurrences. Find them, solve them, and perhaps then I'll consider marrying you. When you accomplish these feats, I'll be yours."

"By then, you can have me and my girlfriends all to yourself."



Su Chen muttered two words under his breath, his cultivation journey propelled forward.

"I don't want to listen to you anymore. Bring Yuanliao City to me! But before that, please vanish from my sight at the speed of light. The farther away you are, the better!"


The call was abruptly disconnected.

Su Chen stared at his cellphone, his expression tinged with an odd mix of emotions. He couldn't help but wonder about the motives of the person who had harassed him.

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