
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs


Trapped in an unenviable position, the dry shadow found itself unable to advance or retreat. The three-headed colossal giants, accompanied by a horde of pitch-black behemoths, were being relentlessly pursued by the military. Stripped of their previous advantages and far removed from the safety of the city, the monsters now faced frustration on all fronts.

This stark contrast highlighted the primitive and backward nature of the monsters' civilization and military system when compared to humanity. Their unstoppable offensive had been built upon a unique environment, exceptional circumstances, and a massive numerical advantage.

As the dark energy within its confinement gradually diminished, the trapped dry shadow appeared to have reached a momentous decision. Emitting a piercing screech, it sought to break free in one swift motion.

Choosing a blind spot that eluded the reach of Su Chen and Lin Mo, the dry shadow abruptly withdrew all surrounding dark energy. Violently knocking Lin Mo aside, it deftly manipulated the battery and demonic grenade hurled by Su Chen, turning them against their originator. Seizing the opportunity, it propelled itself at breakneck speed towards Yuanliao City.

In an instant, its form materialized ten meters away. However, just as it turned its head in terror, it reached out and snatched something from the air.

It was the gravity warhammer, propelled with every ounce of Su Chen's strength.

This was the moment he had been patiently awaiting. The dark energy within a radius of hundreds of meters had dissipated, and the dry shadow's act of seizing the gravity warhammer with its bare hands shattered any notion of its protective force field.

Though the gravity warhammer possessed the power to crush even the most ethereal specter, it now lay helpless, crumpled in the palm of the dry shadow's hand. Under immense pressure, cracks spiderwebbed across its surface, culminating in a shattering explosion.

Yet, Su Chen did not require the weapon to fulfill its intended purpose. The mere pause in the dry shadow's advance was sufficient.

And in the next heartbeat, it raised its head.

Su Chen and Lin Mo materialized on either side, a formidable duo that would strike fear into the heart of any adversary.

One donned a suit of augmented armor, thrusters ablaze with scorching flames. The other, pitch-black in appearance, possessed massive wings reminiscent of a devil soaring through the depths of hell.

The two converged, forming an impenetrable barrier before the dry shadow.

Su Chen's Miaodao swept horizontally, while Lin Mo's claws aimed straight for its chest.

In that crucial moment, the body of the dry shadow abruptly began to fade, as if forcefully transitioning from the realm of reality to that of virtuality. However, it proved to be a split-second too late, as one hand was severed, leaving behind deep, bloody gashes on its chest.

Curiously, these wounds seemed to hasten its transformation from the real to the virtual. Initially, its shift to the virtual state had been a sluggish process, hindered by its inherent strength. Yet now, its acceleration was palpable. Its body blurred like pixels, shrinking rapidly until it vanished from its original position. It reappeared nearly a thousand meters away, its form even more indistinct.

The delicate balance of its stuck advent was shattered, and it was forcefully dragged back to its own realm. It wasn't a retreat per se, but a radical alteration of its spatial coordinates. No one could hope to catch up to it at this stage.

Su Chen and Lin Mo stood in the sky, their gazes fixed upon the disappearing figure.

With the dry shadow's vanishing act came a final command, a puzzling moment of confusion that flickered across the pitch-black monster in the heavens. Its wings fluttered, a futile attempt to flee the battlefield. Yet, the three-headed colossal giants on the ground had been rendered virtually incapacitated, subjected to the military's merciless dismemberment and incineration techniques.

Understanding the monsters' vulnerabilities, their relatively balanced strength, and the necessary preparations, it was only a matter of time before the military eliminated them.

In this moment, Su Chen finally comprehended why his ventures in Xicheng District had progressed so smoothly. It was likely due to Lin Mo having forcefully "beaten" them back, leaving him with no time to cause trouble for Su Chen.

This peculiar state not only curtailed the dry shadow's power but also granted it an inherent advantage in a certain invincible domain.

However, luck had not favored it. Its initial display of dominance had ended in a humiliating defeat at the hands of Su Chen and Lin Mo. And now, it retreated in grievance.

Su Chen glanced at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's condition had undergone a significant change since their encounter in Yuncheng. His once partially transformed physique had now completely devolved into a monstrous form. One eye burned crimson, the other an abyssal black, blending madness and lucidity in a tumultuous dance of contrasting emotions.

The two locked eyes and shared a chuckle.

Su Chen remarked, "Isn't this splendid? It's abundantly clear how formidable and well-controlled you are. Did I ever consider you a burden back at the Cloud City store?"

"Not at all. I've had my fair share of experiences during this period, which is why..." Lin Mo's words trailed off abruptly as he exclaimed, "Wait, there's someone at my side! I almost forgot... Su Chen, let's head back to the factory immediately!"

Without hesitation, he swiftly turned and soared towards the blazing factory behind them.

Recalling the earlier phone call, Su Chen had a faint inkling of what awaited them and followed closely behind. Yet, a tinge of worry lingered as he observed Lin Mo's frenzied form ahead.

Although Lin Mo's control seemed impressive, it was evident that this state had slowed his cognitive faculties considerably. His focus on the external world and his own surroundings had diminished, perpetually combating the maddening influence wrought by his extreme mutation.

But Su Chen refrained from voicing his concerns. There was little he could do to aid Lin Mo in the present circumstances. Any words he spoke would only serve to burden his comrade further, needlessly adding to his psychological strain.

In swift succession, they touched down in the unloading area outside the Hecheng factory, only to find that the military had beaten them to the location.

"I'm Mu Wenshan, the commanding officer of the ground forces in this operation," the man introduced himself politely, addressing Su Chen and Lin Mo.

Drones hovered above, their presence casting an ominous shadow, while several others darted off in different directions throughout Yuanliao City. The formation of fighter planes began to execute a graceful turn, leaving bright streaks in their wake across the mid-air canvas.

A timid little girl emerged from the military ranks, timidly standing beside Lin Mo, observing everyone with innocent eyes.

Lin Mo shielded her with his massive form, nodding in acknowledgment to Mu Wenshan. "Hello."

Su Chen wisely refrained from questioning how Mu Wenshan knew their names. His attention shifted to the young girl, and he couldn't help but surmise that she was the same child who had made the distressing phone call.

However, now was not the time for such musings. He glanced at Mu Wenshan and the multitude of soldiers behind him, and inquired, "And you are...?"

Mu Wenshan removed his tactical helmet, revealing a head of snowy white hair and wrinkled features—a stark contrast to his vibrant energy and piercing gaze. He locked eyes with Su Chen and spoke with unwavering determination. "We are the ground forces, an elite team directly under the command of Heihe General Manager. I serve as the captain. On behalf of the General Manager and the military, I want to express our gratitude for your assistance. Without your intervention, the cost would have been immeasurable."

"This is the military's way of expressing gratitude. And on a personal level, I speak for myself and the talented comrades behind me in extending our gratitude once more," Mu Wenshan continued.

"Furthermore, we believe it is temporarily safe here. The dry shadows have retreated, and the command system of the 'servants' in this area has crumbled. The black scale monsters that once congregated here are now scattered and pose no immediate threat. Survivors from other locations can also make their escape unhindered. This has significantly alleviated the situation in this vicinity."

He sighed wistfully as he gazed at Yuanliao City, his weathered eyes filled with emotion. Then, turning his attention back, he bowed deeply to Su Chen and Lin Mo. The talented individuals standing behind him silently mirrored the gesture.

Su Chen and Lin Mo reciprocated the gesture with a slight nod.

"You are too kind. Your bow carries a weight that we, at our age, cannot bear. It is our honor to contribute what we can," Su Chen replied, his words laced with both politeness and diversion. He was well aware of the military's subsequent tactics. He had come here to assist Lin Mo and resolve their own troubles. Compared to that, these talented individuals had risked their lives to protect their loved ones, leaving him feeling a twinge of shame.



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