
Black Technology (reupload)

On the streets, ominous shadows loom, and unimaginable creatures gaze upon humanity with a sinister desire. Mankind finds itself consumed by darkness and boundless terror, as panic ensues, heralding the arrival of a catastrophic era. The world is coming to an end. Su Chen awakens to the realization of his situation. With no knowledge of how he'd go about surviving the upcoming trials.

peace01 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Dark shadow

Time of Incident: Far Liao. Federation, May 19, 177, 17:00.

The sky burned with a blood-red hue as the ominous "lightning" streaked across the horizon, casting Beicheng District into the fiery abyss of war.

Kong Jiasheng, an ordinary survivor in his fifties, found himself trapped within Xicheng District. Seeking refuge with his wife and daughter in the outskirts of the Jingyuan community, they had managed to evade the clutches of death through sheer luck and the advantage of their location. Today, fortune smiled upon them once more as news of the approaching army reached their ears. Despite their meager share of salvation, Kong Jiasheng mustered his courage, gathered his family, and joined the desperate exodus, hoping to escape the city's clutches and find safety beyond its borders.

That was the promise the soldiers had made to them.

Safety awaited them outside the city's confines.

Yet, as they ventured beyond the community's boundaries, they came face-to-face with a menacing black-scaled creature, an embodiment of the gunshots echoing throughout Beicheng District. While most of the black-scaled monsters were drawn towards the northern city, where the human population was more concentrated, a handful had diverted their attention to confront the survivors. The soldiers assigned to protect them proved woefully inadequate in combatting these monstrous assailants. Engaging in a bloody struggle, they retreated relentlessly, their numbers dwindling with every step.

Driven back to the community, they bore witness to the harrowing spectacle of life and death unfolding before their eyes. Soldiers and survivors alike grew scarce, and Kong Jiasheng watched in horror as Lao Chen's family, their neighbors who lived upstairs, met a tragic end at the hands of the monsters. The desperation in Lao Chen's dying gaze sent chills down his spine, yet his own fear only burdened his family further. Guiding his wife and daughter to the rooftop, they sought refuge, unaware that they had unwittingly trapped themselves. The monsters had deliberately herded them into this corner. Their bloodcurdling cries reverberated as the creatures closed in, breaching the fragile defense formed by the remaining soldiers. Several black-scaled monsters rampaged among the sobbing survivors, and one of them pounced towards Kong Jiasheng's vicinity.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Kong Jiasheng's veins. He couldn't bear to witness his daughter's demise. Ignoring his own injuries, he pushed his wife and daughter aside, screaming as he dashed towards the other side, hoping to divert the attention of the black-scaled monster and exchange his life for their chance at survival. Racing frantically, he shouted, "I'll lead it away, you all run... Run!"

If he could only lure the monster away... his wife and daughter could escape... He believed, with unwavering conviction, that he could make it happen. He had deceived himself, the heart-wrenching scene that unfolded before him shattered his resolve. The black-scaled monster, disregarding his solitary presence, charged towards his crowded wife and daughter, who were huddled together in fear.

In that moment, blood and death intertwined to paint the most harrowing tableau of desperation.

The impact struck Kong Jiasheng with an intensity that left him reeling, his mind a barren void. Every fiber of his being yearned to charge recklessly towards the black-scaled monster, consumed by a maddening desire to protect his loved ones. But just as despair threatened to engulf him entirely, a thunderous roar echoed from above, shattering the desolate silence.

The ground at the rooftop's center shattered and collapsed, as a dark and terrifying shadow descended from the murky sky, trampling the wanton black-scaled monster beneath its colossal feet.

It was an unmistakable embodiment of monstrosity, plunging abruptly from the depths of the darkened heavens to claim its dominion over this wretched place.

With its vast expanse of obsidian wings and its formidable armor adorned with menacing scales, it exuded an aura of unadulterated terror. Its eyes, one black and piercing, the other a malevolent crimson, displayed a chilling juxtaposition of reason and confusion. The horror and impact it brought forth surpassed even that of the black-scaled monster, saturating the air with an icy breath that permeated the very essence of the space.

The black-scaled creature, now crushed beneath the weight of this monstrous interloper, emitted a futile scream, its futile attempt to sink its teeth into the colossal being met with swift retribution. Its head was mercilessly crushed, its existence reduced to a fragile and insignificant husk.

Having landed with an earth-shattering impact, the monstrous entity swiftly raised its head, its eyes scanning the heavens with a wild, frenzied intensity.

On the distant horizon, a formidable legion of pitch-black monstrosities materialized, their ominous presence growing more palpable with each passing moment.

A resounding thud reverberated through the air, and Kong Jiasheng collapsed to the unforgiving ground, his gaze locked on the unfolding spectacle, his mind ensnared by a paralyzing state of profound disbelief.


In that very moment, the extensive convoy comprising seven mixed battalions encountered an unprecedented crisis. The relentless tide of monsters, surging from the central, western, and eastern districts, had finally engulfed almost the entirety of Beicheng district, closing in on the convoy that was merely a hair's breadth away from the city.

Without a moment to spare, the convoy abruptly accelerated, veering off from its original course and hurtling towards the unfinished real estate nestled within the verdant suburban development zone. The leading infantry vehicle crashed through the iron fence, forging a path through the half-constructed buildings that dotted the site.

The cataclysm had rendered these structures barren shells, devoid of any lingering souls. This area, known as the green homes, represented the city's future development direction, an ambitious project funded with considerable resources. The magnitude of the construction site was vast, but its terrain was marred by treacherous potholes, presenting a daunting challenge as the convoy maintained its relentless acceleration.

Inside the commercial vehicle of the backup support group, the soldiers occupying the pilot and co-pilot seats received an urgent order at this critical juncture. Their voices trembled as they relayed the information, "A substantial number of monsters are closing in on us, preparing for imminent engagement. We have been instructed to act as a mobile force and provide support from the center."

The tension in the air grew palpable as the news reverberated through the vehicle.

The convoy swiftly altered its predetermined course, forsaking its previous strategy of slowing down to confront the attacking monsters. There was no intention to relent this time, as evidenced by the convoy's unwavering acceleration. It became abundantly clear that the approaching horde of monsters would pose a formidable challenge.

Su Chen, maintaining an air of composure, contemplated the situation. How much time had passed? The black-scaled monster had momentarily receded, its pursuit now too late to catch up. He had "assimilated" over a dozen dark energies, yet the tangible effects of augmentation remained elusive. Advancing further would push him into an unearthly realm, potentially instigating unforeseen transformations in his very essence. It was a gamble, but Su Chen had little choice but to proceed down this path. Even if he failed to reach the second level, a stronger physique would still be a worthwhile gain.

The talented individuals within the reserve support team found themselves on edge. Though now integrated into the military, they had spent little time on the battlefield and lacked the experience of direct confrontation. The military's primary focus lay in evacuating the city, leaving scant opportunities for honing their combat effectiveness. As they surveyed the tension-laden scene before them, fear gripped their hearts.

Their own abilities remained meager, rendering them no different from ordinary civilians in the absence of the army's assistance. It was only natural for them to harbor a primal fear of death and be consumed by self-preservation.

Among them, a timid individual succumbed to despair, his voice quivering, "It's over... If I die... my provisions... my loved ones... my legacy... I can't face the horrors of war!"

Ma Hongbo, seeking to assuage their mounting anxiety, offered reassurance, "The army understands our limitations. That's why we've been positioned in the support role in the center. We won't be engaging in combat..."

As he turned his gaze, he noticed that Su Chen and Qiao Zheng remained the epitome of calm within the backup support group. Su Chen, with closed eyes, exuded an aura of serenity, seemingly detached from the imminent danger. On the other hand, Qiao Zheng positioned himself to peer out of the window, his gaze fixated on the outside world, as if searching for the encroaching monsters.

Though both individuals maintained a vigilant state, they exhibited little signs of panic.

As the situation unfolded, tension gripped the lengthy convoy, spreading like wildfire through its ranks. Though the monstrous threat had yet to materialize, a sense of urgency propelled the survivors to scramble towards the more heavily fortified front lines of the military. Vehicles collided with one another, skirmishes erupted among desperate individuals, and some were even trampled underfoot in pools of their own blood, all in a frantic bid to secure a slightly safer position.

Some resorted to driving ahead with reckless abandon, while others attempted to board the vehicles in front of them. A few desperate souls even offered their carefully hoarded resources in exchange for a coveted spot further up the caravan. Some succeeded in their endeavors, while others had their possessions snatched away and were callously pushed back. The front of the convoy grew increasingly congested, with those at the forefront striving to repel the encroaching masses from behind, further plunging the scene into chaos.

In this brief spectacle, the essence of human society unfolded before their eyes. Those at the rear fought tooth and nail, sacrificing their very lives for the prospect of a marginally improved position. Meanwhile, those at the front remained cold and ruthless, unwilling to yield an inch to the relentless onslaught from behind. The sheer number of people clamoring for advancement resulted in coveted positions slipping through their fingers.

Compared to the colossal survivor group, numbering over ten thousand, the military's limited manpower prevented them from effectively addressing the turmoil. They could only resign themselves to waiting, surrounded by an air of impending doom.

Up ahead, within the command vehicle of the mixed seven battalions, Tian Junzheng maintained a stern countenance as he observed the drone footage being transmitted. The drone had been the first to detect two "armies" of black-scaled monsters, each comprising over a hundred formidable creatures, rapidly approaching from the flanks. Tian Junzheng swiftly altered their course, attempting to create distance, but the effects were less than satisfactory. While one group had been diverted on a circuitous route, the other surged forward with increased speed. Moreover, the hundreds of black-scaled monsters merged into a swirling, obsidian torrent, hurtling recklessly through the buildings, directly targeting the position of the extensive mixed seven battalions convoy.

The gap between the two forces rapidly closed.

A chorus of howls pierced the air from the left flank.

In a swift and synchronized motion, a heavy machine gun and several heavy artillery pieces pivoted to face the imminent threat, while the skilled members of the Taotang special team furtively maneuvered to reinforce the left flank with their deadly blades.

And then, amidst the darkened, unfinished building on the left wing of the convoy, the first black-scaled monster emerged, momentarily illuminated by the convoy's lights.

The second head, followed by the third...

A cacophony of roars echoed from the darkness, reverberating like a tsunami. It was a sight of sheer horror, as if the very darkness had been saturated with an unending legion of monstrous beings.

Within the increasingly chaotic survivor convoy, the cries grew louder.

Piercing the eardrums, bordering on madness.

"The monsters are approaching!"

"The monsters are coming!!!"

Inside the command vehicle, Liu Chenye wearily gazed at the slightly distorted images on the monitor, his eyes weighed down with exhaustion.

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